The Gazette 1991

a p r i l 1991

g a z e t t e

to say, those States which have ratified the Convention). The unthinking choice of vehicle to achieve this may very well cause the client to be made amenable to the courts of the other contracting State which, if this was never the intention of the client, may cause somewhat of a problem for his solicitor. Given the lack of analysis and commentary in this book the view is regretfully expressed that the Irish practitioner, law student etc., might be better served by referring to some or all of the excellent publications cited (such as Kaye etc.) JOAN O'NEILL

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GALWAY SOLICITORS BAR ASSOCIATION Invitation Solicitors are cordially invited to Gal way on Saturday the 18th of May, 1991 to attend a Technology Exhibition and Seminar organised by the Galway Solicitors' Bar Association. This is a unique opportunity for Solicitors, particularly those in smaller sized firms, to come to Galway and to inform themselves about the practical uses and benefits of modern technology in a Solicitor's Office. Solicitors may listen to informed speakers and view first hand some of the technology now available and there will be an opportunity to talk to other practitioners who have purchased or who are thinking of purchasing new equipment for their offices. The venue for this one day Exhibition shall be the Great Southern Hotel, Eyre Square, Galway. Special week-end rates are available for all those wishing to attend. Why not take this opportunity to spend an enjoyable week-end in Galway! For further details and booking contact: Oliver Foley 091-65136 Geoffrey Browne 091-68713 Barbara Curran 091-67091


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