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KATHLEEN MORGAN, ATR, LPC 481 E. Division Street, Suite 400 Fond du Lac, WI 54935 Telephone: (414) 708-4388

Services: Kathy is a licensed registered art therapist and licensed professional counselor. She works one-on-one in talk therapy, offers group therapy, classes and art therapy. She specializes in treating reactive attachment disorder and trauma. Fee: Private pay and insurance; sliding fee scale also available. LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES 74 South Main Street, Suite 103 Fond du Lac, WI 54935 Telephone: (920) 730-1321 Services: Counseling for children, adolescents, adults, couples and families; specializing in mental health and family issues. Fee: Based on ability to pay (minimum fee of $25.00). Private insurance and medical assistance accepted. Eligibility: Non-denominational, open to the public.

MAHALA’S HOPE N4590 US Highway 45 Eden, WI 53019 Telephone: (920) 904-0444

Programs and services: Mahala’s Hope offers substance abuse and trauma programs ranging from one day workshops to 4-6 week groups. They also work independently with individuals and groups. Workshops are offered regularly. Mahala’s hope uses nature-based and equine therapy methods to promote change and recovery. Programs available for women, men and teens.

SHARDS INC Mailing Address: 645 Forest Avenue

Fond du Lac, WI 54935 Phone : 920-204-6570

Programs and Services: SHARDS makes mental health services available to the uninsured and underinsured. SHARDS serves the uninsured and underinsured in Fond du Lac County and the surrounding areas by facilitating affordable mental health services. SHARDS contracts with a network of service providers that offer affordable mental health care. Through grants and donations, SHARDS subsidizes services for uninsured and underinsured clients on a sliding scale based on the client’s ability to pay.


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