USD Volleyball 2001



Shaney Fi nk begi ns her second year as US D's Academic Support Co– ordinator. Fink was a standout vol ley– ball pl ayer in the 90's, and in 1999 she was on the Vo lleyball coaching staff as an ass istant, helping the Toreros to a 23 -6 record and a second round fini sh in the NCAA Tournament. Prior to US O she ga ined coaching experience at the hi gh sc hoo l, co ll ege and interna– tional leve ls for four years. She capped off a stell ar co llegiate career ( 1990- 93) at Ca l Berkeley and won se lection to the A ll-PAC Ten Decade Team.

USO ACADEMIC SUPPORT services are designed to enhance the student-athlete's overall co lle– giate experience and encourage development and attainment of aca– demic and career goa ls. A ll US O student ath letes have access to adv ising, tutoring and mentoring services. The mentoring program, Access, was deve loped in 1999 and teams a graduate student in the Counseling program with an athlete who would like to enhance study skill s, learn about campus resources and receive guidance on goal deve lopment and attainment. Student-ath letes also have access to a quiet area where they can study or work in the computer center. In additi on, student– athletes are encouraged to utilize the campus learning centers inc luding the Writing, Math and Log ic Centers as well as to take advantage o f the resources available to them in the Career Center, Coun se ling Center and Computer Labs. USO ALL-ACADEMIC HONOR ROLL West Coast Conference All-Academic Team Peria Yanchulova 1998, 99 Katie Lindqu ist 1997, 98,99 Deanna Bretz 1998 Jenni fer McMahon 1995.96 Jenni fer Lofftu s 1994 Arny McMahon 1994 Shannon Mutch 1992 Nik ki Wallace 1990,9 1 Andrea Bruns 1990 GTE All-Academic District V Ill Second Team Petia Yanchu lova. I998

Fink completed her B.A. , graduating with honors in Social Science from Berkeley in 1994. The USO Athletic Academic Support program is designed to promote the academic deve lopment o f student-ath letes. The primary obj ective is to offer the necessary resources fo r the academi c success of student- ath letes as they work to earn their degree. Aca- r ' "Th e greatest challenge to a Division I athlete is to balance the demands of sport while taking fit!! advantage o/ the edu cational experience o.f/ered. Th e purpose o/ our program is to assist stu– dent-athletes in meeting this challenge by offering tutoring, advis– ing, mentoring and a quiet environment lO study. Th e academic support program is designed to assist students in adjusting to life at USD and developing sound academic and career plans. By pro– moting a philosophy of individual responsibility, which encourages each student-athlete to value their educational experience, the aca– demic support program assists each athlete to realize their .fit!! potential. " Shaney Fink commitment to increase athl etic ability throughout the entire student athlete population. Therefore, each student athlete will be given a sport spec ific tra ining program based on the metabol ic demands o f their pos ition and sport. Thi s is accompli shed by trai ni ng fo r the proper combination of power, strength, size, speed, agil ity, fl ex ibility, endurance, and footwork. It is the responsibi li ty of the strength and condition ing staff to des ign and impl ement workouts, teach and demonstrate proper li fti ng techn ique, and to monitor and evaluate each indiv idua l athlete 's progress, whi le mai ntaini ng a pos itive environment to tra in in . Along with increasing athletic ability, the strength staff also has the goal of decreasing athl etic injuries both in and out of the athl eti c arena. The heart of the strength and condi ti oning program is the US O Sports Center weight room. It is open exc lusively to student-athl etes at spec ific times each day. The we ight room contains 5,000 square feet o f Ol ympic platforms, free-we ights, se lectorized machines, dumbbell s and cardiovascular equipment. The goal o f the strength and conditioning department is to educate and motivate each student athlete to maximize their genetic potential and create an environment where athl etes can develop into champions both mentally and physicall y.

TORERO STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING The University of San Diego Athl etic Department has made a

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Vertical Jump (approach)

Bar Dips Deanna Bretz I Mile Run Deanna Bretz

Back Sq uat Ali Martin

Power Clean Kristi Pearson Push Jerk Bridget Merritt Kristi Pearson


3 I"

Noel Frohman



2000 2000

2 15 2 15



Vertical Jump (standing) Ann Mott 26" Box Jump Kat ie Lindquist 103

Bridget Merritt Bench Press Kri sti Pearson



6 12

155 155

2000 1997

20 Shuttle Paige Spaulding






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