Secondary and Cumulative Impacts Master Management Plan - 2014

Article 3: Zoning Districts SECTION 3.1. GENERAL PROVISIONS Establishment of Zoning Districts This Ordinance establishes the base, planned development, and overlay zoning districts listed in Table 3.1.1, Zoning Districts Established, as well as conditional zoning districts paralleling each of the base zoning districts identified in Table 3.1.1. 3.1.1. A. Base Zoning Districts 1. Base zoning districts are established initially by the Town Council’s adoption of the Official Zoning Map and subsequently by approval of a General Rezoning (see Section 2.3.5). Such approval authorizes the full range of development allowed by the standards applicable to the base zoning district. 2. Development in a base zoning district is subject to predetermined standards set out or referenced for the district in Section 3.2 through Section 3.6. 3. For each base zoning district, regulations set out the district’s purpose and the intensity and dimensional standards applicable in the district, and reference other Ordinance standards generally applicable to development in the district. Each base zoning district also includes a photo depicting a building form typical in the district and an illustration depicting how the district’s dimensional standards apply to lots and typical building forms. The illustration is 3.1.2. Types of Zoning Districts

Table 3.1.1: Zoning Districts Established B ASE D ISTRICTS Conservation Districts Park/Greenway/Open Space (PGO) (Sec. 3.2.2) Residential Districts Very Low Density Residential (VLDR) (Sec. 3.3.2) Low Density Residential (LDR) Sec. 3.3.3) Medium Density Residential (MDR) (Sec. 3.3.4) High Density Residential (HDR) (Sec. 3.3.5) Activity Center Districts Neighborhood Activity Center (NAC) (Sec. 3.4.2) Business Activity Center (BAC) (Sec. 3.4.3) Community Activity Center (CAC) (Sec. 3.4.4) Regional Activity Center (RAC) (Sec. 3.4.5) Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) (Sec. 3.4.6) Town Center Districts Historic Crossroads Village (HCV) (Sec. 3.5.2) Main Street (MS) Sec. 3.5.3) Town Center Commercial (TCC) (Sec. 3.5.4) Town Center Residential (TCR) (Sec. 3.5.5) Residential Transition (RT) (Sec. 3.5.6) Residential Neighborhood Preservation (RNP) (Sec. 3.5.7) Commercial and Industrial Districts Corridor Commercial (CC) (Sec. 3.6.2) Office and Institutional (OI) (Sec. 3.6.3) Industrial Management (IM) (Sec. 3.6.4) C ONDITIONAL D ISTRICTS One parallel to each Base District above (e.g., C-NAC) P LANNED D EVELOPMENT D ISTRICTS Mixed-Use Planned Development (MUPD) (Sec. 3.7.2) O VERLAY D ISTRICTS

Airport Overlay-A (AO-A) (Sec. 3.8.2) Airport Overlay-B (AO-B) (Sec. 3.8.2) Floodplain Overlay (FO) (Sec.3.8.3)

intended to illustrate the general character of the district; if a standard shown in the illustration is inconsistent with the table of intensity or dimensional standards, the standards in the table shall govern. B. Conditional Zoning Districts 1. Conditional zoning districts (e.g., C-NAC) parallel each of the base zoning districts and are established through the Town Council’s approval of a Conditional Rezoning (see Section 2.5.3), which incorporates district-specific plans and conditions agreed to by the owner(s) of the rezoned land. 2. Except as otherwise provided in Section 3.1.4, Development Incentives Option , development in a conditional zoning district is subject to the same standards applicable to the parallel base zoning district, as modified by the approved district-specific plans and conditions.

Morrisville, NC

June 2013 Page 3-1

Unified Development Ordinance - Public Hearing Draft

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