Bedlam Chapter Sampler

and looked at her. “I’m glad we know about the magic,” he said. “It’s terrifying, knowing that you’re out there, endangering your life, and it makes the world a scarier place, but I’m glad none- theless. I wish I’d kept believing when I was younger, I really do. Still, I’m thankful Gordon did. Our granddad needed someone to believe him.” Valkyrie didn’t know what to say, so she got up and hugged her dad. He hugged her back, and then shrugged himself out of his bad mood and turned off the TV. “Cricket is a silly game,” he said, “and none of it makes any sense. Where’s your mum?” “Kitchen,” she said, and followed him out. “Are you in a better mood?” Melissa asked when they walked in. “I am,” Desmond responded, kissing the top of her head. “Sorry for snapping at you earlier.” She looked up, surprised. “You snapped at me?” “Didn’t I?” “When?” “Earlier.” “I don’t recall that.” “Well, maybe I didn’t snap , as such, but I was curt, and for that you have my most sincere—” “When were you curt?” He frowned at her. “Earlier,” he said again. “When we were talking. About the diaries. I was curt when we were talking about the diaries. You didn’t notice?” “I noticed you being a little grumpy.” He looked offended. “That wasn’t me being grumpy. That was me being curt. That was my inner darkness shining through. Weren’t you scared by the glimpse of the monster lurking beneath the surface?” “Not... really.” “Oh.”


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