USD Men's Basketball 2009-2010
Mike Matoso, Senior Associate Director of Athletics Mike Matoso, in his tenth year at USD, begins his fourth year in the position of Senior Associate r\thletic Director. He will have the responsibility for the day-to-day operation and management of the department including compliance, personnel, programs, facilities and operations. i\ likc also supervises men's basketball, women's basketball, women's soccer and men's tennis. He currently serves on two \X,'cst Coast Conference committees (Championships and Sportsmanship), as well as one national committee (NCAA Cabinet for Student Athlete Welfare, Financial Aid and Extra Benefits). 1\ fatoso had held the title of Associate Athletics Director for Compliance and Ad111inistration beginning in the Fall of 2003, and was the depart111ent's Co111pliance Coordinator for five years. rv[ike started his Torero career as the depart111ent's Acade111ic Support Coor- Prior to USD, he spent three \'ears as the Acade111ic Counselor at USC where he worked with the footbal l, baseball, wo111en's soc– cer, swi111111ing and volleyball progra111s. Prior to USC, J\like served as the Acade111ic r\dvisor for all 18 intercollegiate progra111s at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo fo r two years. He earned both his B.S. degree in Physical Education (1993) and M.A. in Education, Counseling (1994) D an Yourg, Associate Director of Athletics, has been a 111ember of the USD Athletics Dcpart111ent since the fall of 1985. His main duties include overseeing the department's budget and business operations, along with sport supervision of football, women's swim- 111ing and diving, and baseball. Yourg has overall supervision of Sports Camps and Clinics, and the I::9uip111ent Staff. In addition, he is the depart111ent liaison to USD's Financial Aid, Budget & Treasury, Bursar, Ca111pus Card, I-l ousing, Dining Services and Bookstore. Additionally, Yourg is the Athletic Depart111ent contact for NCAA directed annual audits, coordinates the USD Equity in Ath– letics Disclosure r\ct (Er\DA) report, the NCAA Student Athlete Opportunity Fund and the NCAA Special Assistance Fund for Student– t\ thletes. Yourg is a national me111ber of CABJ\1./-\, the Col lege Ath letic Business i\ lanage111ent Association. He volunteers in the San Diego con1111unity serving on The Board of Directors for Tecolote Youth Baseball. Yourg received his Bachelor's (Sociology, 1980) and 1\.faster's (Social Work, I986) degrees fro111 the University of Wisconsin, where he was a nose guard on the Badgers' football tea111 . He played four years and was a letter winner. Yourg is an inductee of the St. Viator High School (Arlington Heights, Illinois) Athletic Hall of Fame. D an and his wife Virginia, a USD alumnus, are the parents of three sons, John, Thomas and J\lichael. Shaney Fink, Associate Director of Athletics/SWA Shaney Fink begins her ninth year with USD and her fou rth in the role of f\ssoc iate Director of Athletics for Compliance and Student Services/ Senior \Xfoman Administrator. She will also have sports supervision for women's voLlcybaU and women's tennis. Prior to her current position, she was Assistant D irector of Athletics for Academics and Student Services, and since her arrival at USO has overseen the Acade111ic Support Progra111. D uring the 1999 season she assisted the Torero volleyball coaching staff, helping the Torcros to a 23-6 record and second round fini sh in the NCf\r\ Tournament. Prior to USD she gained coaching experience at the high school, college and international levels for four years. She capped off a stellar collegiate career (1990-93) at Cal Berkeley and won selection to the J\11-Pac 10 Decade Team. Fink earned her B.A. in Social Science fro111 Berkeley in 1994. In the spring of 2004 she earned her Masters Degree at USD in Counseling. Shaney and her husband, Tom Vorkoper, reside in Encinitas with their three children - Lucas, J\lia and Leon.
f,- 0111 Cal Poly. He was also a starting pitcher for the Mustangs baseball team that participated in the D ivision IJ College World Series. Mike and his wife, J-;.elly, reside in Carlsbad with their three children, Abigail (9), Cole (6) and Brody (2). Dan Yourg, Associate Director of Athletics /Business Affairs
Brian Fogarty, Associate Director of Athletics/Development Brian Fogarty enters his 14th year in USD athletics ad111inistration where he is Associate Director of r\thletics for Development. He took over this post after spending thirteen years as US D's head football coach. He directed lJSD's football program to eleven seasons of .500 or better records and guided their move from the D ivision 11] ranks to the NC1\J\ ]-At\ level in 1993. In 2003 he was named US D's "r\dminjsrrator of the Year." His primary responsibilities are oversight of the annual and capital fund raising efforts for the r\thletics Department. He co-directed the capital ca111paign for the Jenny Craig Pavilion, which opened its doors in October of 2000. Brian and his wife Denise were married in 2004. Between them they have six grown ch ildren, and this past September welco111cd their sixth grand child. Three of their children are alu111n i of USD.
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