

“It is NOT what your Club can do for YOU, but what YOU can do for YOUR CLUB.” All nominations for Honorary Treasurer should be forwarded to Director Honorary Secretary Roger McDowall (see Contacts on page 2). The following are just some of the upcoming events. Many more are still in the planning. You can find

the calendar for 2015-16 on page 2 of this new edition. • LSC Club Trophy and LSC Fishing, Game Fishing & Sailing Sections Trophy Night, Saturday 10th October 2015 • LSC AGM, Sunday 11th October 2015 Fly your burgee with pride.

June 2015 reports were received from: • Commodore (pp.3-4) • Membership (p.4 below) • Managers (pp.6-7) • Fishing Club (pp.8-11) PLEASE NOTE: the deadline for ALL JULY 2015 eNews material (Flag Officers, Board Members, LSC Members) is Monday 20th (advertisers: Monday 13th).

Lyle Watkins Commodore

Membership report

Figures as at 20 June 2015 : Currently 1,162 Financial members (an increase of 12 since the May eNews) including: • 543 Full / Senior members (increase of six since the May eNews) ; 305 Social members. We extend a warm June welcome to the following new Full members: • John Hornabrook “XMT” • Andrew Henricksen “Silver Lining II” • Gregory McGuire “Speculari” • Nigel Shaw “Serenity” • Rayden James • Warren Cuff No past members returned to the Club in June 2015. • • 314 Associate members;

Remember: your 30/06/2015 dated card is not valid after 30th June. You will not receive your member’s discount, nor accrue or be able to redeem loyalty points on your purchases from 1st July until your renewal is received and processed. Membership renewals are being processed promptly every weekend IMPORTANT NOTICE: Membership renewal invoices have been posted to all Full and Associate members. If you do not receive yours please let me know—maybe we do not have your current address? I can send you an interactive PDF form by return email, which you can complete online and then submit electronically. Alternatively, you may use the form on p.16 of this eNews (print, complete, then scan/email or post). Renewal / New member application forms are available from the Bar – or you can send an email to me at: membership@littleshipclub.com.au And why not keep some application forms on hand in case you meet a potential new member? Until next time, Karen Davy Board Member / Membership Phone 0458 023 330 Email membership@littleshipclub.com.au

Members’ FRIDAY NIGHT random draw now*


*As at 22 June 2015. Amount jackpots by $50 each week if unclaimed on the night. Results reported in monthly LSC eNews are based

on draw status on deadline, usually after the 3rd Friday of the month, and may change before or following eNews publication.


June 2015 eNews

Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)

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