Police World Edition 2 2014


The magazine of the International Police Association, Section UK www.ipa-uk.org

Meet the National ILDEP Co-ordinator SeePage11

InternationalPoliceAssociation SectionUK STOP POLICE Free Membership in 2014 *




To celebrate theCentenaryof thebirthofArthur Troop, founderof the InternationalPoliceAssociation, IPASectionUK is givingawayFREE* membership -open to servingand retiredPoliceOfficers,SpecialConstables andmembersofPoliceStaff. * To findoutmore visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Join-us

InternationalPoliceAssociation SectionUK

EntryForm OverLeaf


NewNational Lottery SeePage20

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For detailedproduct descriptions visit thewebsiteor contact BSACby phone. For overseasorders contact RichardMattinsondirect at ‘Stitch&Print’ on00441697343546or Richard@stitchandprint.biz

If youwould like to comment about any itemor aspect of the IPAShoppleaseemail: mail@ipa-uk.org


POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014


PoliceWorld Themagazineof the International Police Association, SectionUK

Vol 59No.22014 Features 4-5 WorkingonYour Behalf News from theNational Executive 6 Travel Log

Editor LeeHemmings

e-mail: lee.hemmings@ipa-uk.org Deadline for article submission for Edition3, 2014 is 19May, 2014 . Dispatched June, 2014. Advertising MicheleRai tel: (+44) 01159813638 e-mail:michele.rai@ipa-uk.org General enquiries IPA, BSAC, Arthur TroopHouse, 1FoxRoad, West Bridgford, Nottingham. NG26AJ tel: (+44) 01159813638 e-mail:mail@ipa-uk.org

Discover thebenefits of nurturingand makinguseof IPA contacts

7 Wunderbar


KenDavies reports onaSouthWales branch trip toGermany

8-9 NewYear KneesUp

TheCaravanandCampingGroup see in 2014 inKnaresborough 10 Royal Treatment for Sussex DavidStamp reports fromWaldshut- Tiengen’s30thAnniversary 11 Reflectionsof a Triathlete LindaDabbs recallshermemories of the WorldPoliceandFireGames 12–13 Californiyay DonnaPowell tells of her IPA Travel experience in theUSA 14–15 DoubleVision Dave Lingwoodoffers anewmember’s perspectiveonanhistoricmeeting 16–17 AWhaleof a Time LothianandBordersbranchhadan adventure in theFaroe Islands. TomMcInally reports News 18–26 National News A roundupof thenews fromSectionUK 28 International News International diary dates andmore

Aguide to Regionnumbers 1 - Scotland 2 - Northern Ireland 3 - NorthernEngland 4 -Wales 5 -Midlands 6 - Central London 7 - SouthWest England 8 - East Anglia 9 - NorthWest London, Beds&Herts 10 - NorthEast London&Essex 11 - South London&SouthEast England Toapply either visit www.ipa-uk.orgor request an application form from the general enquiries team *terms and conditions apply. Printedby BishopsPrinters,WaltonRoad, Portsmouth, HampshirePO61TR Membership InSectionUK, themembership comprises servingand retiredPoliceOfficers, Special Constables andmembers of PoliceStaff employedby aChief Constableor other appropriately designatedChief Officer of the PoliceService. TheSectionhas auniquemixtureof police personnel whoare still serving, retired, or in some instances, whohave voluntarily resigned from thepolice service. For details of who can joinSectionUK, go towww.ipa-uk.org/Join-Us Joining the IPA is FREE*andannual renewal is£28. Visit thewebsite to learnabout our promotional offers.



Regulars 27 Competitions

WIN copies of these fantasticbooks publishedby Troubador Publishing Ltd andMXPublishing


Adverts, special offers andnotices

31 Diary dates

Branchand regional events anddates

Howdo you rate thiseditionof Police World? What would you improve? What didweget right? What would youhavedonedifferently? Send your review to: lee.hemmings@ipa-uk.org

PoliceWorld is amembers’ publication. Every effort ismade toensureaccuracy. Furthermore, the views expressed inarticles are thoseof theauthors anddo not necessarily reflect thepositionof the Communications Team. If youhaveany Comments, please contact theEditor: lee.hemmings@ipa-uk.org

ISSNNo: 0032-261X

POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014


AnUpdate from theNEC

Workingon your behalf

Edition1, 2014of PoliceWorld introduced members to threeplatforms in theNEC’s Recruitment andRetentionStrategy. H ere, we catchupon the significant achievements so far andask ‘What’sNext?’ FreeMembership - Platform1 Theofficial launchwas January2014. By28 February2014SectionUKenrolled400new membersunder theoffer. Somebranches enrolleda significant number of newmembers andanelement of friendly rivalry between those ‘higher scoring’ branches ishopefully taking place. (See the tablebelow for the top ten).

JanWagner helpingMarkBullenwithpaperwork

encouragedbywhat heheard, he agreed toendorse IPA tohis officers and thewholeof theGwent Police family. Region2 (Northern Ireland), Publicity Officer BrianKennedy immediately createdapromotional video targeting the servingofficer. You can view anduseBrian’s videoas it is posted at: www.ipa-uk.org/Video-Library Special thanks toall involved in the video, including IPAmember andDCC Judith Gillespie, towhomwe sendbest wishes to followingher retirement inMarch. InRegion1 (Scotland), adisplaywas set upat the Police TrainingCollege. AndyWright, AllanBlue, DaveSmith, DougieWright andMarkHutcheon didanexcellent jobpromoting the IPA, especially professional opportunities available.Markwas able to speakabout theArthur TroopScholarship (formoreon this, seepage23). In11Region, (South LondonandSouthEast London), newmembers appeared intoSussex Branchas if bymagic. SussexBranchPublicity Officer, DonnaPowell, wasdelightedand explained the surge in interest as follows: ‘At least onceamonth, ideally twice, I get anarticle onour Force Intranet under Latest News. An articlewent liveabout FreeMembershipand within4weeks, 22members (21of them serving) hadenrolled. This provesbuilding brandawareness at regular intervals throughout 2013wasworthwhile.’ News of theFreeMembershipOffer is filtering throughmany channels. Various staff associationshavekindly agreed tohost displays or circulate flyers at their conferences. TheCommunications Teamwasdelightedwhen BrianStrutton, National Secretary of GMBUnion, confirmedhewould circulate informationabout FreeMembershipand the fact that IPA is open to police staff. Of course, IPAmembers themselves havebeenworkinghard to spread thewordby











way of socialmediaand circulating flyers. See page30. VicePresidentMick Luke, whoproduced the recruitment and retention strategy, was asked for his responseandWhat’sNext? ‘TheFreemembershipoffer appears tobe workingwell and I encourageeverymember to play their part inenrollingmorenewmembers during2014. As I repeatedly say, themost important aspect of this strategy is retention. Activity at all levels of theAssociation in terms of events iswhat weneedand thiswill enhanceour members’ experienceandkeep themengaged with theAssociation for the years ahead. Planning and forward thinking iswhat weneed todo.” Mickwroteon the topic of planningat length for a PoliceWorldarticle in2009. (Seepage8, Edition 1, 2009 visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Police-World ). In that articleheasks: howdoweensureeach newmember gets tomeetings andevents?How is anewmember introduced fully towhat the Associationhas tooffer?Howmucheffort do weput in toengagewithnewmembers to find out why they joined the IPAandwhat theywant from it? Mickoffers a cautionary note toRegions and Brancheswanting to retain theirmembers beyond1 January2015. ‘First impressions count. SectionUK isdefinedby howwe, as an Association, treatmembers fromday one, be that at branch, regional or national levels. If wedon’t













We’veheard inspirational stories from some Regions andBrancheswhohave capitalised on theFreeMembershipOffer. Here’s a few examples. Region4 (Wales) wastedno time toarrangea meetingwithAssistant Chief ConstablePaul Symes of Gwent Police. Usingmaterials available fromSectionUK’sAdministrativeCentre, Ken Davies andPaulWaterswereafforded40 minutes ofMr Symses’ time.

Theywere joined in themeetingbyMr Symes’ staff officer, CarlWilliams, who turnedout tobean IPAmember. Speakingabout themeeting

ForPresentation Materials ,email: lib.jones@ipa-uk.org

Ken said, ‘It was a totally relaxedand informative meeting.We learned thatMr Symes knewnothing of the IPA, prior to research inadvanceof our meeting.We informedhimof theprofessional and social elements of the IPAandhow the Association canprovide valuable support to servingand retiredofficers.’Mr Symeswas so


POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014


- all thanks tohis placement. Hewent on to say, ‘At theendof January, SavKyriakouandhis wife visitedFlorida. Inhopeof returning some of the tremendoushospitality displayedby Sav and colleaguesduringmy visit, I gaveSav full access to thePoliceDepartment. Savwas able to spend timeexploring theunits and shooting in the range. I tookadvantageof his expertiseas I showedhimour policedepartment plans for a citywideCCTVand LPRproject. Sav’s insight will enableus tomakemoreknowledgeabledecisions on this project. The contacts andexperience I had inHertfordshirewill last a lifetime. The benefit tomy department is great and cannot be measured.” To conclude - this is only the start. Make the recruitment and retention strategywork for youby embracing theethos and contributing ideas onall 3Platforms. Basedonan idea I got from theRetiredPolice OfficersAssociationof Scotland (RPOAS), IPARegion1, Scotland isproposingan initiative toproducean ‘Arthur Troop CentenaryWhisky’. The idea is toproduce a10 year oldSpeysidemalt whisky anda25 year old limitededition (individually numbered). RPOASproduced limitededitions of aSpeyside Malt in2013 tomark theendof Grampian Police. It was a great success. I bought several bottles, particularly of the30 year oldas an inheritanceand reminder of their upbringingas ‘bobbies kids’ formy children. They have said theywill never sell them! I haveopenedand shareda littleof onebottlewithmy son, increasing the valueof theother numbered bottles! The IPAwas verymuchpart of their upbringingand I am sure theywill valueboth commemorativeeditions equally. It is anticipated thebottleswill sell at about £30 for the10 year oldand£80 for a25 year old. The productiondistillerywill bekept secret and the whiskywill alwaysbe the ‘Region1, Scotland, IPA, Arthur TroopCentenaryWhisky’. The packagingwill bedistinctive, with the IPA tartan, theScottish logoandapottedhistory of the IPA onboth the cartonand the labels on thebottles. Thiswill beunique. Weare still at the stageof gauging the viability of this initiative. If youmight be interested ineither or both vintages emailmeoneuanipa@gmail.com by30April 2014. Doing sowill not commit you to apurchase, but it will enableus tonegotiateon theway forward. Therehasbeen considerable international interest in thewhisky. Unfortunately, owing to export restrictions, we canonly supply to IPA memberswho can specify aUKdelivery address. EuanForbes , GrampianBranch Arthur Troop

For exampleRegion9 (NorthWest London, BedfordshireandHertfordshire), particularly HertfordshireBranch, evenbefore theFree MembershipOffer, has enrolledahigh number of newmembers in recent times. Its involvement ina regular exchangeof overseas policeofficers, onaprofessional exchange basis, hasbeen instrumental inattractingand keepingmembers. Everyone is invited to get involvedand thosewhodo report onbenefits for themselves personally, the IPA, their police forceand the community at large. GerryMcDonald, District Commander of East HertfordshireandSimonHawkins, Superintendent for UniformOperational Support acrossBedfordshire, Cambridgeshireand Hertfordshire, are IPAmembers and senior officerswhose support hasmadeExchange Programmes possible for IPAmemberswithin HertfordshirePolice. Gerry took timeout tophonePoliceWorld withhis views on ILDEP. ‘Inmy daily managementmeetings, external partners report backonhowpleased thepublic andpoliticians areeach time foreign policeofficers inuniformare involved in Hertfordshire’s community policing. I don’t regard theexchanges as a hindrance - they area totallywin /win situation for Hertfordshire Police.’ Havingparticipated inan exchangehimself, Simonhas thesewords of encouragement for other senior officers. ‘Exchanges formeare great ways tomeet new friends and shareexperiences and all cops love to tell a story! More importantly, forme they really help to share ‘trade tools’ andenhanceopportunities toprotect thepublicwitha greater knowledge about what workswell andwhy. I would strongly encourageanyone toparticipate inexchange opportunities and if you’rea linemanager, help facilitate themas they bring great benefits to your team.’ USA IPAmembers JohnFlannery and Tom Sanchez explainhow their placement in Hertfordshire last year has resulted in the idea of anongoingprogrammeof improvement to new recruits. John, aPoliceScience Instructor from Wisconsin saidhisdepartment is attempting to createaprogrammebywhichpolice recruits spend time in theUKandperform service learninghourswithan international agency. It hopes todevelopbotha global awareness of policingandmore specifically allow recruits to compare / contrast USApolicing strategieswith that of foreign lawenforcement agencies. Tom toldPoliceWorld that after negotiating withaUK company toexperiment usingan aircard LicensePlateRecognition (LPR) from theUK in theUnitedStates, hismay be the first department in theUS touse thisUK technology

engagememberswepotentially lose them. Weneed tokeepmembers interested in theAssociationwhether they arenew members or they have50 years’ membership.’ Advocating ‘mentoring’, ie the branchassigns anactivemember toproactively engagewitheach newmember toensureaproper welcomeand full involvement, Mickpoints out thebenefits. ‘Once newmembers are comfortable, they themselves canbecomementors andas they evolveandexperience the IPA, they can be identifiedand shownapathway tobecoming anofficeholder. ‘Successionplanning’ starts whenpeople join, not whenanewofficeholder isneeded.’ IconicEvents - Platform2 TheNational Executivehave takena lead in organisingaweekendof celebrations tomark the 100thanniversary of thebirthof Arthur Troop. UsingNottinghamas thebase, theprogramme has already attractedbookings frommembers of many overseasSections. TheAnnual CharityBall tobeheld inYorkaims to bea successful event for achieving IPA friendship and raising funds for theNational Police Memorial Day - SectionUK’s chosen charity. What’snext?Checkout theEvents pageonpage 31andpage22 for details and to join in! Other iconic events are in theearly stages of planning for 2015. Regions andBranches are requested toorganise their ownevents, and/or ‘piggy-back’ onevents organisedby others inorder to increaseactivity across theSection. Order Your Arthur Troop CentenaryBadge Today! ILDEP - International Learning andDevelopment Exchange Programme - Platform3 Since its launch in January2014, ILDEPhas started to receive inquiries frommembers of SectionUKandoverseasSections. As of 28 February, IainSirrell, theNational Co-ordinator, (see - bottompage11) has6applications at various stages of processingand the first of theapplicants aredue to commence their placementsduring the summer. What’snext? It is important to reflect on the success achievedalready and some good practice that hasbeenout there for awhile. ThenewArthur TroopCentenary pin badge isnowavailable toorder for £2 Toplace your order visit: www.ipa-uk.org/shop incP&P.

POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014



SteveandKarenmakingnew friends

These reportsare just twoof themany published in thiseditionof Police World. Read theaccountsbelow todiscover thebenefitsof nurturingand makinguseofworldwide IPAcontacts.

Berlin: SteveHunt, 10RegionSecretary andSouth East Essexbranchmember, andhiswifeKaren flewout toBerlin tomeet upwithmembers fromMonchengladbachbranch for an IPA tour of Berlin. Monchengladbachhasbeen twinned withSouthEast Essex branch since1989. Around10members ofMonchengladbachbranch travelled toBerlin tomeet upwith localmembers whoactedas guides. After tasting thedelights of a ‘Currywurst’ the group tooka tripon the river Spreewhich gave great views ofmany famous landmarks - including theGermanParliament buildings. Steve said, “After theboat tripwewent toaWW2 air raid shelter/bunker at Brunnenstrasse - one of the few remaining suchbuildings still in its original formandnowpreservedas a tourist and educational site.” Themilitary theme continuedas the tourmade its way to thewell known tourist spot of ‘Checkpoint France: Duringanextended visit toFrance, and with theassistanceof IPAFrance, I had the opportunity tomeet IPAmembersand take part in their ‘ceremoniesof bestwishes’ - NewYear celebrations. It appears that throughout January, the various IPARegions throughout France, organisea function to celebrate theNew Year (‘ceremony of best wishes’). This gives members theopportunity tomeet eachother and thank individuals andorganisationswho havebeen supportive in thepast - and towish themwell for the future. Georges Lakser, SectionFranceVicePresident, arranged formy attendanceat three separate ‘ceremonies of best wishes’ and tobeanobserver at theSection’sSocial Commissionmeeting. I alsohad theopportunity tomeet several members, including theSectionFranceNational ExecutiveCommitteeandalso visited two IPAoffices. Onanother occasion I was takenunder thewing of IPAmember Olivier Boulenguez. He introduced me to fellowmembers includingMichel Cadin, the President of theEcosseaMontmartreAssociation – (Scotland&MontmartreAssociation) and Director of Hotel Britanny.Michel organises abi- annual Scottishorientatedevent to tie inwith the

Checkpoint Charlie

Charlie’ and thenon toan exhibitiondedicated to the BerlinWall.

Steveadded, “We thenwalked to the BrandenburgGate.We sampledour first Gluhweinat theSiegessäule, theGerman ‘Victory’monument, and then tookabus ride toKurfürstendamm–oneof the first avenues tobebuilt inBerlinwhich isnow famous for all thewealthy andwell known Berlinerswho live there.” Thenext day saw theGermanparty leave for home. Steveexplained that after waving them goodbyeat theundergroundhe continued toexploreBerlinand visitedamuseum that showed thebeginnings of Berlin to themodern day. Another highlight for SteveandKarenwas a visit to the ‘Topographiedes Terrors’ exhibition inNiederkirchnerstraße formally Prinz-Albrecht- Straße, on the siteof the infamousSSand

GestapoHQ. Thisbuildingportrays the riseand subsequent fall of theNazi party. Steve summedup the trip saying, “Wewould highly recommenda visit toBerlin– there is so muchhistory thereandgreat places toeat and drink. It is oneof themost cosmopolitanand vibrant capitals of theworld– somake themost of your IPAmembership.Wedid!”

Ronniewithmembers of SectionFrance

Rugby Internationalmatch that sees France take onScotland inParis. The interior of hishotel is decoratedas a tribute toScotland. Fourteen years agomy family homehosted the daughter of aFrenchmember, her cousinanda friend. A fewmonths after their visit toScotland, I was inFranceandhad theopportunity tomeet the girl, Christealeandher parents.My family hadanovernight staywith them ina village in Normandy andenjoyed their hospitality. At oneof the ‘ceremonies of best wishes’ that I attended, I had thepleasureofmeetingChristeale’sDad JeanYves Lesage. Hewas very surprised to see me there. Hephonedhisdaughter andpassed the phone tome. It was great to catchupwith themand demonstratedwhat the IPA is about.

I am very grateful toall of the members of theFrenchSectionwhomademe feel verywelcomeduringmy stay inFrance. During this summer wehave twoUKparticipants attending the International YouthGathering inFrance. Anexcellent programmehasbeen prepared. I am convinced that it will bea great event andabrilliant opportunity to continue to foster good relationshipsbetweenour twoSections. I look forward tohearingabout their experiences. RonnieDukes , VicePresident


POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014


Wunderbar In2013, SouthWalesbranchorganisedabranch trip to the Christmasmarketsof CologneandBonn - KenDavies takesup the story. W ith5markets to choose from in Cologne, and stunningarchitecture and culture toexperience, we realisedwewere going tobe spoilt for choice when it came to fill our time inGermany. WewerewelcomedbyGunter Rummel, from Colognebranch, andWinni Boehlefeld, fromBonn Branch. reluctantly returned to thehotel inBruhl. Saying goodbye toGunter was like saying goodbye toan old friendbut that iswhatmakes the IPA so great isn’t it? The townof Bruhl is small but contains everything youwouldwant for anenjoyableevening’s entertainment –but without thenoiseand


crowds! Various groups sniffedout bars and food amongst theback streets - as only exCID cando. Others found yet anothermarket that was just up the street. Next dayWinni was our host and guide in Bonn, after hehad finishedhisduty. Like Gunter, heprovidedanexcellent potted history of the city together withan interesting walking tour of themainareas. Duringa short breakat a fantastic coffee shopwemadea small presentation toWinni. In theeveninganumber of us arranged to meet inBruhl wherewewerepleasantly surprised to seeGunter andhiswife waiting for us!Wehada fantastic evening. It was as if wehadall been friends for many years. In fact, during the course of theevening, wewereall invited toa festival that isbeingheld inCologne - aswell as FriendshipWeek in September 2014. Oneof themain things that hit us all whilst wewereaway, andmadeus proud that wearemembers of the IPA, is in our experienceacross theworld the members reallymake it work for each other. It shows in the time they freely give youand in thewarmthof their hospitality. KenDavies , Chair SouthWalesbranch

The followingday, Guntermet us inCologneand actedas anextremely knowledgeable guide of the tourist areas of this great city. Heoften provided commentary fromon topof a concrete bollard - likeany great tour guidewould. Gunter alsoexplained that owing to the frequent visits from IPAmembers fromaround theworld, a number of the local branchmembershave set themselvesupas a teamof guides toassist in providing tours of the city. Our tour includedan insight into the foundations and constructionof the cathedral andan adjacent Romanmansion that wasbuilt over 2,000 years ago. Gunter’s knowledgeof Cologne was amazingand it was apleasure to listen tohim. We thenhit themarkets of Cologne. Anumber of our party had visited the city onprevious occasions sowebrokeup into two groups to take in the sights. Thoseof uswho remainedwithGunter had a fantastic fewhours of walkingand talking, followedby lunch inabeer keller that served traditional German food.Whilst there, we presentedGunter witha few IPA gifts. Youwould have thought wehad givenhima fortune! Little didheknow that the timeand friendshiphehad givenuswasmuchmore valuable. On theway toanothermarket, we saw the Jewish medieval areaand the remains of their housing whichwasbeing turned

InsideCologne cathedral

intoamuseum. Wealso saw the ancient Roman

Oneof Santa’s helpers

sewer systemand learned that during theSecondWorld War it wasusedas a shelter as it was so deepunderground. A full day in the Markets is an extremely tiring ventureand it was thereforeanexhausted group that finally and

KenDavies presentsGunter Rummel withan IPApennant

KenDavies presentsWinni Boehlefeldwithan IPApennant

POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014



NewYear KneesUp TheCaravanandCampingGroupcelebrated theNewYearwithanother themedevent. This time inanoldand historicmarket town in theboroughof Harrogate, NorthYorkshire. KevinHullah tellsall. O ur destinationwas the cricket club in the townof Knaresborough, historically part of theWest Ridingof Yorkshire, which is locatedon theRiver Nidd, 4miles east from the centreof Harrogate. NewYear’sEve.My alter egoDJ, Kev ‘Double Decks’ Hullah, provided the tunes! Ralliers and localmembers alike joined in the funon thedance floor.Most joined inwith the festive spirit andappeared ina variety of fancy dress costumes anddisguises. braved theFOULweather to goalongandwatch the3,000 strong floatingplastic flotila tumble andbobdownstream.

The rally farewell event washeldat a local restaurant - theZolsha. Everyoneenjoyed the banquet that was provided - it was a fitting finale. Wherewill thenext NewYear Rally beheld?You’ll have towait and see. To seewhat other Rallies theGrouphaveplanned for the rest of 2014 visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Event- Catalog/Caravan-Camping-Group KevinHullah , Secretary CaravanandCamping Group

Onceeveryonehadpitchedup, the ralliers gathered for afternoon teaand festive fare. Awarmwelcomewas thenon themenu from the rally organisers and theCricket Club’s committee. The ‘meet and greet’ was then continued later in the convivial surroundings of the clubbar. Themainevent during the rallywas theGypsies, Tramps and ThievesDiscowhich tookplaceon

Someparty goersneededa littleextrapersuading before they tried theYorkshiredelicacy of awarm porkpieandpea supper. Put it thisway, once they had taken the leap therewas little left over! TheKnaresborough cricket club, together witha local charity, organises aduck raceon the river onNewYear’sDay. Our ralliers showed great support inbuying tickets for the raceandmany

DidYouKnow? InAugust 2008, the GreatBritishDuckRace washeldnearHampton CourtPalace,London.An estimated250,000blue plasticduckswereused.

Left to right: KeithandAnnetteEccles, DickandRosieGreaves

DJ, Kev ‘DoubleDecks’ Hullah



POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014


“You're goingona long journey... ina caravan”

Above: Angela taps out a tune Below: Two in custody. If you recognise them call Crimestoppers!

Some fabulous costumes on show! Left to right: LindaRogers,Marilyn Brooke, Joy Potts, BrendaWatson, AnneRoseandAngelaHullah

Whichway? It’sSegway!

POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014



for Sussex In2013, Sussexbranchwas invited toattend the30thanniversary of Waldshut-Tiengenbranch. DavidStamp tells the story.

I knewwewereattendinga special event whenwewere told that wewerewalking in the footsteps of royalty! During a conducted tour of theancient townof BadSäckingenour guide informedus that we werewalkingon the stones that KingRichard the Lionheart walkedwhen the townwasusedas amarshallingareaduringoneof theCrusades. The tour was part of theevent’smainattractions and finishedon the14thCentury roofedwooden bridge, which connects the townwithSwitzerland. TheGerman townofWaldshut-Tiengen is situated in theBlackForest on thebanks of theRhine, which forms theborder withSwitzerland, on the extreme southwest corner of Germany. The townhasbeen twinnedwith Lewes, the county townof Sussex, for some years and the two IPAbranches from these regionshavebeen enjoyingbi-annual exchanges since1996. Blois, inFrance, is also twinnedwith Lewes and Waldshut-Tiengenand their IPA groupshavebeen exchanging visits since1988. Whenwe first arrivedCaryl,mywife, and I were met by ArnoldWieser who tookus toour hosts, theFaralisch family, whowehaveknown since 1996.We stayed in their enormous18thCentury farmhouse in the townof BadSackingen. Some French guests fromBlois occupied the ground floor. Onehighlight which showed thewarmthof the local peopleoccurredon theday of the mainevent. Our hosts tookus for a short walk in the townwherewewere giveneggs in the

localmarket. All attempts atmakingpayment was refused.Wealsomet theMayor at the

Trumpeter’sCastle inBadSackingen. Later, weallmet in thenew sports centre in the town for adinner accompaniedby aperformance froma local orchestraand singer. Ademonstrationof gymnastics and cycling skillsby the youngpeopleof the town followed. I was pleased tohave takenwith meanumber of IPApennants

Above: the trumpeter of BadSackingen Below: 14th century bridge

which I exchangedafter the speecheshad takenplace. I alsopresentedapainting of TheSevenSistersCliffs, together with theever popular ‘Bobbieshelmet’- which is always abighit. This areaof Germany is ideal walking country andwe enjoyedwalking in the ‘Sound ofMusic’ likemeadowsbefore stopping for a coffeeand the inevitableanddeliciousBlack Forest gateaux. ArminPetzmann,Waldshut- TiengenbranchSecretary, was alsokindenough to show us around thearea, including the Jesuit Collegeat St. Blaise’sAbbey, an incredible Benedictinemonastery in the villageof St. Blasien. My thanksmust go to Waldshut’sChair,Markus Schaaf, andhishardworking teamwhich includedhiswife Monica - whoassistedme in communicatingwithour IPA colleagues. Theevent was a great success and it’s good to seean international celebratory event held in the true spirit of IPA in this very attractivepart of Europe. DavidStamp , Sussex branch


DavidStamppresentinga bannerette toAlexander Guhl - Mayor of BadSackingen


POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014


LindaDabbs, amember from7Region’s TriathlonGroup recallsher memoriesof theWorldPoliceandFireGamesandof her realisinga dreamby representingGBat theWorldChampionships. A pproximately a year ago I heardpeople talkingabout the TriathlonWorld Championships that were going tobe held inSeptember 2013, on theOlympic course in HydePark, London. Now that gotme thinking... could I possibly qualify for theWorldChampionships? I hadonly just completedmy first season in commemorate100 years since the sinking of the Titanic. All startedwell. On the return legon the bike I heardmy sister before I sawher, as she gallantlywishedme good luckand it was only then I realised I was in front of her.

Inspired? Contact the TriathlonGroup: triathlon@ipa-uk.org

I have sinceheard that Belfast has beendeemed the friendliest WorldPolice andFireGames and I can truly believe it.What a superb venuewith wonderful support.

triathlon, but waswell and truly hooked. I love the buzz and spirit of triathlon - having come froma competitive trackand fieldbackground. So I set myself the goal of qualification! I competedat theWorldPoliceandFireGames (WPFG) inBelfast inAugust 2013. How could I not go to that, beingaBelfast girl?Andanadded bonuswas that I racedwith (or should I say against)my sister who is in thePSNI.Wehad alwaysbeen competitivebut hadnever raced together ina triathlon. Inorder to raceat theWorldChampionships I first had toqualify for theGB team, which Imanaged to do in theBristol Harboursidequalifying race… first part of theplan complete! WPFG raceday dawnedbright and sunny in Belfast, which isn’t necessarily thenormeven in summertime. TheWPFG racewas tobe incorporated intoa local race, the Titanic Triathlon, a race in its second year, havingbeen set up to

It was after thebike stage that I appreciated just howmany peoplehad comeout to support the race. Having grownup inBelfast through the depths of the troubles I never imaginedBelfast withall its regeneration could lookand sound this good. My runwent reallywell.My husbandand two sons were there cheeringmeon, asweremy sisters’ friends. At theendof the3rd lap I was ready for the final lapwhenoneofmy injury prone calfs suddenly ‘went’. I thought at first itmight be crampand I stopped to stretch, but couldn’t even walkwithout great painandwithaheavy heart I had to call it aday. However, as they say it isnot always about winningandalthough goldand silver for the sisterswouldhavebeen very special, I was happy topass theage group goldmedal to my sister.


I would like to thankboth the IPAwhoassisted meandmy local sports association fromSouth Devon. Their support is greatly appreciated. A last note– if you think you cannot do something, younever know till you try. Have confidenceand belief in your ownability andkeepdreaming!” I thenwent on to runat theworld championships. To findout how I got on read the full articleat: www.ipa-uk.org/News/reflections-of-a-triathlete

Meet IainSirrell National Co-ordinator, ILDEP Iain isaPolice Inspector inNorthYorkshirePolice. Anofficer for 25-years, hehas servedonResponse Teams; Safer Neighbourhood Teams; a specialist searchand publicorder team; a tactical firearmsunit; and is currently aForce IncidentManager.

Duringhis career hehasbeen seconded to National Police Training/Centrex and following that becamea TrainingManager inNorthYorkshire Police. Hehasmaintainedakeen interest in traininganddevelopment andworked closelywith Mick Luke, VicePresident with responsibility for Professionalism, todevelop thenewapproach to theexchangeprogramme.

Iain said, 'the ideabehind ILDEP is tomake sureofficers get exactlywhat they need from theexchangeand todo so inaway that canbe recognisedand supportedby SeniorManagers. Learninganddevelopment shouldalwaysbe enjoyableand creating theexchanges in this way gives anexcellent opportunity to gain some uniqueexperiences andworldwidepolicing

perspective. This can give someoneunrivalled evidence for promotionor selectionboards and it canbe gainedwhilst having funandmaking

lasting friendships at the same time.' Formore informationon ILDEP, visit: www.ipa-uk.org/ILDEP

POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014


Article Californiyay! WhenDonnaPowell, fromSussexbranch, learnt theNational DelegatesConference for SectionUSAwas going tobe inSacramento, California, shehad togo! Donna tellswhy. R eaders of PoliceWorldwouldhave read that in2013 I visitedWashingtonDC for the friendshipevent celebrating the

50thanniversary of SectionUSA. I had suchan amazingweekendmeetingpeople fromall over theworld. Sowhen I discovered that therewas a conference inCalifornia I had toattend. The problemwas that Sacramentowas a longway to go just for aweekend so I needed to comeup witha longer travel plan! People I hadmet on recent travelshad suggested Imust takea road trip from LosAngeles along Highway1, PacificCoastal Highway (PCH), to SanFrancisco, so this gotme thinking... InDC last year Imet IPAmember RichDuran. Rich had givenmehisbusiness cardand said if I was ever in LAhewouldhappily hostme. So I looked at flights andemailedRich to seewhether he couldhostme for a longweekend. He confirmed he couldandevenoffered topickmeup from theairport. I then lookedat accommodation alongHighway1anddiscovered therewere many hostels alongmy route. I then checked with IPA friendsCalvinandDianaChow from SanFrancisco, who Imet in2010, whether I could staywith themat theendofmy road trip. Thiswas also confirmed. FromSanFrancisco I would thenheadanhour in-land toSacramento, soaplanwas formedand I started the travel countdown! Before flying to LA I completed some research andemailedRicha list of places I wanted to visit whilst in LA. I didnot thinkmy list was too exhaustive for a longweekendbut the reply fromRichwas that wewere ‘going tobebusy’ with lots of exclamationmarks. I discovered very quickly uponarriving that LA is amassive city andhas immense traffic jams! Richwas a superb ambassador to the spirit of friendshipashe took meall over LAand its outer suburbs.Wehad long daysbut theywere somuch fun. Ononeof thesedays, Rich toldmehehada surprise.Well what a surprise it waswhenwe pulledupat theAir Support Unit of the LAPD! They haveabout 19helicopters in their fleet with three in theair at any one time24hours aday. I was lucky to spendover twohoursup in theair seeing LA likemany peopledon’t get to see - it was amazing! The followingday an IPA friend inSussex branch hadarranged, before I left home, forme to spend some timeafloat withhis contact with the LA Port Police. It was another fineCalifornianday with clear blue skies and I got to spendover two hours out onpatrol inwhat couldbe thebest department in theworld tobeapoliceofficer!

IPA friends fromUSA, Ukraine, Sri Lanka, Poland, FranceandSweden

memberswhohavediedwas readout byRichard Nevarez, SecretaryGeneral of SectionUSA. After the service the local K-9 teamput onadisplay beforewe spent the remainder of theday at the academy for theCaliforniaHighway Patrol (CHP). Wewere givena tour of the campusbefore riders, drivers andapilot of theCHP showed us their skills. We then returned to thehotel for theevening’s final banquet. Anopportunity to get dressedup andhave final catchupswith fellow guests. I had already decided that I wanted tobepart of theUS NDC&FriendshipWeek for 2014which is going tobea cruise fromNewYorkCity up toCanada andbackdown from the4 - 11October. As a result before I wasboarding theplane to return home I hadalready paidand reservedmy place on this event!

After fivenightsRich tookme to collectmy hire car andafter takinghis life inhis ownhands whilst I got used todrivingon the left hand sideof the road the cordwas cut and I started my one-girl road tripalong thePCH. I spent 10 days seeing somebreathtaking scenery. On this part ofmy trip I hadnodirect involvement with IPAmembers althoughmy travel plan sat withmembers of SectionUSAwhowouldhave known roughlywhere I was at any time. As a single female traveller it was very reassuring toknow that the IPAwaswatchingmy back. If anyone is thinkingof completing this road trip I would strongly urge them todo it as the scenery, particularly aroundBigSur ismindblowing! I arrived inSanFranciscoandwasmet in the Castrodistrict byDianaChow. Dianakeptme entertained for twodayswhilst Calvinwas at theofficialmeetings inSacramento. Among the highlightswas a lovely day in theNapa valley trying someCalifornianwine. I alsomet upwith the IPA group inSanFrancisco for ameal ina lovely Chinese restaurant. I was soexcited to re-connect with friends fromSection USAwho I hadnot seen ina year, aswell as friends fromSectionFranceandSectionSweden. I alsomademany new friends.. I travelledon toSacramentowhere the following daywithofficers from theUSA, Ukraine, Sri Lanka, Poland, FranceandSwedenwewore our uniforms onamemorial parade for Fallen Officers. Awreathwas placedat theMemorial for PoliceOfficers that havebeenkilled in the line of duty in the stateof California. It was ahighly emotional serviceas thenames of all the IPA

Theparadeheading for thememorial of FallenOfficers


POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014


To findoutmore aboutTravel and IPA travel formsvisit: www.ipa-uk.org/ Travel-Accomm

Donnawith colleagues of the LAPDAir Support Unit

Donnawith colleagues from the LAPort Police

POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014



Double Vision DaveLingwoodgot involvedwithanhistoricmeetingbetween ScarboroughbranchandLudwigsburgbranch. Offeringanewmember’s perspectiveonameetingwhichbrought IPAmembers together to formalizeandcelebratea twinningagreement between the twobranches. I n2013, 13 friends and I fromScarborough branchwere fortunateenough to visit LudwigsburgandStuttgart, Germany. The people, andorderinga few ‘steins’ wewereall struckby thewonderful atmosphere–many localmen, includingPeter, wearing lederhosen and thewomenwearing traditional dirndl. It was great tobeapart of theexperience.

tripwas organisedby Ludwigsburgbranch, in order for theofficial twinningagreement between the twobranches tobe signed. Beinganewmember of the IPA, I was excited to visit Germany,make connectionswithGerman colleagues, and sample someof the country’s great culture. Onarrival at Stuttgart railway station, wewere warmly greetedby Peter Kolwe, Ludwigsburg branchChair, andhis colleagues - witha sparklingwine reception. Mostmembers of our group thenwere soonoff, in full policeuniform, toa local restaurant for an evening function tomark the twinningagreement. En route, a fewof the locals gaveus puzzledbut friendly looks. During the celebratorymeal, Peter andour ownViceChair, CraigRegan, formally signed theagreement andexchanged gifts. Short speechesweremadeby Peter andScarborough branchSecretary, ChrisCharlton, whichwas ably translated intoGermanby branch Treasurer JudithSmith. Judgingby theapplause, the translationwas verywell receivedby our German friends. To celebrate, Ludwigsburgbranch thoughtfully gaveeachof us a limitededitionbottleof wine that hadbeen labelledespecially for the occasion. After some time socialisingwithour newGerman friends, andabit of spontaneous andquestionabledancing - youknowwho youare - we retired toour hotel for thenight. For a few, the secondday beganwitha tripand guided tour around thepolice station in the nearby townofMarbach. Formost, the second day beganwitha trip to theMercedesBenz museumandUntertürkheim factorywhere thousands of vehicles areproducedevery year. A personal highlight formewas theopportunity to sit behind the steeringwheel of oneof the latest Mercedes andalso toobserve the company’s many intelligent roboticmachinesworking effortlessly to create these vehicles in the factory. In theevening, wemadeour way downtown to the famous ‘Cannstatter Volksfest’ –Stuttgart’s3 week longbeer festival. On takingour seats in the giant Göckelesmaier tent, whichholds over 2,500

The followingdaywe visited thenearby city of Ludwigsburg, wherewewere treated toa guided tour around thebeautiful Residential Palace, oneof the largest baroquebuildings inEurope. Wealso visited thePalace’sbloomingbaroque gardens, temporary home to the largest pumpkin festival inGermany. It waswith great sadness that our triphad toend after 4days. Reflectingonour time inGermany, weall agreed that it hadbeena fantastic experienceandhopefully the start of a longand fruitful friendshipwith LudwigsburgBranch– themembers arewonderful people. As anew member of the IPA, and speakingas someone whohas experienced first hand thebenefits that it canoffer, I would certainly recommend it to others. The trip gaveme theopportunity tomeet many new friends, seeadifferent part of the world, and gavemea real insight into lifeas an officer inGermany. I would like to thankall themembers of Ludwigsburgbranchwith specialmentionof Peter Kowle,Walter Reichert, UweFritz andHelmut Wonka for their friendlywelcomeand tremendous hospitality that they providedonour trip. Finally, a special thank you toChrisCharlton, Secretary of Scarboroughbranch for organisingour schedule andkeepingus all out of trouble. We look forward towelcoming the Ludwigsburg branch toScarborough soon. They have certainly set thebar high! DaveLingwood , Scarboroughbranch

Vintage IPA

Theofficial signing


POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014


The twobranches in full uniform


Enjoying themany sites At theVolksfest

POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014



AWhaleof a Time After hosting43members inEdinburgh, LothianandBordersbranchmembersmadegooduse of anemptyflight to theFaroe Islands. I n2013 LothianandBordersbranch in Edinburghhostedmembers from IPAFaroe Islandbranch. Half of theentireFaroe Island strugglingup thehillsdue to theweight of the various free sampleswehadaboard. There is nodoubt that theFaroesePolice can certainly organisea ‘booze-up inabrewery!’

Weall agreed that theFaroe Islands area ‘must see’ and that the scenery is stunning. However, thehospitality of the IPAmembers, thepolice officers and the local people surpassed the scenery - a friendlier place youwill not find. Our thanks toBergleif, Kristianandall theofficers of theFaroesePolice (yes…all theofficers are IPA members). Thepriceof thewhole trip, includinghotels, trips, andmeals proved tobe great value! Wehope tomake this anannual trip sowewill advertise this in themiddleof next year. Theonly advice is…. bookearly! TomMcInally , LothianandBordersbranch

force joinedScottishmembers for a fantastic fewdays. Oneof theorganisers from the Islands made the suggestion that we take theopportunity touse the charter aircraft that they hadhired to come toScotland. “Theplanegoes back to theFaroe Islands almost empty” . Soaplanwas hatched. Once theavailabilitywas confirmed, the Lothian andBordersbranchhadonlyweeks to get the minimumof 24UKmembers to signup. Before weknew it wehad29and the tripwas on. Members fromall over Scotland, Englandand Northern Irelandmet at AberdeenAirport to discover wehad thewholeaircraft toourselves. Theunlimitedbaggage rule for aprivate charter meant that someof the group tookall their possessions and the securitymust have thought therewereother passengers secreted insidea coupleof bags, judgingby their size. Onarrival, wewere greetedby IPAmemberswho invitedus to thePoliceHeadquarterswhichwas next door toour hotel.We thenhad free time to explore Torshavnand itsbeautiful harbour before exploring further. The followingdaywewalked round the town in warm sunshine, somethingnot expectedwhen youareperched in themiddleof theNorth Atlantic - somewherebetweenScotlandand Iceland. Wewere thenpickedupby apolice vanand takenagainst our will to the local brewery, which producesOkkarabeer. About twohours later, we wereonour way back. Thepoor police vanwas

That evening the local IPAmembers entertained us inanancient house in the town. A variety of local foodswereonoffer.We triedPilot whale meat, whaleblubber anddried cod. Thebrave shareda few sheepheads andonemember had his eyeonaparticular delicacy - sheep’s eyes - andwehavephotographicproof it was eaten! Such is the friendliness of the Islanders that after wewanderedback to thehotel the staff, as they left, just askedus to switch the lights off andblow out the candles. They don’t evenbother locking thedoor as there is little crimeon the islands. The followingmorning, wehada fantastic tour of the Islands travellinghigh into themountains - visitinga fewof the coastal towns and travelling through the sub-sea tunnelsbeforebeing taken toa small village.Wewere then treated toa short concert in the local church. Thiswas followedby theFaroese versionof Strictly ComeDancingaswewereall taught the Faroesenational dance. Luckily it only entails shuffling from left to right. Thiswas a great event andwas enhancedby a local IPAmember wearing traditional Faroesenational dress. Wewereabout toheadoff the followingdaywhen wewere told that the flight back toAberdeenwas cancelled ‘forcing’ us toextendour stay. That night wewerehit by a terrific stormand several members lost their hats andwigs. Thankfully the followingmorning it was calmenough for the flight home.

Room for seconds anyone?

NEWS UPDATE: The two branches havenow twinned


POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014



POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014



Support for the National Police Memorial DayCharity TheNational PoliceMemorial Day2014, SectionUK’sCharity for 2014, will takeplaceat 3pm, 28September, at theWaterfrontHall, Belfast. Visit: http://www.nationalpolicememorialday.org/ To register your interest, pleaseemail: nationalpolicememorialday@polfed.org or phone07843293958. Route50CharityDrive2015 Dave Taylor, SectionUKSecretaryGeneral andoneof the teamorganising the event has announced, “Wewill be leavingSacramento, Californiaon the26 April 2015andwill bedriving the3008miles toOceanCity,Marylandarriving on the12May.Wewill thendrive toWashingtonD.C. arriving for adaywith PoliceWeekon the13May.Wealsohavehadenquiries from IPAmembers in theUK, whowish to follow ‘Stan’ across theUS, within the support vehicle. If anymemberwishes to joinus then they can contactmeand I will give them further details. The complete routewill beannounced shortly.” It ishopedStanwill stay in theUSA tobeusedby IPAmembers to raise further funds for our USA colleagueswhowill be followingus on the crossingof Highway50. Wristbands, tie-pins andpatchesdepictingStan canalsobebought either from Stan’s attentivedrivers or via thewebsiteandeBay. For full details go to www.iparoute50.org 1st Annual CharityBall This event will takeplaceat theRoyal YorkHotel, York, 21 June. Formore details turn topage22.

Around theWorld in 365 Days Scarborough

branchate itself around theworld during2013when it embarkedona global food fest and indoing so, never travelled more than60miles fromScarborough. TheMonthlyDining Club is a simple idea tokeepmembers engaged inbranch activitieswhilst providinga regular social platform wheremembers old andnew, serving and retired could get together ona regular basis. Membersmet in 2013, onanalmost monthly basis, each timeat adifferent venue specialising

At Trencher’s inWhitby

At thebeach

in good food fromdifferent parts of theworld. The year started inSri Lankawitha visit to theCurry Leaf Restaurant.We then travelled to Italy (Di Claudios) followedbyBrazil (Fazenda, Leeds). Returning tohome shores, wehad traditional British fareat theStone Trough nearMaltonandwhilst wedidnotmanage to findanAustralian eatery, wedidhave twoAustralianencounters.Weentertained Australian IPAmember Travis Taylor andhiswifeMeredithat aFish& Chip supper at Trencher’s inWhitbywhilst theywere touring theUK onaMotoGuzzimotorcycle.Wealsoenjoyed gloriousweather at a beachbarbeque in theNorthBay at Scarborough. Another visit to Italy, this timeat Cogoni’swas followedwitha trip to Thailandat theCrossKeysMalton Thai Restaurant. The year closedwith visits toGreece (GeorgeMichael’s), India (Scarborough Tandoori) and finally traditional Christmas Lunchat TheRed Lea Hotel, Scarborough. Wouldwedo it again?Most definitely! Wehavealready celebrated Kunghei fat choy (ChineseNewYear –Year of theHorse) in2014 andplans arealready inplace for later in the year to go to theUSA, Sri LankaandBrazil againandafter that theWorld is our oyster.We may go toFrance, Germany, adifferent part of India, Spain orMexico. ChrisCharlton , Secretary Scarboroughbranch Editor’snote: Inspiredby Scarborough’s lead?Why not develop a similar themedbranchevent of your own? Let’s seehowmany different countries the variousbranches can visit in2014. If your branchhas anevening sampling foreign cuisine - letmeknowat lee.hemmings@ipa-uk.org

Where’s the © Gone? The International Internal Commission (IIC) have


successfully registered the IPA logoasa trademark. Thismeans that the© symbol, that has appearedon the logo since its

creation, isno longer valid. All futurepublicationand

promotional literaturewill use the updated logo. So if you spot that the© ismissing in the future - younowknowwhy.


POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014

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