1876 How to Mix Drinks or the Bon-Vivant's Companion 2$50 by Jerry Thomas




«-u Fleurs d'Oranges. (Syrup of Orange Flowers.)

6 of orange-flower water boiled up for 2 minutea with 80lbs.ofSTigar; skim and strain. (Seeifos. 1and 421.)

350. Sirop de G-omme. (Gum Syrup.) 20 lbs. of best clear white gnm arabic dissolved m 4 gallons of water, nearly boiling hot; take 60 lbs. of sugar, melt and clarify it with 1 gallon of water (see Nos.6 and *?■); add the gnm solution, and boil for 2 minutes. (See No. 421.) 351. Sirop de Liimons. (Lemon Syrup.) 6 gallons of lemon juice. 1 ounce of be.st oil of lemons. Dissolved in^ a pint of alcohol, or the rinds of 16 lemons rubbed with sugar to extract the essential oil j dissolve 80 lbs. of sugar ip. the juice, and boil for 2 minutes; skim, then strain. (See Nos. 7 and 421.) 353. Sirop d'Oranges. (Orange Syrup.) 5 gallons of orange juice. Take the rinds of 16 oranges, and rub them with loaf sugar to extract the essential oil; then take 80 lbs. of sugar and dissolve it in the juice; boil 2 minutes, skim, and strain. (See Nos. 7 and 421.)

353. Sirop d'Orgeat. (Orgeat Syrup.)

10 lbs. of sweet almonds. 4 lbs. of bitter almonds.

Cover them with boiling-hot water; let them stand till near cold, and peel them by pressing through your fin-

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