Victoria Cook Academy Prospectus 2024


Our courses have been designed and developed to be modular in nature with a flexible, blended learning approach for ease of access by busy working professionals looking for progressive pre and post graduate training.

Our theoretical audio-visual E-Learning programmes ensure that you can tailor your studies around your work, family and social commitments while still enjoying personal tutor support and individual practical training. Equally you can build your qualifications gradually in line with your needs and budget via our pay-as-you-go option. You study all theory online, paying module by module, and once you have completed all theoretical modules in this way, and passed all assessments, you will be able to progress on to undertaking any practical elements of your course, paying the relevant fees for those elements of your study at that time.

Please Note:

In addition to the costs shown on our price list, you are required to pay the Processing, Registration & Certification (P/R/C) Fees which are shown separately as these are VAT exempt.

Some of our courses can be combined and attract a discount on both the Skin College and P/R/C Fees when studied together.

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