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BIRTH TO 3 Fond du Lac County 459 1st Street Fond du Lac, WI 54935 Telephone: (920) 929-3919
Programs and services: Assess for disabilities in children under the age of 3. Develop a plan for services based on family and child’s strengths, concerns, and needs. Connect families to additional community resources. Offer advocacy and support. Provide early intervention services for eligible children in their homes.
76 West Second Street Fond du Lac, WI 54935 Telephone: (920) 924-0530
Boys and Girls Club offers an afterschool program at several locations, a summer program and free meals to all its members. Provides a safe place for school-age children through Grade 12 to be evenings and during the summer. Reduced rates based on income are available.
INDIVIDUALIZED YOUTH SERVICES (IYS) 17 Forest Avenue, Suite 14 Fond du Lac, WI 54935 Telephone: (920) 929-3684
Services: IYS is a program designed to provide intensive services that enable children with severe emotional disturbances (SED) to live at home and participate in the community. Believing that families are the best environment in which to grow, we are committed to a working partnership with families and other agencies to interact with children who have been diagnosed with severe emotional disturbance (SED) in a family setting and within the communities of Fond du Lac and Winnebago County. We only serve children who have disorders severe enough to warrant institutionalization.
JOB CORP (U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR) Multiple locations Telephone: (800) 733-JOBS
Programs: Job Corp is a residential program that provides housing, meals, basic health care, and a living allowance for students ages 16 – 24 while they earn a high school diploma or GED, gain hands-on training and prepare for a career. No cost to the student. Job Corp assigns counselors to students transitioning out of the program to connect the student with housing, transportation and other supports needed for independence.
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