Secondary and Cumulative Impacts Master Management Plan - 2014

Article 5: Development Standards Section 5.5. Common Open Space and Public Recreation Area 5.5.1. Common Open Space

Table 5.5.1.C.2: Allowable Common Open Space Areas

Area Counted as Common Open Space


Design and Maintenance Requirements

Squares, Forecourts, Plazas, and Outdoor Dining Areas

 Squares, forecourts, plazas, and outdoor dining areas shall be at least 200 square feet, but no more than one acre, in area.  Such features shall have at least one direct access to a principal building, or to a street, bikeway, or walkway accessible to the public or the development‘s occupants and users.  Surrounding principal buildings shall be oriented toward the square, forecourt, plaza, or outdoor dining area where possible.

Squares, forecourts, plazas, and outdoor dining areas that provide gathering places or active and passive recreational opportunities

Public Access Easements

Public access easements that are available for passive recreational activities such as walking, running, and biking

 Such public access easements shall include at least one direct and signed access from a street, bikeway, or walkway accessible to the public or the development‘s occupants and users.

Required Buffer and Landscape Areas

All areas occupied by required perimeter and streetyard buffers, and landscaping, except landscaped area within parking lots

 See perimeter and streetyard buffer standards (Section 5.6) and landscaping standards (Section 5.12).

3. Areas Not Allowable as Required Common Open Space

The following areas shall not be allowed as required common open space:

a. Private yards not subject to an open space or conservation easement;

b. Street rights-of-way or private access easements, including sidewalks located within those rights-of-way or easements;


Open parking areas and driveways;

d. Land covered by structures, unless designated for active recreational uses;


Designated outdoor storage areas; and

f. Stormwater ponds not located and designed as a site amenity (e.g., with low fencing, vegetative landscaping, gentle slopes, fountain or other visible water circulation device, and pedestrian access or seating).

Morrisville, NC

June 2013 Page 5-15

Unified Development Ordinance - Public Hearing Draft

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