News Scrapbook 1973
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l.u•nr • J n U1t ~o r,• PHONE 234-7111 4 PARTS- 64 PAGES SAN DIEGO, CALIF., MON., MAY 7, 1973 * I! I nl,un•·-1.•t.a_hh•hN ·> I n-f ,.tahh,h•·d 1881 ,
Selrdions by the Madrigal SmgNs. d1n•c·ted by Debbie CuylPr will 111dud1• " De~sus le Mar!'ht• de Ar rns· Wren<·h 1528 1, " Fa l ' na Canzona " p It 16 - SOUTHERN CROSS, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1973 THE SAN DIEGO U~ A-6 _ S. Order Co ees o EndSexBias V HI GTO ( \P) About 150 1111-m 1 and all-fe- I am n1on. J<:ditn ·, M "' n l,ng I April 80 artil'l!' "CancPr Contagiou , USD Scirn h IJcclarPs." I ,1111 nut an authorit en cat1(•f!r, but I do have unro 1 rnllahh· <·an<:(•r. In rrg o * .. l•:ditor, The Union: I was a touished to rcacl the story aliout c:111rcr. I \1 :1s d 1smaye late of the Univcr ty of The USO AFTERMATH - ipan1. in ·I 1ded .Johanna G rrido, l ft; danrl:'l' Terri Lewi·, 1:5, lower 1 P.. fartin z, uppPr 1ight, and a mu-,1 Pla,·a Azul band fl'Om Tijuana. - Tribune ~taff Photo-; by Bob h an · \CF. - \'l<'tor~ of a "t11all band of · ove" the Fi nch invade · m emo at"d as Cinco dt' •1ayo, wa.· atm'Ciay and ye. terday at La Gran ity of .~an Diego. Partic- lhe l'nh e1 San o sports field aft r the Cinco de Mayo eleb- ex1can- American scholarships. field was the scene of r k band concerts on Sunday, leaving this Monda or mg view of bottles , paper, cans and cartons. - SC photo r tIon nd fund-raising events for • "Whoev r got up the L l "as behind the tunes," said btl'T ally Fura), pro\o t of U D. "Ou «.;ollege for Women, which w separately 111col'porated, opened In 1952. The Colleg for fen open d in 1954, along with 1he law sch 1, which alw.13s admitted women. "In 1967, both colleges begail to cooperate, and by 1969 cla were co-educational. Jn I Ji. y, 1972, both school. merged , legally.' t On the list also wa St. Al- ; bert' College, Oakland. Sister t Furay pointed out that it is a 1 chool to tram prie . FEDER ~L R LI ·a 1AI~ ~//6/7~ hoard elec s five trustees al Event Se nCampuses serve the University of San Diego. Richard P. Woltman, Vice- Chairman of the Board of United Stales National Bank m San Diego, is a native of South Bend, Indiana . He received his B.S. in Business Adminis- tration from Indiana Uni- versity. Woltman is a member of the Chamber of Commerce, a past President of the San Diego Heart Association and Neighborhood House . He currenlly serves on the Board of the California Heart Association. lie is a past President of the Parents' Club of All Hallows Church in La Jolla, his parish. Woltman served as a Trustee of the University of Redlands. He is a member of the Chancellor's Club of UCSD and the Chairman of the Committee for Excellence for the University of San Diego. Wollman is married and has two children. The University of San Diego board of Trustees is composed of the clergy, the Religious of the Sacred Heart and the laity. It will be expanded to include thirty-five members. San Diego Board members are Bishop Maher, Chairman : Dr. Anita V. Figueredo, vice-Chairman; Rev. Msgr John E. Baer: Thomas C. Barger: Ramon C ro ; Mrs. James S. Copley; Rev . Monsignor I. Brent Eagen; Mrs Franc G. Harpst, FranC'1sco P Marty; Irving Salomon ; Mrs. C. Arnholt Smith : Bruce V. Wagner; and the University's President Dr. Author E. Hughes. Board members from outside San Diego include Dr. H. John Cashin, Manhattan ' Beach, California , Dr. Earl R . Crane, San BerJJardino C;ilifornia; Sister Frances Danz, RSCJ, Menlo Park, California: Philip Gllltgan, Los Angeles, California; Charles Grace of Santa Monica, California; Miss Palrlcia Howe of San Franrisco California, Arthur II . Kaplan , Hollywood, California , Robert J Keyes of Burbank, Cahfo ia, Marvin Kratler , Rancho b Costa, California; Sisler Mary Mardel, RSCJ of "an Francisco, California; Mrs Timothy D. Parkman fr m Tuscon, Arizona: and Will m P Reilly, of Phoenix, Am.ona. Catholic Social P rinciples from Catholic University in 1956. He is a former Vice- President of the University of San Diego College for Men where he also served on the faculty from 1956-1963. He was appointed pastor of St. Mark's Parish, San Marcos in 1963 and was transferred to St. James Church m 1969. Msgr Spain was educated to the rank of Honorary Prelate in 1960 by Bishop Leo T. Maher. Albert E. Trepte, President of the Treple Construction Company, is a nalive San Diegan. He was educated at Po nt Loma High School and Ca ornia Slate Polytechnic U ersity. Trepte has served a 0 resident and Director of many San Diego organizations. Be is a Trustee and past president of the Zoological Society of San Diego. He is a member of the Rotary Club of San Diego, Symphony Orchestra Asso; ciation, Chamber ol Commerce and the Associated General Contractors of America. Trepte is a Director ol The San Diego Trust and Savings Bank. Trepte is a past Commodore of Lhe San Diego Yacht Club, past dir e ctor of the Transpacific Yacht Club and director and Vice-President of the Ocean Racing Fleet of Southern California . Trepte is married and the father of three daughters . He is also currently a member of the Provincial Advisory Board of lhe Religious of the Sacred Hearl, the religious order of nuns who George A. Scott, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Walker Scott Company, graduated from the New York University School of Retailing. he is a lecturer, author, civic and religious leader. Scotl was named " Mr. San Diego" in 1953. He was awarded the Silver Keystone by the Boys' Clubs of America , lhe highest award given lo a layman. In 1961, he was honored by the Exchange Club of San Diego which presented him with Lhe Golden Deeds Award. He is President of th C will Industries and a mem f th National Board of Dir Scott is an active membe of the First Presby rian Chur in San Diego. As President of the Scoll Foundation, he adm1msters scholarships for worthy students. Scott is a past President of the San Diego Chamber of Commerce. San Diego Council of Churches, San Diego Community Chest, Community Welfare Council and numerous organizations He holds honorary degrees from California Western University and L;;. Verne College. He is also Lhe recipient of the Uni- versity of Judaism Meril Award. Monsignor William Spain, pastor of St. James Church in Solana Beach, was born in San Bernardino . He studied for the priesthood at Catholic University, Washington, D.C., and was ordained in San Diego on May 19, 1956. Msgr. Spain received his B.S. in economics from Loyola University, Los Angeles, in 1950 and his M.A. in The Board of Trustees of the University of San Diego has elected five men from the San Diego County a rea lo serve with the present 25 members The election was announced by Bi s hop Leo T . Maher , Chairman of the USO Board of Trustees. Bishop Maher is Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of San Diego. Peter J. Hughe~, attorney, lives in La Jolla , California. He received his B.A. and J .D. degrees from Stanford University At Stanford , Hughes was President of Phi Delta Phi Legal Fraternity. While in the Army from 1953- 1957. Hughes served in the Government Appelate Division of the Judge Advocate General's office. While still on active duty, he Joined the United Stales Altornev 's office in Los Angeles. In March of 1958, he was transferred to San Diego as head of the branch ofl,ce Hughes entered private practice in 1959. He is a partner in lhe firm of Sheela, Lightner. Hughes and Castro. He has served as Treasurer and President of the Barrister's Club of San Diego, Board of Directors and Vice- President of lhe San Diego County Bar Association In addition II as been a lecturer at the Umvers t f San Diego School of Law and various profes nal group . Pet Hughes is married and the fa r of four children. He is a r -of All Hallows Parish he served •as President of the Parents' Club an is currently a member of All Hallows Parish Council. "{'/f/7 ·. Dr. Hughes sa.Jl'~ is honored In recognition of achievement. Dr Author E Hughes. President of the University of Diego has been named Dlstmgu1 hed Alumnus by Eastern Illinois Umvers1tv·s Schoo l of Business. Dr. Hughe graduated with a B.S. in Busme i,,:ducat1on in 1951. He was on the fa cultv of Eastern Illinois Umversity•s·School of Business for two years. Hughes received his MA. in Business Education from the University of ·orth rn Colorado m 1954 and his Ph D m Busme Administration from the Un ver ily of Iowa in 1960. He was appointed Pre 1dent of the University of San Diego in August, 1971 "• on di Crimination does not I nply that ~our institution must or will accept tud nts or either ~ex in any particular numher or proportion, but it doe mean removal of nil obst cles. based on sex, to adlT! ion of tu- dents,'' the gwdelines said. The other California tttu Ions arc. TT • ••
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