NCYCRegularMeetingMinutes Page6of 7

Topic #2 NCYC Committee Approvals: No one has stepped up to chair the Audit Committee. If interested, please contact Commodore JohnAnderson. ForwardPlanningCommittee: ChairmanRCChuck Stroh, indicated that he couldnot get six members for the committee that is required by the by-laws, he only has 5 people. Motion: Moved by Don Reiss to accept only five members for the committee. SecondedbyRandyPagel. MotionCarried. ForwardPlanningCommitteeMembers: RCChuckStroh,Chairman, JeffEdgerly,Don Ruma, Ken Lipowski, BenCarroll, Tom Szott. Motion: Moved by PC Don Vanover to accept the Forward Planning Committee as presented. SecondedbyBrentMalik. MotionCarried. NominatingCommitteeMembers: PCTomMcHugh, Chairman, PCBill Bauer, PCBill Hendricks, PC JimAngers, Dave Lockhart. Motion: Moved by Don Reiss to approve theNominating Committee as presented. SecondedbyBrentMalik. MotionCarried.

Topic #3 Newmember PhilipManiaci. Motion: MovedbyDonReiss toapprovePhilipManiaci asanewmember. Seconded

byBrianMalik. MotionCarried.

Topic #4 OD and Week Manager Manuals: Discussion was held on additions or corrections to the current OD and Manager manuals. Randy will make these corrections/additions to themanuals. Randywill email themanuals to theOD's and Managers. Therewill also be copies behind the bar with the deposit tickets for the bank.


NEWBUSINESS Topic#1 - Adiscussionwas heldon theneed to keep thePOBox thatwe currently have. Itwasdecided that thebox isno longer necessary. Motion: MovedbyDonReiss to cancel thePOBox. SecondedbyBrian Malik. MotionCarried.

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