Victoria Cook Academy Prospectus 2024

THE AESTHETICS INDUSTRY IS CHANGING The publication of the Health Education England (HEE) Report on January 8th, 2016, by the UK government’s Department of Healt h, marked a fundamental shift in recommendations for beauty therapists and medical aesthetic practitioners to gain qualifications at Levels 4, 5, 6 and 7 for advanced clinical skin rejuvenation treatments. Most recently, in February 2022, an amendment was made to the Health and Care Bill giving the Secretary of State power to introduce a licensing scheme for cosmetic procedures in England. The Bill was granted royal assent in April 2022, but, as of the time of writing this Prospectus (2024), to the best of our knowledge this is in development, but no legislation has been passed to licence said procedures.

We wholeheartedly embrace the dedication and tenacity of those, like us, that support the enhancement of the standards in our sector and have ourselves spent several years in the development and design of this suite of Ofqual regulated qualifications.

Our vision - to educate and support you as you commence your journey, and/or offer progression onto the highest levels of advanced corrective skin treatments, laser and light therapies and non-surgical skin procedures, via a dedicated Aesthetics Pathway from Level 2 to Level 7, that is aligned with relevant National Occupational Standards (NOS), with due regard to the standards and guidance of relevant regulatory and standard-setting bodies that currently represent the various disciplines within the Aesthetic Sector.

Please do note that Skin College makes no representation or warranty that the training provided will satisfy the obligations of any present or future licensing or regulatory requirements.

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