Alcalá 1960


CLASS HIS TO RY The sophom or esno soon er pas sed th ro ug hthe po rtals of San DiegoCo lle gefor Womentha n they wer eback in the swin g of th ings . By po pu la r eq uest,th e Sophomores, in the middl e of Octo be r,re pe at edthe ir Fre shm anop er et ta .T o keep them busy between classes and op er et tapra cti ces ,the y had a pa rty fo r the fre shme nat PeggyD'Ago st ino' s home. Th isfo llow edby a p izza pa rty at Ocean Bea ch. On ce thei r musica l was pr esen tedsucces sfu lly ,the sopho­ mo res began pl an sfo r the Lowe r-d ivi sionMixe r toge ther with the fre shmen . Pizz a again rei gn edas check ere dpl at es andnap­ kin s criedout, ITALY . Ch ris tmasar rive d,and the soph om or eshe lped the fre shm en To y Driv ean d ca rri ed ou t thei r own Ch ris tmasproj ec t. Th ey ad op teda family , mak ing the ir Ch ris tmas a Joyou s one with food and clot hi ng .Fu rthe raid was to be giv en th ro ug ho uthe yea r. The New Ye ar and the comi ng of Sp ri ng invi go ra tedthe Cla ss as it pu t its las t, best eff ort sto its cr ow ni nggl or y,the BAL DES FLEURS. A be au tif ulsp ri ngni gh tsaw the cu lminationof all thei r ende avor s. Re lieve dand sli gh tly sad , the end of a won de rf ulyear wa s for ese en by al l. Thr ou ghthe po rtal swh ich they had ente red th e pr ec ed ingFa ll, wa lke d the class of 1962 — pr oud, rem ini sce nt, an d very gra te fu l.

Mot he rG. Pa tch,Cla ssCo unse lo r;Georg iaBl aes er, Pr es iden t;Su san Mon ah an , Vic e Pr es iden t;Sa nd ra Lo ub at,Tre as ur er ;Ka ren Re emeli n,Se cre tar y.

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