Secondary and Cumulative Impacts Master Management Plan - 2014

Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation

R EGULATORY F LOOD P ROTECTION E LEVATION The elevation above mean sea level to which the reference level of all structures and other development located within Special Flood Hazard Areas and Future Conditions Flood Hazard Areas must be protected, as established in Section 5.6, Floodplain Management. (a) In ―Special Flood Hazard Areas‖ where Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) have been determined, this elevation shall be the BFE plus two feet of freeboard. (b) In ―Special Flood Hazard Areas‖ where no BFE has been established, this elevation shall be at least two feet above the highest adjacent grade. (c) In Future Conditions Flood Hazard Areas this elevation shall be the Future Conditions Flood Elevation plus two feet of freeboard. R EMEDY A V IOLATION For purposes of floodplain management, to bring the structure or other development into compliance with state or local floodplain management regulations, or, if this is not possible, to reduce the impacts of its noncompliance. Ways that impacts may be reduced including protecting the structure or other affected development from flood damages, implementing the enforcement provisions of this article or otherwise deterring future similar violations, or reducing federal financial exposure with regard to the structure or other development. R ESEARCH L ABORATORY A facility that is designed or equipped for basic or applied research of experimental study, testing, or analysis in the natural and medical sciences or engineering, including any educational activities associated with and accessory to such research. R ESTAURANT An establishment where meals or prepared food, including beverages and confections, are served to customers. Accessory uses may include bars, banquet rooms, catering services, pick-up facilities for take-out orders, windows for walk-up service, outdoor seating, and where specifically allowed, drive-through service facilities. An establishment that sells both alcoholic beverages and food is classified as a bar or lounge if it derives no more than 30 percent of its gross revenue from the sale of food and nonalcoholic beverages consumed on the premises. R ETAIL S TORE A building, property, or activity, the principal use or purpose of which is the sale of goods, products, or materials directly to the consumer. This use includes, but is not limited to, clothing stores, appliance stores, bakeries, food stores, grocers, caterers, pharmacies, book stores, florists, furniture stores, hardware stores, and pet stores. This use does not include convenience stores, automobile service stations, service establishments, restaurants, or adult establishments. R EVEAL A change in height of the primary plane that brings relief to an otherwise flat surface and increases its complexity.

R EZONING , C ONDITIONAL See Section 2.5.3.

R EZONING , G ENERAL See Section 2.5.3.


June 2013 Page 11-56

Morrisville, NC

Unified Development Ordinance - Public Hearing Draft

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