News Scrapbook 1973

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tend the celebration which will be hf.'lrl ln the school au- ditorium durmg three assem• blies at 10;30 am., 12 .:i5 p.m and l ·50 p.m. • - A p.:irade by dty of'1dals and scliool c'Jildren begin• n 1 1Jg at. 10 a.~ . will mark

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day-long otiserv~11cC'S of the holiday m T1Juana

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Ma:t. 2, 1973 speeches

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by National City-area church es Saturday from noon to 6 center, lhghland ,\ve. at Plaza Rlvd. :.fexican booths, mu~ic. Member:- of the San Diego Lions Club wlll hear about the ~ig11Ificance of Cinco cie :0-layo tomorrow noon from I ,- · the .. - -- ..

week-l~ng Clnco de :\Jayo eel- I I I


noon program following the annual :\laytimr band review which starts .it 10:30 a.m. Students at :\fomorial Ju- nior High School will end a .. BOOKS I I I 1 I I I I

I t.5,1 Jtt. • lJ:1: OIIO --------- I Herweg & Romine

the Mary King Dance Studio,


Dr '.\11ke Mathes. a Univer- si!\' of San Franc1sro profes- sor and h1st01ian . " \lathes wLII speak in

Top Prices Paid!

\1adrirl Room of the Sheraton Airport Hot<'!

~atlonal Cit)'

The schedule calls for \fex- kan performances by :\lexi- can dancers at J p.m., a band at 2 and 4 p.m .. a choir at 3

is being sponsored

food and other attractions w!ll be featured in the after•

Parllc1panls will bl' from the National City Church of God of Prophecy, the Fir~t

A Cinco rle :\!ayo celehra• tion also

pJn. and a pinata breaking at 5 p.m,

City. the First Mexican Bap• !1st Church or San Diego and

Templo del Rerugio Fours- quarP. Church of National

p.m. at the South Bay Plaza shopping



by school!;,

ton Ave., 1 to 5 p.m. Satur- • day. The fiesta will include en- tertainment by a folkloric food also wi ll be ~erved '.

and the !'vlex1can-




Ernie Azhocar. chairman for the fourth annual event, said thl' city councll has pro- vided ~.50 for the National City f<:>st1val 111> said support. alw has been provided Am<'rican mittee.

In 'lati.onal City, the .Cmco de ,\layo pbsNvam:e will be- gm at 7:30 p.m,, Saturday, in the newly expanderl Kimball Bowl , 12th St and D Ave.

The program will mclude the Ballet r'olklorico de San Ysidro, and flamenco dancers

busmes~cs, the Chicano Fed- eration

group and the band of Poli Chavez. .\1exican

dance, a Cmco de }Tayo semi- formal ball will be held in the Fleet Room of the Ililton Inn at Mission Ray beginning at 8 the C:Ollcgc will





be both

dium beginning at 11 a.m. with mariachi groups follow- ed by Cheech & Chong, Jorge Santami & :'.1alo. Azteca. Da- kila, Rueben and !he

Spanish and English and will feature something for all age _groups. Festivities will

Cisneros said most of the programs wIII

EliJah, and Tower of Power For people who want

The Movim1ento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan Cv1ECHAl at Grossmonl

Sunday to include the rock fest at the USO football sta-

goza, the Mexic·an pcasahls annihilated the French, but it was not until 1867 that Napo- and Mexico's p. m. Tickets ar!' $7 a couple with proceeds going to scholarship fund .

hold its observance in .lhe Ei Cajon library, 202 E. Lexing-

in the j .

start at noon and continue un- til 9 p.m., said Cisneros, a t:SD junior . Admission is free. he said. The program will open with



In proclaiming this week ":'vlexican Am!'rican Culture Wrek," the county Board of proclamation was


cultural heritage, a rock fest and C'ont inuous entertainment from hoth sides of the horder to raise funds for a \lexican- Ameriean scholarship. Act ivilies Saturday will

sewing, paintings and potte• ry. To add to the festivities, st rolling mariachi groups will serenade visitors.

the Nortenos de Tijuana in the viC'inity of the USD gym and pool. Students will open more than 30 booths that will offer crafts, weaving,

On May 5. 1862, Mexican pi>asants arm<'rl with pitrh- lorks, axes, shovels and ~ome guns attacked 6,000 French

B) FRANK SALDA\!A ''Cinco dP :\lavo" -Mexi- co's rl'll'bralion "and holiday marking the d<'feat or Frenrh invasion troops ll I yrars ago during the battle Puebla-will be observed this weekPnd throughout Diego county as well as Ml'Xlt'O,

"La Gran

A theater group, I\'uevo Voz Latino Americano. from Mex- ico City, will present a short play at 5 p.m. The play by 50 performers will be followed by :\lariachi appParance

Fiesta" Saturday and Sunday at usn The fiesta will be a blend of

troops sent lo Mexico by Na- poleon III lo expand his in-


students or :\Texican descent from the University of San Diego, University of Cali- fornia at San Diego, Cali- fornia State Uni\'crsity, San

presented yesterday to Ron- nie Cisneros, chairman or the •·Gran Fiesta" at the Univer-

leon's dream of expansion was shattered with the execu- tion of Maximilian by Mexi• can troops

fluence in that nation and hol- stl'r the shaky reign of Aust- rian Emperor Maximilian. Led by Gen. Ignacio Zara•

sity of San Diego, and Irene Gonzalez, representing USD students from Mexico. To mark Cinco de Mayo

Supervisors noted the cultur- al influence of Mexit•o on all the citizens in San Diego. The

a variety of .\fexican foods, leather

Cinco de Mayo celebration here to include dances, singin sovereignty restored by Ben- ito Juarez-Mexico's Abra- ham Lincoln. Diego, San Diego City Col- lege, and Southwestern Col- lrge will

Internacional, an 11-member group, that will be making its first. United Slates.


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