

Sub-micron particle metrology

Archimedes is a new, innovative instrument that uses the technique of resonant mass measurement to

detect and accurately count particles in the size range 50nm - 5µm, and reliably measure their buoyant

mass, dry mass and size. Particularly useful for

the characterization of protein aggregates in

formulation or buffer, Archimedes is also able to

distinguish between proteinaceous material and

contaminants such as silicone oil by means of

comparing their relative resonant frequencies

and buoyant masses as seen in the slide below.




Attension is the Biolin Scientific brand of tensiometers for all types

of surface measurements. Tensiometry is the measurement of the

surface tension of liquids, and can be performed optically on a pen-

dant or sessile drop as with bench top Theta tensiometers shown in

the photo or on a force system such as the Sigma series shown on

next page.

All Theta models offer Contact Angle measurements on surfaces to

assess the wetting or wettability; where a  < 90 degrees indicates

good wetting and >90 is poor wet-

ting; also adsorption studies and

techniques from static and dynamic

contact angles to surface / interfacial

tensions, drop volume and surface

free energy.

To enquire about any product call +353 1 8205395 or email

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