Well, wearenowat minus 1day from launchasof thewritingof this article. However, I can’t launchbecause the lake is still icedover, whenwill spring show itself?Thewinter has taken its toll onme and my physique. The goodnews is that our TransportationDirector Pat Carroll hasaFin ready to go into thewater to start our EliteBrigade activities. If we can just dodge the icegettingback and forth to the island. Unfortunately, Sandi and I missedout on theMidland trip this year. We simply couldnot doeverythingwehadonour plate, familywon this time. TheMidlandbigwinnerswereGregandYvonneMurray, winning thebig screenTV prize. The prize that Sandi and I received formissing the tripwas that wewerehonored to attend theBlessing of theFleet withArt andSueBrooks. It was ahumblingexperience, I felt privileged to represent NCYC in the traditional event.

I know firsthand that themembershipput the clubhouseandgrounds to bed in very good condition last October. However, with theas of now, second roughest winter in recorded history, we can’t be surewhatMotherNaturehas done to us. Please comeand share in the EliteBrigadeweekendsand then in theworkweekends.We havea shorter time this year to get the facilities ready. It’s oneof themost fun times of the season for me. I enjoy the camaraderiewithmy fellowmembers and the feelingof the sweat equity that I earn from the effort. Come joinus!!

Let’s get theparty started……………….Thereain’t noparty likeaNorthChannel party!!!!!!!!!!!!

See you soon,


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