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PRO SE DIVORCE AND MEDIATION SERVICES Offices in Oshkosh and Appleton Telephone: (920) 980-7055 Attorney Susan Schleisner Services: Mediation and divorce service, and other family law actions.
PRO SE LEGAL CLINIC Located at Fond du Lac County Court House, Second Floor 160 South Macy Street Fond du Lac, WI 54935 (920)929-6930 Monday-Friday: 8:00am - 4:30pm
Services: 20 minutes of free legal advice from a volunteer attorney. Can assist with family law issues, domestic abuse / harassment injunctions, and probate. The Clinic cannot provide services if there is already an attorney representing you for the same issue.
PUBLIC DEFENDER City – County Building 160 South Macy Street, 3 rd Floor Fond du Lac, WI 54935 Telephone: (920) 929-3990
Services: This office provides legal representation to qualifying applicants. Representation is for individuals charged in criminal court, juvenile court, and proceedings under Chapter 51 and Chapter 55. WOMENSLAW.ORG A resource-list website for legal help with custody, divorce and restraining orders. Provides help finding laws for each state and information about abuse and domestic violence.
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