Student Exam & Grading Guide 2019-2020


Take-Home Exams, Papers & Projects Faculty members choosing to test students via take-home examinations, papers, and projects will provide written instructions. Take-home examinations are generally required to be completed within 24 hours to 48 hours. However, the duration of each take-home exam is determined by the faculty member. The time begins as soon as the exam is picked up. The time will be recorded at pick-up and at submission. The Office of Academic Services disseminates and collects take-home exams, papers and projects that require anonymity and exam numbers . Students must submit their anonymous take-home exams, papers or projects to the Office of Academic Services and not “The University Registrar’s Office”. Final papers that are not anonymous and will be submitted with a student’s name are submitted to that faculty member’s assistant. Take-home examinations and papers are subject to the conditions imposed by the faculty member. Late submissions may incur a penalty, at the faculty member’s discretion. Extension Requests for Papers, Projects and Take-Home Exams Students are expected to plan for the due dates of papers, projects and take-home exams. If a student experiences an unforeseeable, extraordinary personal matter or emergency situation which presents an unavoidable conflict with the deadline for a paper, project or take-home exam, the student should contact the Dean of Students Office for assistance (unless the student is sure that the professor is accepting the paper, project or take-home exam non-anonymously , in which case the student should contact the professor for assistance). Examples of an unforeseeable, extraordinary personal or emergency situation include an issue relating to the health of the student, or close family member, or death of a family member. Documentation is required. Exam Connect Exam Connect allows students the option of returning take-home examinations to the Office of Academic Services electronically by uploading the examination or paper to Blackboard. This service is not available for all take-home exams or final projects, and its use is determined by the faculty member. Each course for which students may upload the completed exam to Exam Connect will have its own course site on Blackboard ( All Courses and Organizations > My Organizations). Students should upload their documents in PDF format only. The file should be named using only your examination number e.g. 1543210.pdf. Please also include this information in the header of the file. Please do not include your name, student ID number or any identifying information in the file. If a faculty member requires an academic integrity statement or certification students must provide the certificate on a separate page, using their examination number as the signature name. To submit the exam: • Save your paper as an Adobe PDF using only your examination number for the file name: For example: 1543210.pdf • Open Blackboard – there will be a new Organization for each of your eligible courses: For example: LAW-EC-Securities Regulation

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