News Scrapbook 1973
father, 1 Sons Receive USO Degrees loday A San Diego father and his two sons will receive diplomas together at University of San Diego graduation ceremonies tonight. Gerald E. Hermsen, retired naval ,1 arrant officer, returned to school m 1969 and has earned a master's degree in education. His son Tim, who ~erved thre<> years m the ;l.1arine Corps. is getting a bachelor of sciencP drgree and ;1.1ike Hrr- m~en is getting a bachelor nf ar1S. The) will bP amunJZ 250 l'SD undergraduatrs and 50 gradu- ates m commen('em~nt ex- erc1~es at 7 tomght in r.olden Hall o[ the San DJpgo Ci\'IC Center Guest speaker at tonight's ceremony i the Rev Donald Merrifield, president of Loyola Universilr. The USD School ol Law in separate ervice tomorrow al noon will have Earl Waren for• ,mer chief iusttr<> of the 'U S. Supreme Court, as speaker. The I service also will be in the Cmc I Center. FathN :'vlernficld, a Jesu1 s111ce 1951. has taught phys1c·s at. Loyola emversity, the Univer- sity of Santa Clam, where he studied rehgion, an~ the Umver-1 s1ty of San Francisco. He re- ceived his master's degree in, physics lrom Notre Dame and his doctorate, al~ in physics, from :\1assachusetts lnsu ute of Technology. graduates will ht' USO President Author\ E Hughes and the \lost Rev Leo T. Nlaher, c·hairman of the board of truste<'s and bishop of the Catholic Diocese of San Diego. Tomorrow 244 mrn and 14 women will receive ,Juris Doc- tor (doctor of law) itpgr<>es Md six will g!'I ma ter 0£ law de- Also addressing
u Told ope ANecessity 300 Rccei Diplomas At Civic C ntcr Rites
Psalms 'lr/.7!> J.C.
course atUSD
A NOTED Jesuit ser1p- lure scholar wiJI come lo this dioccs.. from Home to conduct an unusual two• week cour~e on "Th Psalms as Ch 0 ristian Prayer" 111 Ju Jy opened lo all wishing to ennch them• selves in scripture and prayer The cour e will be g1wn by Father Luis lonso Schokel, Spanish born pro- fessor uf criptun• and theology at Home's Pontifi - cal Scriptural rnsitilute. meet 10 11:45 a.m. or 8-9:45 p.m. Monday through Friday, July 2-13, in Camino llall, University of San Uicgo. There will hi' no classPs July 4. Father Schokcl has writ- ten many book and articles on th<• Hiblc and Psalms, including Understanding Biblical Rt'~t'arch, A Jour- n y through lht' Blblf' Land and The Inspired Word. Further mformation from Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Diocesan Office Alcala Park, San Di go'. 92110
f"om1t'r Cl,id /11,ticl' of i/lP Supr<'IIIP r,,,,,t J nr/ \\ 'urlf'fl, ,1•crtr1/ 1iqtf1. u,u, /iorior<'cl /"'I night ul f "" t>r-il \! o/ '-011 / Ji ego ~c Two/ o/ J u11r ,L,,,.u ut ( ·uyuuwt'I ( f,,1,. /'idurl'd 1itrlf1 \Vurr•'II. 11•/w u.ll , ile 1/,f' ,orn111 11
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To Deg
Z, 1973 • MQm,I t, 1(}: I I '$ SD G[adS Told Hope A ecessity 300 Receive Diplomas At Civic Center Rites Pictura - Page B-4 , Imagination. wi11111gness
"Laughing does not make the\ 1 problem aw..,y," he said, \ ''but he! 1vc u a eh· n e al they\ are not the giants tbey eemed 1 to be." \i The traditional proce. s10nal , of faculty members, special guests and the graduating stu-1 dents, with music by USD's 55- piecc symphony orchestra, opened the ceremonies which were attend<'d by several hun• \ dred parents and friends of the students. The J\.lu.1 Rev. Leo T :\1aher \ bishop of the Catholie Diocese of San Diegn and chairman o[ the USD Board: of Trustees, \ took turns with Dr. Authur E. Hughes, USD president, and . other school officials to present' the graduates their diplomas. \ o,irothy Florence, elected by vote of the ,enior class to deliv• \ er the student address. told her fellow gradu: tes that .unity I among the people uf this coun- try "depends p1 imarily on you.'' 1 "Your qualifieations for this 1 tac g tb m when w se
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1' risk and creativity in solving problems are so,11e of the in- gredient man needs to suc- ceed, the pre ident of Loyola University 0£ Los Angeles said here last night "Hope docs not spring \1 spontaneously into our heart, and minds as we faee the fu- • ture today," said the Re\'. Don- • ald P. . Ierrificld. ''Despair, quiet and paralyzing, seems much m6re appropriate." The po s1bility and necessi(M of hope was the theme of his commencement addrses to 300 Univer ity of San Diego stu- dents who received their de- grees in ceremonies in 'Ci\'ic Center's Golden Hall. I \ •RISK' DESCRIBED "We can risk coming out of \our retirement from the battles of life,'' Father Merrifield ~aid 'only if we ha\'e some little l sense of being able to do some•\ thing." Hope. he said. involves the I 1 will to exneriment, to try, to venture forth a bit in spite of the odds ••Without it we are ciippled. and immob1lized, withdrawn , into our own safe world and yet unhappy,• he said. Father • Jerrifield began his speech by saying that comedian Bob Hope was to have been the commencement , speaker but was called to the White House \ where '·he is no doubt more needed" than in San Diego. He \ said the humor is also an in- gredient of hope. "Humor at first Eeems to l have no place in builaing up courage to face .serious prob- lems," he said. ·•Howe\'er, 11 am convinced it is an essential ingredient of hope, for it is the seemingly overpowering se- riousness of the dif£icult situ-1
task are unquestionable," she said, •·for during your lifetime you;ve observed civil disruption within our nation while that na ion mmitted i · mili- tary i outheast Asia to re• serve democracy." / ~1.erry Ride To Reception 1,/if 73' \i!ntage cars continue to be popular for romantic trans- por atwn of brides and bridegrooms. The former Miss Patri- cia Ann~ Rag;en and her bridegroom, Kevin John Gallagher \~ere ~n\'en rn an open 1918 Buick from St. Rose of Lim~ Catholic church'. Chula Vista, setting for their 1 p.m. Saturday 11E:<1-d1~g. to their nx:ept1on at San Diego Country Club. The h, 1de L< the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Ragen of Chula \ isl:l and M\. Gallagher is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gallagher uf Scottsdale The bride was attc·nded by her sis- ter . Su an Eileen Ragen. maid o[ honor, Mary Catherine T{agen of San Francisco, Mrs. Gary S. Wilfe1t ol Huntington ~";,ch b~ her s1•t~r-m-law Mr . Frank J. Ra;ien II and by ,I s Jack Marascl11ello of Scot• <,ale. sister of the bridegroom an?. Mis K,ll"en Casey of Chula Vista. Gina Maraschiello s i 1Nl_ as flower g_trl and F ~nk .J. Ragen Ill as ring bearer. ~ice ~11'1 y.·er.e .\l1ss :Mary ?atalie Hac·kley, Miss Ann Regan an'.l \11 , Kathleen Regan, Mis, Anita DJyle recorded guests. :O.l1chael Hall of Beaverton. Ore. served as best m, n and Wil- ham Ames, Frank J. Ragcn 11, ;\1ichaeJ Ragen and Gary S W1lfert ushered. · :\Isgr. Daniel J Rp n was celebrant a,sisterl b)' con- celebrant : the Ri.!, . Fath<'r Robert E White and the Rev Fat he~ Edward :O.IcGu1re of Scottsdale. ·
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t) THE'l"'RC OFF and running ., with 2,000 from the firs phonP blitz in KPBS' push for funds to its i::ignal io coastal areas. on the phone, happy thmg · h ppen. Sa1 a Finn f PR director at Unhers1t~ of Sa1~ Diego, to k g e in -i Jnning her CCSD countc:part, Cy Greaw · for hi contribution - in1.:~ KPBS bro dc..i. ts from the San Diego :tit · campus. One ·olK· itor \' as a pediatrician. and he got donations b~ c.:a\1ing mothrr · of hi. p, lien and a king about J boost With vol_unt 'l
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171e bride wore her 1:1other·s _ivory slipper satin wccld1ng drrss fashioned with tram at,d trimmed with chalk and p~arl beadmg: long_ tap~red ~Jeeves and full skirt. The full length I ivory Ft enc-!1 11lu,1on veil fl']! from the beaded Juliet cap. ller
Univ. of San Diego The University of San Diego Veterans Club announced the election of new officers for the coming academic year. The election was held at the University on May ,.;: 12th 1973. The office of President 1'.. will be filled by Terry Jesmore; Vice-President, Bob Mounger. Re specttve ly, as Treasurer Secretary and Masters-at-Anus ar/ '{ Don Reeps, Harold Fletcher, and George Manning and Doug Robert. ~- The new slate of execu live officers assumed their posts upon their !<\ ,._
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often paralyzed them."
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