News Scrapbook 1973
t,~lO~ f/;,/.,,. USO Baseball Club Statistics led By Dineen
USO Trustees Announce
Award for both achievrment and srrv1cP in stu- dent activities wet P presPnlPd at the fifth annual University of 1 San Diego honors convocation yesterday. The Alcala Award, given an- nually to thP woman •·who best • embodit•s the qualities of char• · acter. sPrvkc, cholarship, and lt>adership," was pre ented to ! Miss Pamela Leighton. The 1 Pqmval<'nt men's honor, 1 he Charles E. Franklin Award, was recC'1ved jointly by Tom Stubbs and Tim Luherski. Hughes ron- • vocation pePCh that m the nrxl l year the un1ve1 ity Will makl" a t maJor ffort to "redefine its pur~. e" lie 11<1fed that USD ha just mark< d the f11sf anniver ary of , 11ts decis10n to become a CQ(>du- ,cat10nal institution, and that much of la. t year had been sµent trying to smooth the tran- sition. Hugh s fine jump ot within 15 ft. and he's a strl)ng rebounder," said Torero coach Bernie B ckerstaff Traub chose U~D after nar- rowing hl.S c!lolce down to the Toreros or the t:mvers1ty of M nnesota. He elfminated chlta State, Po land, Cali• hrma, HardiI) Simmons, Gon• zaga and Illinois in the pro- ce ' • eil's statistics are very deceiving. • said John Pan- agakis, hi. ro.. ch at Marin. "His best b ball is ahead of him. He didn't do much in high "chool :ind missed a lot o his freshman year here be• ca e of an imur . H really on 9 of 28 game last season without a starter over II t. 6½ in. The Unlver• sity of n Di go Torero to- day won something else-a 6 ft. 9 In. center. Neil Traub, who averaged , 12.6 pomts :ind 9.6 lltiCI J per game at Colleg cf ar1n last season, today added his height to the USO ba ke ba I program. "He's a true center, c n hook with either hand, has a opened ome eye m the pla) • offs wht=>n he held Compt?n s 7 ft. center to 11 p mts and out rebounded bun. Graduation draws near for 300 USD stude . W\ii ~~I . J f\\ o hundred fifty students who former ,?J' pres, nt, 1 ,{ speak art' elig1ble for ll chelors degrees after Sister Furay. The guest and fifty students who are eligible speaker for graduation ·73 is for :\la ters degrees are preparing Father Donald ;\lerrifield, Jor the upcoming graduation president of Loyola University in exercises, according to Nichola · Los Angeles '.\I De Turi. regi trar for the Dr. Ernest :\lorin, acting dean of uni\'ersity and chairman of the the College of Arts and Sciences, commencement comm1tlee. Dr. Clement J ,'\;ouri, Dean of the Commencement will be Friday. School of Business Administration, June I at 7 p.m in the Golden hall and Dr Gilbert L. Oddo, Director ot the Community Concour e m of the summer session will confer downto,,n San Diego. "Because of d~n.-es to the students of their the tremendous size of the con- respective departments. course, students will not be limited Graduation will close with com• to the number of guest they ma rnents delivered by Bishop Leo T. mvite." said De Tun. , !ah rand Dr. Author E. Hughes. In the questionnaire sent out by Graduates and facultv will then the commencement planning leave the concourse· while the committee earlier this year, luture Uru,·ersity orchestra plays the graduates indicated a preJerence rescess1onal. tor a Baccalaureate ma on the The thirty dollar graduation fee day of graduation. The con- pays for the rental of caps and celebrated mass will be held in the gowns, Golden Hall, 25 an• ImmacuJala at LI am. Graduates, nounccments, a diploma, tran- p~rcnts, faculty and staff are in· cript evaluation, and a graduation ,·1ted to allend the mass and the social for parents and students. PITC.HINC.- W•l h r •r bb so ero 80 o ............ • 9 108 olll 35 lS 71 66 Rubtrfs ......... 6- 7 59 35 ,i :11 41 'l.90 Mulvan,••.•• ,••• •· • 5! 31 2A 30 60 3 54 cGoe ••• ,....., I O 21 U 10 6 16 3 73 M honev ....... • o 9 16 10 n 17 "'07 '1.~., ::::·:::: f' l ?HHBn! u: Bre~ ••••• •. 0 0 3 A 2 ! 4 8.18 uso Totals lf-22 314 1" l!S 164 261 3 &4 OPD To~, H •• 22 19 JO 2411f711'2 24f 5.21 USD Signs 2 Gridders A fullba~k a'ld a o Announces Five Trustees or USD ed Ind ana Umv reception which will Foundcr~·s Hall. folio"' in The working commencement committee is comprised of JI.Ir. , 'icholas De Turi, chairman, '.\Is. Debbie Comfort, graduate students senior representati\·e; . fs. Sara Finn, public relations officer; Tom Cosgrove, coordinator of campus projects ; John Early, bookstore as I tant dean of the College of Arts and Sciences; Dr. Jack the Mornson , '.\fr Irving Parker, and Sister Catherine McShane, faculty representative; :\Ir Steve Cole, in- manager: . larilyn Ham a:,;, The commencement program will begin with a processional of the graduates and members of the cumstanct• · performed by univer It) orche ·tra followed by the vocation will Le given by )Ion- signor Portman. chairman of the departm nt of theology. followed by a ,,elcoming speech by Provost of the university, Sister filcult~ to "Pomp and Cir- the national anthem . The iially Furay Doroth) Florence. members. Lark to close first season with "Return of t\,e Equi.~o7 x" v,~rlr s-,,, 1J Tomorow night the Lark will got started late last semester when orncially close its first season. Tom Cosgrove. coordinator of "~quinoxi' a jazz group which campus programs, with a tea": of played earlier in the semester to a about 25 students began making Ell iott, Foster appointed as new deans; commence duties during summer '73 .5ft/7J Vl~TA Dr Author E. Hughes, recently announced the appointment of a new Dean of USD's School of Education and a new Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Reverend William E. Elliott has accepted the post of Dean of the School of Education. Dr. Elliott, a diocesan priest, comes from :\larquette Uni\'ersity, where he has been teaching in the School of Education. He holds a Ph.D. in Educational Administration from Ohio Stat l mveristy. The v. Dean of the College of Artsand · ·encesisDr.EdwardE. Foster Born in New Jersey, Foster was educated at Regis High School, :-.ew York; I. Peter's College, ~ew Jersey; and obtained his Ph.D. in English at the Unl\·er:;.il) of Rochester, New York Dr. Fosler has been involved in teaching and departmental admirnstration al Grinnell College, IO\\a for the past nine years. His academic specialities in- clude. Middle English Literature, especially Chaucer. Restoration and Eighteenth Century Literature, and Linguistics. Foster is the author of various publiea lions such as: ·•Rhetorical Control in Pope's E loisa lo .\be lard," and "Introducing Literature." Both ne,, Deans will commence their duties at the University of San Diego sometime this summer. New Deuns were selected by the two Search Committees from a groups of applicants a ud were then passed on to the president for approval. The chairmen th committees are Dr. Lee Gerlach and Dr. Robert Nelson. crowd will be plans to convert the snack bar area of the Student Union into a center Since the February opening the coffee house has provided en- tertainment every Saturday night events were scheduled. The en- tertainmenl has been varied wi th an old timer's night, students per- formers, semi·;,rofessional groups "Those who came last time know that Equinox put on a really good show." said Brian Salmon. who has worked at the · rk throughout the semester. He ailded Iha t he hoped that there would be a rea ll y good attendance to close the eason. and •·Equmox" for entertainment. except those on which special l'eatured. · The coffee house wich opened last February has been under student management throughout the seme ter. Junior, Rich Collins served as manager for the Lark alternating with Cliff Molaro left USO last month. Students. with the aid of ARA ~'ood Service, prepa re t lo ell each e,ening. Spec d' hes such Father Ben Carrier's chtli, pancakes and pizza w e Id on dilferent nights. The idea for the callee hou was to pro,ide a place \\ here people could get together and enjoy thcm~ehe on campus during the weekend The creation al the Lark lolaro until 9-.,; roo oN 7,_ Camp Fire Girl CerPmony Slated Tonight 1\t USO "Let There Be Peace'' will be mng, Donna Sattei·lee and De- the theme for the Grand Coon. nise Macias. ell Fire planned by ::\,farina Marina ;'11esa Camp Fire gifts Mesa Camp Fire Girls for 7:30 or ~aby food and clothing for p.m. today at the Un versily of Proiect Concern · be accept• San Diego stadium ed at the council by Dr. Patn- - · cla Dunklee, proJect area dJrec. Approxunately 800 Camp tor for Mexico, and Donald Jen- Fire Girls will participate in kln ·on, ha on officer. the torch light ceremonial to Mrs. Harold Bronson is cere- feature the presentation of monlal chairman. membership awards. - Honored as Il•year members will 'jJ 'rerry Conrad and Ka- ren ' un . Ten-year member- sh. award will go to Dana Bron,on, Debi Lee, Rita Man• us 5 ne xpands b ard of trustees; members bring total to 30 ThW'Sday, May 17, 1973 Ugbt.Journal ~a Joi/ans named USD trustees Ar USO names two deans in Los Angeles. In March of 1958, he was transferred to San Diego as bead of the branch office. Hughes entered private practice in 1959. He is a partner in the firm of Sheela, Lightner, Hughes and Castro. Hughes is a member of All Hallows Parisi\ where he served as prela.t of the Parents' Club and Is currently a member of All Hallows Parish Council. Two prominent La Jollans have been elected to the board of trustees of the University of San Diego, according to Bishop Leo T. Maher, chairman of the board and bishop of the Catholic Diocese of San Diego. The La Jollans are Peter R. Hughes a nd Richard P . Woltman. WOLTMAN, vl~halrman of the board of United States National B In San Die110, is a native of Bend, Ind. He received h BS. In business administration from Indiana University. Woltman Is a member of the Chamber of Commerce, a past pr !dent of the San Diego Heart AllSOClatlon and Nel11h- HUGHES is an attorney. He received bis B.A. and J.D. degrees from Stanford University. At Stanford, Hughes was president of Phi Delta Phi Legal Fraternity. While in the Anny from 1953- 1957, Hughes served in the Government Appelate Division of the ,ludge Advocate General's office. While still on active duty, he joined the United States Attorney's office Two new de an5 have been appointed at the University of San Diego They are Father William E. Elliott of Marquette University, Milwaukee, dean o f the School of Edu- cation, and Dr . Edwa rd E. Foste r of Grinne ll College, Iowa, dean of th e College of Arts a nd Sc ie nces. Fa the r Elliott, a teucher at Marque tte's School of Education, holds a Ph.D. in ~ducationa l admini stration 'rom Ohio State Uni versity. Peter J. Hughes borhood House. He currenUy rves on the board of the California Heart Association. Richard P. Woltman He is a past President of the Parents' Club of All Hallows Church in La Jolla, his parish. -~----~•----- -~~~----~ .,:-,,, -~~---• ,. ___ ,. ,.
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