The Gazette 1991



g a z e t t e

The Solicitors Financial Service The company Solicitors Financial Service (SFS) formed by the Law Society in 1989 is now almost 18 months old. As stated in the annual report (copies available) over 2 60 f i rms had joined up to 3 0 th September, 1990. lighted to learn that their solicitor, through the SFS, can provide expert advice on I nves tmen t. Solicitor members need to inform clients, if necessary in a circular, that the service is available. Even a small amount of marketing will yield surprising results. It may surprise solicitors to know that t wo ac t ual w i nne rs of subs t an t i al amounts in the National Lottery have been advised by SFS to the not u nwe l c ome p r o f it of t he solicitors concerned. A high proportion of member firms have rejoined and along w i th the " n e w " members joining the total membership now is around the same level as last year. It is wo r th noting that in these days of rising costs the SFS has REDUCED t he fee, as s h own below. Clients receive a very com- prehensive investment report and

Sinead Burke Sedgwick Dineen




No. of Solicitors

in Practice

Rata - £-

- £ -

- £ -




Sole Practice



2 - 5



6 - 1 0






11 and over

Joining the scheme is simpla You send a cheque payable to The Incorporated Law Society for the relevant amount and you then be c ome registered. Se d gw i ck Dineen takes over from there and a Consultant will visit the firm and introduce t he service to you. Incidentally many new members may be wondering why they have not received the plaques and display stands, the reason being that all the stock has had to be re- ordered and the user manuals have had to be reprinted. Over the next f ew wee ks t he t e am of Consultants will be delivering new stocks. Comparing the last four months since the October renewal to the same period in 1989, more income has been generated and this trend is very encouraging. In order for the s c h eme t o ach i eve o p t i m um results, individual solicitors in each firm must generate enquiries. There are a large number of solicitors clients who will have surplus funds, whether large or small, who will be only too de-

S e d g w i ck D i neen w i ll me et him/her and their solicitor to dis- cuss the various options avail- able. Remember that Sedgwick D i neen is c omp l e t e ly inde- pendent of any bank, financial institution or insurance company and can give advice on the most suitable products available to the client. There are many other examples such as providing advice to clients on inheritance tax planning or implications wh i ch the budget has on Section 60 Policies. Members of the Profession are urged to seriously consider mem- bership of the service, as it has proved to be a substantial source of additional income for its members. It is a system wh i ch is very simple to operate and enables a solicitor to provide an expert service in an area of client business whe re t he solicitor does not have to be expert himself. •

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