WCA March 2008

Range of options with systems from Design and Engineering Design and Engineering LLC re-built and new dual take-ups are one of the most advanced with closed loop control traverse and 0-100% torque

High reliability and accuracy from Folke Sandelin H Folke Sandelin AB (HFSAB) has been supplying continuous lead extruders and the sole supplier of the Hansson-Robertson contin- uous lead extruder since the 1950s.

Advanced take-ups from Design and Engineering


speed control with vector duty motors. Every system comes with PLC and colour touch in-built screens, control monitoring, alarms, troubleshooting and recipe. As an option, XCoupler modules will exchange data between the machine and Microsoft SQL via an ethernet connection. Design and Engineering LLC – USA Fax : +1 973 439 9224 Email : sales@designandengineering.com Website : www.designandengineering.com

T h e previously family- owned company has been

100% owned by the Canadian company Teck Cominco Metals Ltd since 2003. The extruder has been improved upon in all aspects, especially the control systems. It is now fully automated in its start and opera- tion with an extremely high relia- bility and accuracy, something that ensures closer tolerances and lead savings. The latest design lead extruder is a horizontal, fully automatic, floor standing unit that eliminates the need for a large and expensive foundation pit and is also very easy to maintain ( see photo above). Up until December 2007, four units of the horizontal design have been delivered and another six units are on order. The equipment is often used to continuously extrude long length cables for over three weeks, which equals around 600 tons of lead alloy to a very high accuracy. Further lead extruder development is constantly ongoing along with research and development of other equipment for both the cable and battery industries. H Folke Sandelin AB – Sweden

Fax : +46 141 20 36 39 Email : info@hfsab.com Website : www.hfsab.com


Wire & Cable ASIA – March/April 2008

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