Secondary and Cumulative Impacts Master Management Plan - 2014

Article 6: Riparian Buffers Section 6.8. Uses and Activities Permitted in Riparian Buffers 6.6.3. Riparian Buffer Variance Review Standards

Table 6.8: Uses and Activities Permitted in Riparian Buffers

Allowable with Mitigation [3]

Use or Activity

Exempt [1] Allowable [2]

Road relocation: Relocation of existing private access roads associated with public road projects that are necessary for public safety and impact no more than 2,500 square feet of riparian buffer Relocation of existing private access roads associated with public road projects that are necessary for public safety and impact more than 2,500 square feet of riparian buffer Temporary roads associated with culvert installation or bridge construction or replacement, where the disturbed area is restored to pre-construction topographic and hydrologic conditions immediately after construction is complete and replanted immediately with comparable vegetation—provided that: tree planting may occur during the dormant season; a one-time application of fertilizer may be used to establish vegetation; and the restored buffer shall comply with the restoration criteria in Section 6.9.5, Riparian Buffer Restoration or Enhancement, by the end of five years Temporary sediment and erosion control devices for work within a stream channel that is authorized under Sections 401 and 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, where the disturbed area is restored to pre-construction topographic and hydrologic conditions immediately after construction is complete and replanted immediately with comparable vegetation—provided that: tree planting may occur during the dormant season; a one-time application of fertilizer may be used to establish vegetation; and the restored buffer shall comply with the restoration criteria in Section 6.9.5, Riparian Buffer Restoration or Enhancement, by the end of five years Temporary sediment and erosion control devices for work within a stream channel that is not authorized under Sections 401 and 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, where the disturbed area is restored to pre-construction topographic and hydrologic conditions immediately after construction is complete and replanted immediately with comparable vegetation—provided that: tree planting may occur during the dormant season; a one-time application of fertilizer may be used to establish vegetation; and the restored buffer shall comply with the restoration criteria in Section 6.9.5, Riparian Buffer Restoration or Enhancement, by the end of five years Utility line crossings of streams and other surface waters subject to this article: Above-ground elective line crossings that are perpendicular to the stream and disturb no more than 150 linear feet of riparian buffer [4][5][6] Above-ground elective line crossings that are perpendicular to the stream and disturb more than 150 linear feet of riparian buffer [4][5][6] Above-ground elective line crossings that are not perpendicular to the stream and impact Zone Two 4 Underground electric line crossings that are perpendicular to the stream and disturb no more than 40 linear feet of riparian buffer [4][6][7] Underground electric line crossings that are perpendicular to the stream and disturb more than 40 linear feet of riparian buffer [4][6][7] Underground electric line crossings that are not perpendicular to the stream and impact Zone Two [4] Scientific studies and stream gauging Streambank or shoreline stabilization















Morrisville, NC

April 2013 Page 6-15

Unified Development Ordinance - Public Review Draft

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