News Scrapbook 1973

Cut U Schedu es Karr Cit s


EN!' rench play at USD theater

41 ~_s \ 73

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air wamu g up fo

Th 1 D I Inga! Sin 1•1


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I ay 6 The 16-membcr group uot.ler till' rhrcut1011 o D borah ler Junior n111s1c· maJor, smgs both madriga and c; ntempo- ars ago bt\Cau e he want •d to smg madrigals m a group and the re wa no uch group at CSD. The popularity of the group has grown so that 1t now holds lormal audition lor prospec- tive singers. The.: Madrigal Singers have h Id everal public concerts ;~nd have appearrd on tele- The mcmher rPce ve 11c c•redil tor smgm" tlw group s111gs a hedu ~d for V· rary selPCt i1111s Mt s Cu~lcr star!P

On stage a tall w1Jlov. ' blond was berating h r lo\er m ro uncertain terms. H was takmg 11 calmly, eat d a a table ~htlP she pact!d around htm angrily slim v.oman m the front rm1 wa enJovmg the scene, m11ing broad! as the ac- tre 11ent through her Im 'Tre b n · she houted, applauding both perfo1mer The curtain do ed ard the v.oman turned to a mao eated ·hind her 'I feel •ome of the tudent he1e are vel\ talent d a ac tor ." he remarked Thi wa not an ordinary rehearsal. The performer werf' French . tudent at the U111versity of San Diego. The) \I ere pr~pann° for a ptogram of xccrpts from French cla sic 11 Inch v. 111 he pre ented Apnl 28 m cam- mo Theater on campu The woman so engt'()b t-d m the p1occedmg '\las Mm Vvonn ·hi,ffer, former Pa- l 1 an actre s ho now rro nc:h hov. m South

tud rt


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versary or I.he death of here ·• '\1rs. R 1gsby aid Mme. Scheffer aid Ftench cheater In Lo ng.,J l pop- ular with persons of all agrs, ' but more \I omen attn1d than men." Sh l director of he drama dPparlmPnt or Al !Jante Francaise and a such pre ents at !Pa t three pro- grams a )ear Iler tage C"are r be an 111 Pans when h a 14 'I pla:,,ed about e,cr • 'II h ·r po sible m Pan ,' she recaUed I did a Jot of come d . But I hkPrl p'!a} too I usl lov d to wo1 k m front of audwnc.:e I v.anted to be (lD the tage" She performed n over 70 f Im m Fran<>e and appeared at lhP Comcd1e 1''1 anc•a e Some 20 ea s ago he came to C'~l!fornia found the 1' rench theater The French tud nt t.: D ha~e 1J11pre ed 1m S!'hcffc1 Bo h he nn

T r r Of Vinci

San Diego, Thursday, April 12, 1973

la each membc•r must leadPr, :Vliss Cuvlc·r said founrll'r has 1~nttl'n a ·011 • 'Trust :\ot.' wh1!'h 111II lw pt•rtonnPd durrng the c lll( 11•1 COlll't'fl. Titnt and lo( atwn for tlw pt·t forn ml<'P has not bPen an- nuunn•d. Tiu l 'ifl l·'l'PIH'h J)pparl• 1111•11 wlll 1·clcb1ate the ~Ont h annh1•r ar) nf the at


lJILL WEURDING State goes small time with public talk


And in tead of zte<' • JMve, pf'tty reasons found their way !Dto print. The chool \\ith tbP big-time a plratlons came out of 1t al\ full> small- time. It IS no an 1 sue that USO coaches Bernie Bicker taff in ba ketball and J hn Cunrungham in ba~eball have built teams comparabl o the.II' ztec counterparts :'l;or Is 1t an ue that USO football coach And~ Vmcl, has boasteo about the succeut they aren't maior. Irs that

The Aztec of Cahlorn1a St ate Lm~erslty, San Diego, v.1ll no longer chednle athletic ev n with Universtt~ or San Die~o and t.:mtcd ·t.-ites Jr tc1nationcll Univer it•. ,\ d on o' the pnnc1pal rea- on for 1 change m Aztec ~he fti pol c, aopear to I e CSD's forceful footbal coach, ndy \ inci Azt('C athletic director Dr Ken Karr )C terday explam d the ce ation of athletics bc- tv.een USD and USIU.


~lol!crc th< 17th ·1 nlUJY actnr-dra111al1st wrth the r udin, WOI k by ~lollcre, in Fren :ii at ('amino Theater. 111 t l\al • both das,Jl'al a11d modern f ri1 db !Ill' l JI program, Pnrich rt hy mngharn bP!'n serving as 115.0CO n·1·r11tly lhr ough the gift of ,1 '•fri<•1 ti" into its ath- the aC"trnl( AO. Hughes said a major function ng for an athklic

4f l~73

The Biology Club or U1 University of San 01 go will host th members of the USO International Club on a desert held tnp this weekend The lhree day tnp into the lower onor d ert will give the l~0 tudcnts from 20 foreign countne heir fl t look at the llora and fauna

de 1 gnatcd fray eosts of the progr<1m. lball p1i1gram I "The scope of our program Pd benrh1ctor, will he con istent with the s ze d in th<' contin- or our univc•rsity," Dr. Hughes ll at USD, ac·- said. "WP don·t wislt to have roug .a wn trn s atcni,,nt, Hughes s:11d that any fund~ re- " ar nulli e- f'JUl!'ed for the opera Iion of the SportSc~Slrrs- intrn·ollrgiate athl!'lic program th . 11 . Th h ·1 t

JI 0 0


But Kart admitted I nl h the ca e or USD there e ·1 ot • e · reasons for ending the ba - ketball and baseball series - cro . town rivalries Ulat Jra,e la led a decade. football and any Ion -range a pirations. The To- rero now have a football team nd an energetic leader in Vm- ci. And the re on are that ·u no longer ala Park sa1 its quietly atop Al-

for use 1n the by the u d 11

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to ootball coach Andy the tail waggil\g the dog."

'!rd n

k I Is obvious \\hat our goals are. We us('d to play


d nt Dr. Author K

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e point,

, too but now we don't.

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Hugh" m d

( mall colie e pponent l alwa;s 'We want to be 100% major," Karr Cllnclud not 1 . All th other stuff in ptnpheral o e ha e to have all tha petty stuff ge' cranked u17" If only he'd thought about that before setting tit moti USDs





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burlgc,t must bl' sec:urc•d pnor to 0 ~ 1 the time they are to be ex- "I f!'rl we h;1vc already at- tainPcl an f'XC'!'llPnt rc'C'flrcl I i l• · p!'ndrd ·

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\\ill r~~w i'o\\·ll'ds mtcrcollegiatf' athll'tic and heal I th education." •~-p~;,?~(i . '

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1pment nd


. The foreign slllclent .. ,.i!J act a· chefs with the aid of their advisor, Wilso urr, ass1 tant professor I the Educational Development Center


1 Ds Board of Irust, has tertollegiate athletics even '1111h app~ovcd th~ nrw P_to ram ur small budget," the• w_hiih _will rnch'.de b b lit rnt conlinued. "Prelimi ~ry ba k 1ball, footb,tll,. ,1 nu mmation has shov. t tcnris on the_ at10n . any per 'ODS in thP c , !Pgiate Alhl_•t1c As 0G1al1 rnty ·are eager to assist u Colll'gc Dm. wn lrvcl. our new pro,lram." 1 Football. whirh has bren -

mamtainrd by the a sociaterl sturtrnt body on 1he C'luh level since 1969, will now br under the university"s administrative 'f'0ntrol Jfughrs strcssrd that all lhls will be donP undrr thr t'UITPnt proportional budgrt allowance of approximately $140.000. ''The univcrsit y will not bP callPd upon for anditional fi. nandng of this program " Dr. Hughrs said. "We will b!' searching for inl'reased funding from outside the university. o a ·e a hal- ··'•""-.'"''""'"'t.l J'Ul ,1,11-,,.v•ywl i lie and heall ducatton.' Thl' Toreros hll\" ti ·ith- . ut an athlc-tH' din•c o since

15,000 GIFT

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Boost. r Clu To Aid USD The Umversity of San Diego, it would appear, has not been handed a ' gift ' of 115,000 for its football program Ken Cpok, pre,1dent ,1f the U. D Booster Club yesterday idPn- t,fi oup as thr one sePkmg to rnise the $115.000, but only lhr ar1ous projects and not as an outright ' gift.'' "We inly did not have an 'angel' drop 115 n our lap." nsi tcd. "We do have a few 'angel ' mcludmg myself, who have agreed to help make p towards the goal of 115,000, but not to any tremen

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"'He ha.' patterned his p1 o- m after us." says Karr. Take that and other things and put all the e factor togetn- er and there are reasor15 foe evaluating why v.e should play them. "Should we be helping

Four-Run Rally Wins For Toreros

Cl '11 Olli.. (\

the mone;


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(Continued on C-2. Col. 41 'Ap il Affair' for USD i.t {1<1 / 1 Th Jolla home of Dr. Virginia Livingst p of the Umvers y of San Diego auxiliary, will be the for "An April Affair," a luncheon for the auxiliar for April 26. Mrs. John H. Rippo Jr., chairman, has appointed to her committee: Mrs. Robert Howard, program chairman; Mrs. Charles Anderson, decorations; Mrs. William A. Yancy, co-chairman; and Mrs. Henrietta Magellan and Mrs. Paul Vesco, reservations. Hostesses will include Mrs. Lawrence Oliver, Mrs. William A. Yancy, Mrs. Lee B. Bartell, Mrs. Eugene H. DeFalco, Mrs. Harold F. Tebbetts and Mrs. John E. Leander. Also Mr .L. Tagwerker, Mrs. Robert Cihak, Willam K. Buckley, Mrs. A.J.C. Forsyth, Mrs. Ro Pende ast and Mrs. Carl W. Timms. Rear Adm. James Robert Davis will be speaker. s.


"\\ e reed to opera I e t e \\hO e footba!l prog!'am and 'lie 11ant to raise 1t ourselve o 'lie don t have to rely on the 115 ('00 ' Vmc1 termed he un ,er it)· accep1 ance of the program as the culmma- l!0n of all the t'11ngs 11e ve been work• mg ror fl"s 200 000

TAKE CO. 'TROL I Dr Hughes, in speakmg be· f . · the sportscastcrs- 01 e A ·. lion Sportswriters ssocia weekly luncheon Mo nd ~Y • an-. nounced that [ootball \\tl) now be under 1he uni,•ersity s ad- . . trative control after minis l b, the revious cootro ~choo\'s associated student body. h t:SD Cook. speaking for t e Booster Club issued the Co)· ' t· "The Un1- 1owing statemen - t r versitv of San Di~go Boo. e Club has one spec1f1c puq>ose - to promote intercollegi~te athletics at USD and spec1flC· aly football. . f t "The booster club, J~ ac , r/' has agreed to underwrite the football program to the ex· tent of that which we are unable to raise through out- side donations and fund rais- ing activities.'~ _ _

·- C ....., ·- ·- ..... Cl) a, < V'> > => .....


----SWT "4 - 73 The Uni1",rs1ty of San Diego Auxili ~111 have An April USD affairs

C slates trin ri~




The B10logy the University of San Diego will host the members of the USD International Club on a desert field trip this weekend The lhree day trip into the lower sonoran desert will give the 150_ stude~ts from 20 foreign countries their first look at the flora and fauna. Under the leadership of Dr Ross Dingman, associate professor of biology, the students will •provide the campmg equipment and act as guides The f reign students will act as rhef with -aid of lub of

nThursday at the of Dr Virginia

Affair La Jolla

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L, 1dent of

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USD club~t- slates, trip¾~\, The y Cl tfi'~ Univer Sen , 1 o .will host the mbers of tlie USO Intcrnatiorfal Club on a desert field trip this wel!kend The ~hree da} trip into the loiter 'Sdnoran desert vfill give the 150 students from 20 foreign countries their first look at the flora and fauna . Under the leadership of Dr. Ross Dingman, as ociate professor of biology, the studenls WJII provide the campmg equipment and act as guides. The foreign students will ac~ a. chefs with the aid of their adv1)lor, Wilson Schurr, assistant • professor of the Educational Developme nt Center.



Parental Sur- M ii lecture to

"The Art vival" 1~ the

be Elnora Schmadel,ldirector of hearning Development Servires, Friday at 7: 30 p.m in De Salle Ha li University of San Diego. · The lecture series will offer an opportunity for parents to examine how family patterns evolve. Participant will have an opportunity to • alyze their own family pattt'l"lls and discus the process of mterpersonal reaction w·thm t a ily. For it1onal isJformation call 284-221 i;iven ,by D~.



their advisor assistant Educationa



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