2016 Fall Newsletter
Queries AnnSpeck wanted copies of Indianapolis cemetery pages. Benjamin Cloud wants any information on Eva )PČ NBO &XJOH "MBO 4XJN XBOUFE PCJU GPS .BVE (Haughn) Hume Susan Toman Rouchka is looking for cemetery re cords for Mahala Gordon and Rufus L Gordon Sr. Ann Dysart Edmondson wanted obits and cemetery records for Hannah Dysart, Dr. Elbert Hoagland and ldah Hoagland. Angie Hackett wanted records from Osawatomie State Hospital Vicki A. Boyer wanted record from Osawatomie State Hospital on Marie W. Boone. Belinda Wilkerson wants obits for Nicks, Weaver and White families Mary Westerhold wants death and burial information on Joseph Weishaupt who in 1940 was in the Osawato mie State Hospital Tina Martin is looking for burial information on 3rd great Uncle Alford Morgan who was in Osawatomie State Hospital 1880-1900 MikeClark JT USZJOH UP ĕ OE PCJU GPS 3PZ .JMMFS Melissa Frazier wants information about early places for the delivering of babies in Paola Jane Fairburn wants death records for Ellinor Miller Yates Jones, John Clement Jones and Olive Dysart Jones. BeckyHale IPQFT UP ĕ OE JOGPSNBUJPO PO .ST /JOB Orm who died at the Osawatomie State Hospital Aug 171918. Jane Fairburn needs documentation on the obits we had sent her ć FTF RVFSJFT IBWF CFFO SFTFBSDIFE CZ &MTJF $PSEMF and Iris Kluber.
Page5 -BSSZ IBT QVU VQ UIF ę UFF QFF JO UIF *OEJBO 3PPN XJUI UIF help of Lloyd Peckman. Don Hadlock cut the poles for the canvas and it is secure. Patsy will paint scenes on the outside, also indian blankets are on order. Con’t on Pg. 6 MINI MINUTES ć F GPMMPXJOH BSF IJHIMJHIUT PG &YFDVUJWF BOE %JSFDUPS NFFU ings, for your information, and a way to let you (a member) in on the workings of the museum. July ć F 5SFBTVSFS HBWF B SFQPSU BDDPVOUJOH GPS NPOJFT VTFE BOE remaining on improvements and updating the Indian Room. Fourteen chairs and two tables have been purchased to up grade and will replace some meeting room chairs. Jim Bousman handed out information on the bids for the security system. Discussion on cameras, future updates for FYQBOTJPO CVSHMBSZ ĕ SF TZTUFN DVSSFOU FRVJQNFOU BOE functioning of equipment. More discussion on the bids and Barnhart Security was agreed on. Larry reported on the status of the Indian tepee to be ordered for the Indian Room. He also purchased a safe ladder for use. Much gratitude was expressed to Roger Shipman for his many hours of creating artwork photos for the Indian Room and also for the great job he does on the quarterly. We currently have 40 stackable chairs for meetings and the surplus (due to the lack of storage space) will be sold. August Printing on the front window will be redone and brought up to date. Lettering of “Miami County Museum Indian Room” will be put on the front window of the third building. Larry is going to order an authentic bow and arrow and a drum. ć F DIJMESFO XJMM FOKPZ UIFTF JUFNT -MPZE TIPXFE B OFXTMFU ter from the Miami Indians of Oklahoma and suggested we might subscribe to it. Nancy suggested we send a letter to the teachers that teach history in their classes. She handed out a list of 4th and 5th HSBEF BOE PG UI BOE UI HSBEF UFBDIFST ć FZ NJHIU DPOTJEFS the museum as a source for information. Discussion on the stackable chairs, it was decided to advertise them on Craigs List. September Jim Bousman will instruct on how to set the night and week end alarm system. With the new system the insurance on the buildings should decrease. It has been noted that there is a new pellet or BB gun hole in the 2nd building front window. 1PMJDF IBWF CFFO OPUJĕ FE
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