Victoria Cook Academy Prospectus 2024


Our Aesthetic Pathway of Non-Surgical Skin Procedures for Aesthetic Practitioners is a suite of qualifications at Level 2 to Level 7, designed to provide learners with a clear route to a successful career in non-surgical skin procedures, incorporating an unprecedented level of study in skin science, skin health management, cosmetic dermatology and remedial skin treatments. The Pathway consists of a spiral curriculum that provides a clear progression route of qualifications for non-surgical aesthetic practitioners. The qualifications are designed to develop the essential knowledge and practical skills needed to carry out non-surgical skin procedures safely and effectively.

Progression through the Pathway deepens and integrates learning, and builds learner’s skills and competency in an increasingl y complex way as the level of qualification undertaken increases.

We are on a mission to innovate and create so please do expect more additions to the pathway as new modalities emerge and/or guidance/legislation evolves.

In line with Ofqual guidelines, our qualifications are

categorised as Awards, Certificates or Diplomas.

• Awards

1 – 12 Education Credits (10 – 120 hours)

• Certificates

13 – 36 Education Credits (130 – 360 hours)

• Diplomas

37 + Education Credits (370 + hours)

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