News Scrapbook 1973

UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO II) 'fl,, 111\1 IJl.,-H\ 41 ~,t;\73 D !adr gal m l'r~ are warnung up for th tr m, 'fn lfi member group, under the d1rculion Qt Deborah C'uy- lPT Jumor mllslc maJor, sings both marl1igalll and ntempo- rary selections .\1155 Cuyler startt-dl the ,\ladngal Smge thl'el) ars ago becau e he wanted to mg madrigals ID a grou~ and there was no sucl1 group al USD The popularity of the group has r o e t ~ect11led for ~la\ 6.

EN!' rench play at USD theater


gro\\n so that 1t no\l holds formal audition for pro pee- live singers. The Madrigal Singers have hrld · eve1 al publk concerts and have appeared on tele- v , The mcmhprs rc•cc w 1c· credit lor srnging the grnup ~111gs a la, each 111embc·1 must •·adl'r ~11SS ( UVl!'I" a1cl foundl'I has \\l'IIIPn H ,lll'Sll'J" COlll'Crt Timl ,llld l11calto1J for I'll'• ha. 1101been an IIOUIJCPd I l'IWh Dcpart- mrnt will <·rleb,atc the :wuth ,rn1111 l.'r•ar} of the (l at Tiu l sn [, ~01 g 'I rust ol '11hi<-h will b~ p,•rformed durmg lh c

On stage a t •· willowy blond "as berating her lover m no uncertam term lie was takmg 11 calmly, seated at a table while she pared around him angr1l) A slim \\omal' ,~ 1 be

tSD st dents



•·we wanted

memorate anni versarv of the death o[ , In- here, Mrs Rig by aid Mme Scheffer said French the,tter in Los Ang le~ IS pop uJar with penons of all a~es, • but more \\omen ~ttend than men " he Is director of he drama departm<'nt o Al- ban< e Fl1l nca 1se and a surlt presen at ea t threl' pt o- gram a year Her tage ca eer b gan m Pans when he was 14 e rel'alled "I did a lot of come dy But I hked pla} , too. I )US lo\·ed to WOI k in lront of audiences 1 wanted to be on the tage She perfmn cd m over 70 '1Im III France and appeared at lite Co i,d1e Fi anca1 e ome 20 years ago he came to Cahfm nia to found the i renrh theater The ~'r~nch t de ts at rso a\ e unpr~ ed '\!me Schcfre1. Both he m,d Mi Rt' bv a L' hop ul th • the program on A di 28 will he \\ell att,•nded There's QI ,o\.plantoll r bru ·h up on} t e ln 1'1 pl..lyed a JO t e\CT\ • \\here po 1hle m Paris,"


San Diego, Thursday, April 12, 1973


State goes small time with public talk

B RILL ce "fER The Aztecs or C ' •ore d S111 Um\ersity, San Diego, \\Ill no longPr chedole e•hletic even · \\1(h University of S,,n Die"o anrl Umtect State, Iol.l.'rm1t1onal i change in Azte t;; be USD's forceful football coach, Ancy Vinc1. Aztec athletic director D1. Ken Karr )esterday expl med the ce . alion of athletics be, tween l:SD and t·sm. sche -~ 6 poll ) appear \nd o • of the rmc1pal rea, on for

And instead of stressing the major reason for the m-cs• ,w.- petty reason foulkl their way tnto print. The school with the big-time a plrallo came out of It looking a\l fully small- time. It ls not an Issue that L'SD coacbe~ Berr e Bicker taff in basketball and John Cunningham 1 baseball have built teams comparable theJr Aztec counterparts Nor l 11 an ue that USD football coach, And> V ~cl. has boa ed about the success of his colleagues and aspll'l!s to thi, same f r hlmscll against the Aztecs on the gnd1ron somecta And if Vinci Js energetic and resoul'C€ful en u to ure p from a few Aztec Club boosters, that's rot an I ue r. a' sue 1s San Diego State's master pl·" It ts to chedule of major teams And to re~ch that goal, D n usn: must oo drnppe They may be compet.•1ve put f.he · aren't maJor. Its that simple JU basketba:. coach Bob Klnppenburg understands and he old~ no b1tternes • The only negative thing about It is fr.e timing " said Klop- ~nbur "I feel bad becau e our schedule ts short now and their decision has left us ID a kind of limbo "Bu I'm not 110mg to make an issue of that. If '1e1r phi! o- phy ts to sehedule 100% major teams it's e11tJrely their pre- rogat ve There's nothing we can dn aud I have no hard feel- 1n,gs. I can understand Dick's position." Three USD coaches differ on view B ckerstafl, Cunningham and Vmcl figure to be much :e s understanding at USD. They are convtncro Slate '.S runring away to avo d further embarrassment from the Toreros and Karr's rer('nt comments have !:IVCn them more amrrumt nn • I'm no lntere ted In poor-r.iouthlng USD's program " said Karr "And there 1s no "•YI can jus•1fy getting. t an a 1 ey fight \\1th •heir people. an nd VC-In e, too but now "-e don't. tM I tone (small college opponent I always We want to 100% maJor," Karr conclu not I . ~ll that other ;tuff in penpheraJ o ll.1te to have all that petty stuff ge cranked UP'" If only he d thought about that before setting t e c mot.:on. USDs a

rn1rnr DLF"F\'

:\lollt•1c the 17th c<·ntmy artordr~nrntisL l\llb the· due 1 1s II udrn~ work by \1oliere, m frcnch ,t t 1 ('ammo Theater • p ys lioth cla ,cal and modPrn, b\ 1 r hiench studPnts under the d1rcctio fer a or rnnal 8<"tress origrniall) from Pa ·n~ Rrench coru ulatPs from both Lo Angc•le and,. San Diego have been 1nv11r<.1 to att nd thP produl't10n and a public reception to be h lrt tcr thP product,1111. $115,000 1-17~~ To USD Athletics The Lni\rr 1 1.v 11 f s, 111 Dirgo Phil Wo11lperl resigned last Au- ye. terd v o!hrially 1110k ii s gust llas<'ball coach ,John Cun- foot hall program, <'nnchNl hy ningharn has bern serving as $115 0CO rP; 1•1 Iv through the . gift or a "[1w11d" ,n10 its alh• thP actrng All. Hughes said a major function m • for an athll't1c dll'l'C"tor to of thr ll<'W AD 11111 h<' to coorch- • pnll tog1•thcr a th11·,•·JJart pm- . t I d gi m.' nalr fund Ia1S1ng proJr<· s o e- let e dl'par m nt and went look- s ctesign,itcd rray ,·osls of lhl' program. !ball p,t,gram "Th,• Sl'OJ)e or our prngrnm 11n1~111u1Jed bPneractor, "ill he con 1slrnt with the size d III th<' eont111- of our 11ni1er ily," Dr, Hughes I 11 at l SD, dC said. "W1• rlon't wish tu have 0lball coach Andy th•• tail wagg1qg the dog" Through a II ntlPn slatrm 0 nl 1d n( Dr. Au th or ,,. Jlughts said lhal any runrts re- m ,ct th~ ;111nountc• quin·d for thl' operat,on of the Sports<"a tc•rs- mti•n·ol]Pgiate athlf't ie prngr,tn1 ir.g ;uhhng hat rnt_..11·ollr•g1atc> bud_g<'I must br sl•curf'd prior to a• hll'lll'S , nd U Ds pror,rum the time thl'y are to be ex- \\ ill mov • tow,11ds "rc•(Tp lion l}('lldr•rl mtercollrgrnt,• athletic ond hra! ,, , 1 h· , 1 . d . 1 th L>ducat IOfl." . I r, r we ,1vc a re I a • lamr·rl an excrllent re<"lll cl in • l Sll's Bvard of Truslers has terrnllegrnte athlrtic's P1en \\ith approv, d the lll'W program QUr 8 111all hud~el, • the pres1, wh1r·h will lnclurte b all. nt continued "Prehm ary baskelball, footh·1ll, fl d mmalion h:1s sho\, t tennis on 1h•• Natio _! any persons m the c !egiate Athletic Assn~ 1 llllv an• ragPr to assist u College Division level. lour m•w progr·1m.'' Fhotball. whl('h ha~ b<'rn 1- mamt amrd by the a ~oc1alerl L D P 1~1 nt at th Sportswnt A snnalion meet ahovP those prov1ctccl by thr




he B10Jogy Club Of of San D1\'go will hosl the members of the VSD Internationa l Club on a desert field trip this weE·kend Th lhrte da~ trip into the lower sonora desert wlll give the ISO stu mt from 20 foreign couotrie (hei r It t look at the llora and fauna Under the leader hip of Dr Ross Drn gm associate professor of iology, the stud wlll prov ide the mg q111pment and gu1 The ro1e1gn v1ll act as che!s wi th th their ad\'lsor, Wil o as I tan profe~SQr the Edu<"alional Oevelopment Center. th Umversit

J 75,000 GIFT Booster Clu To Aid USD


6luclrnt body on th!' dub level I sine•• 1969, WIil no\\ bp under thP U1ti\•l'rs1ty's admmistralive • onti ol. Hughes Sil ess1•d that all this will be rtonr unclrr Ihe c111n•nt proporli1111al buctgrt allo\\ance of approx11natc>ly S140,000. "Thi• university will not he calh>

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Four- un Rally Wins For Toreros


'-t/1'1 /73

"A ril Affair' for USD

J a home of Dr. Virginia Livingston, p of the UmvcrSlly of San Diego auxiliary, will be the for "An April Affair," a luncheon for the auxiliary for April 26. Mrs. John H. R1ppo Jr,, chairman, has appointed to her committee : Mrs. Robert Howard, program chairman: Mrs. Charles Anderson, decorations; Mrs. William A. Yancy, co-chairman; and Mrs. Henrietta Magellan and Mrs. Paul Vesco, reservations. Hostesses will include Mrs. Lawrence Oliver, Mrs. William A. Yancy, Mrs. Lee B. Bartell, Mrs. Eugene H. DeFaJco, Mrs. Harold F. Tebbetts and Mrs. John E. Leander. Also .Mr .L. Tagwerker, Mrs. Robert Cihak, Willam K. Buckley, Mrs. A.J.C. Forsyth, Mrs. Ro Pendergast and Mrs. Carl W. Timms. Rear Adm. James Robert Davis will be speaker.

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l nivet 1ty of <; 'l DiPgo of fic1als also announc 0 d that m the future any st lenwnts by memb~rs of the scho I coach· ing staff on matter· ,,f admin- istrati\'e policy or subjects should be released only through the office of USO sports information direc- tor Gabe IJe!\unzio. "Dr. Hughes (l'SD presi- dent Dr. Author E Hughesl d1scus,ed the matter \\ith me today and infonned me on "hz• the proC"edure \I0Uld be," De\"unzio said. t "This doesn't mean that a related L h

USDc uh sla es tri

-------SWT · USD affair set 4 • 73






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The Biology the University of San Diego will host the members of the USD International Club on a desert held trip this weekend The three day trip into the lower sonoran desert will give the 150 students from 20 foreign countries their hrsl look at the flora and fauna . Under the leadership of Dr Ross Dingman, associate professor of biology the students will •provide the camping equipment and act as guides. The foreign students will act as ('hefs with t 111d of their advisor \\ assistant prole Education& D C€nter lub of

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\fagellan and co are handling







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state- If a


coach cannot

Parental Sur- lecture to of a D~.

"The Art vival" i~ the

menls concerning his part!cu- coach is askt'd aboul one of In his own players or other mat- h< lers relating to lus team. he 1s in the best position to COIJ\ it has always cc been understood that ~"tate- flc ments of-admin stratlYe poli- cy or related subJt•cts should R be released b) the chool it· se1 • It is my understanding that Dr. Hughes i onlv clar1- U!e · ·s det1s1on U far sport. Obviously he lo ment on it th 'I'm sure Dr. Hughes, in speaking be- fore the Sport caslers- Sportswntrrs Association \\eeklv lunche n 'llondav, an- nounced that football \\ ill DO\\ be under the university's acl- ministrati\'e control after previous control by the schooJ"s associatPd student body, Cook speaking for the l SD Boostei Club, i ued the fol• lowing statement. "The t;ni- \'ers1ty of San Diego Booster Club has one specific '(lurpose - to promote intercollegiate athletic, at USO and specir'c- a1y football. "The booster club, in fact, has agreed to underwti e the football program to the ex- tent of that "hich we are unable to raise through out- side donations a11d fu11d rais- ing activillcs.'

1 be


!liven Elnora Scl1madeI.ldireclor of Learn ing Development Services. FndJy at 7:30 p.m. in De Salle Hall, Un iversity of San Diego. The lecture series will offer an opportunity for parents lo examine how fa mily patterns evolve. Participant~ will have an opportunity to alvze their own family patterns and discus the process of int rpersonal reaction wi thin thUa · y. For ilitional inf rmation call 284- 21 . ,by

Q_ - ::t: V'l Cl:::




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