News Scrapbook 1973

"lfLLlM~1.,J Popa urder ost Goes To Bishoti?J Friends of music plan opera dinner The :\'lost Rrv Lro T. Maher, l1rnt,-n.111c·y, w,11 lmlrt ils fir t Bishop_ of the San l>it·~o Huma11 n1t•Ptmg rn .'an Di,'J'O next Cathohc Diou• e, lws bt•e11 mo11!11 and ('ardrnal . l;ix- named f1rs1 gr ,md pnur or ,1 i1111llan de f• urst<-11b1>1 g, g1 amJ newly created d1v1s1or1 or th.. Or·- m:1s1e1 or 1111• Ord1·r ur Jlf,I St•- der of the Jluly Scpull'11re or ,Je · 1mlchre nf ,/ern~alern is PX· rusalem pPttt'!I lo f'Olllt' I, 11111 Hume lo Dt. W11li:1111 J . Dovle of ta oflldalP. .Jolla a Knight or till' )Joly s.. The M'StPrn 111111 of th.. ,, ,lt•J pulchre. has b;,en 11a111ed first •s om• or four d1v1 """ in 1111• heutenant of lhe n \I wl' ·tt'l 11 l nit rd Stales. Knight of th1· unit of the !Ith Centu,) papal llol) S1•puld1re r1111mled 111 order. IWl!J, tu ~u:ml !ltt' tumh ul The new rf1visi1,n i·all,"1 :i (' h r I s t in the lloly Land, ~r:1d11:ilh 111.,t its 11111,t.iry I l1a1- ~ttl'r and ht 1·.1111 :i d1:intahle org,in1nti11n, 3 . pok,.,111,111 sai!l An Italian Swnmer Feast will be served on the campus of the University of San Diego at 6 p.m. Saturday. The buffet will preceed the 8:30 p.m. program by student., In the Opera Workshop. 'The dinner will be held In Camino Patio, directly In front of Camino Theatre. Directed by Robert Austin, the Opera Workshop Is a part of USD ' s summer-school program, Those enrolled are trained In the behind-the-scenes preparation of productions, staging, coaching :nd direc- ting. The selectlona are presented In full costume and will Include scenes from Verdi's " La Traviata" and "II Trovatore," arias from Mozart and scenes from "The Most Happy Fella" by Loesser. Friends of Music is a group fonned recently to assist the USD Music Department In planning programs open to the public and to promote those functions. Under the presidency of La Jollan Mrs. James Kerr, the committee hopes to expand the membership to others In the community who are Interested In music and the education of music students. Others on the committee are Ed Barr, Mrs. Charles W. Christensen, Mrs. King Durkee, Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Hodge, Mrs. Harold Roth, Dr. Lealle Spelman and Nick Stamon. Reservations for the dinner may be made by calllng the university at 291-MS0, ext. 354.

'IV1-i, s More(

arismati al To For 11-State Conference • IC l The Unl\'ers1ly of n smahc movement are sched-J book "Where Are We Headed " Diego ports stadium la t night uled today. They are aspect,, of !med four Qbjectivcs ol the re.•embled a c~urch a.~ thou, a Christian community, IC'ad· , . . , ands of Catholtc~ opened the ership of a spirit-filled serv1ct movement. l hey a1e p111tual lt13 II• late We tern R_egional identifying and using chart'. renewal, new pattrnt.! or life, Co1Jerence of the Chari.Sm he malic gifts, apostolic mini• renewal of the Ca tholic Chur<:h !t newal M?vement of the Ro• tne of prayer groups and and unity of all Chnslian~, ' Catholic Church. pmtual gro11th from chari• ]<'r n ·t. b · · th 1'be stadwm was the set- ,matic life. 01 1 s egmnmg e move• •I !•'lg as an estimated 3.000 Cath• . . . , , ment has had an ecumenical ef, J o cs began a three-day confer- r.:Ew PEN1l,COSr feet, bringing Catholic clo.~e1· ence on the role of personal Leaders of the confer_ nee, In to other Christians and brmgmg nr ayer in ev11ryda} Chri tian a fact sheet explammg the many persons who are not ,,ng. charm!1al1!' renewal move- Cathohcs into the mtvement, 01e than J,500 members ol ment, md1catcd that 1t was the conference leaders aid communities and an dad11ional I answer to prayer of Pope JOhn 'J'hree priest~ of the San 1,500 par!Jc1pants are expected XXm for a new Pentecogl Diego D1oce e are scheduled to to attend sessions on the Pente- A though Pe n t e co 5 t a 1 conduct eminars. The Rev. c !.fl revival mov men! w1thm Although _pentecostal Hola11d Mendonca will speak on the Catholic Church . churches ha,e tx1~tt'd many "lntroducl,on to the Chan. KEYNOTE ADORES )Pars, th e moiement m the. mat1c Movement." The Rev "The keynote addre o! the UnJted States stems from Du- Jet'ome Bevilacqua will con- conference on the fa•t-growmg queSTie Utuver ity in P1tL,burgh, duct a ~erninar on "The Book of mo,ement will be dcli~ered b1 11here it started Ill 1967 and Revelations: The Chrt~lian •'-e ., t R J •h quickl) . pread to Notre Dame, Combat." The R.ev Ralph Wei- "' .,,os ev. osep ~r h. st t u l d · , fcKinney, aux1liar\ bi hop of lhtc Jgan .-~ e f ~t1 51 Y a~ shaar of Old Mission San Luis Giand Rapids, fich. He "ill e mver st Yo • ic 1gan. t e Rey w1lld ,.._es_c_r_ib~e- •~·T~h_c_l.,lec.a-'1"' ing k "Th f , conference pokesman said. Mm,stry..'.' ea on, , e Spin! o Je ~s Although there i some con- - Among Cs at .a general C · trorer over gilts o! the Spmt liJon at the tad1um begmnmg mvoil'ed in the chari mat1c re- 1\t 3:30 p.m odaJ, new al movement th!' members n

ll1 l1op ~lnhn h.1. augnw11te


I Saturday, Augu~rl~ 4_, _19_7_3______ (1)..:......__ THE SAN DIEGO UNION USD Forms Pres ident'sClub 1.3 The Pre dent s Club of Uni- where there I an improvement port com trom udent fee ,' vers •y of San Diego is bemg of some kind" Hughe· said. lsa1d Hughe 1 organized to provide private Hughes aid the need for Uiis "The club hould attract upport for the ·chool Dr Au- club arose \\hen the umvers1ty people \\ho recogmze the need . • merged \\1th the San Diego Col· for private support of private thor E Hu~he,, _USD president, tege For Women in 1972. In the higher cduration" Hughes pre- said man U1terv1c·11 ye. terday. same }ear the Roman Catholic dieted ' The club ts designed lo fur- Diocese topped supportiilg the Club members \Ibo can ear• m,h oll?ratmg upport for the university financially "because mark their supp~rt for the law u1;1vemty, Hughes aid. they had to meet the needs of sch0ol, cholarship or other .Operating upport- for al- secondary and elementary areas, will meet together off1• ane •. cholarsh1p or llbrar- schools. lcially once a year for a report 1e I unhke 1·api'al upport, " ·ow, 9D per cent of our up• from the pre dent

TT. j~T ,f7ylzs' vniversity'/"/t: 1 president's club formed •

_The Mo t Rev. ~eo T. Maher, feet that ·uch gifts a laying on 1 hop or the Diocese of San of hands prophecy healing and Diego, 1\ ill be prmc1pal con- ' . ' celebrant of the •ta . at th pe_akmg m tongues occu1 today . . " .s e as m b1bhcal times Cl05mg »essrnn m the stadium beginning at J 30 p.m. tomur- FOUR OB,JECTI\'ES . I r w One of tht• leader in the Five workshop dealing with Chan alw Renewal Service 1 vauous aspects of the chari at. 'otre Dame Un11er ty; m a

A President's Club is bemg formed lo provide private support to the L'mvers1ty of San Diego, announced Dr. Author Hughes. president of the school. Membership is opened to persons who can fJnancia lly assist the university on an annual basis as stipulated in the by-laws. Need for the club arose from th ~ growing fiancial needs of pqvate education. For more information contact Dr. Gilbert Brown director of University Rela tions.


Saturday, August 4, 1973

P f/-1 /.'l~ res, lub formed at USD to meet expenses l n v sit\ or :an D1e,.,o Pre ,dent Dr \(lho1 Hu he has annuum·cd 1h fo1 mat1c,n nf special mganlzation tot' rndt\ idual ,1 ho ,u,h to help the um1er- 1t) rneet II operatinry c ·pense, and keep pri1 ate htt:her education w1thm th reach of a broad ·pectrum o s111 dent Huo-hes ,a,u th!' 01 anlzat10n \I II be < ailed the Pre,1d nt's Club. anu II ill he composed of person I ho \11,h to do- natP to11ard the d;iily opera! (! e,- penses of the umve1 It) There ,, a re. t n ed to a> fo1 an) inst1tutlon of higher education to help upplemen its ope1alln" bud" •. 11h1ch mcludes schol hip . salaries and I - bra xpen e ' Hu _,;hes said \\ 1thout this type of mtere,t and rucnd.hip from the community 1he al- lernative that 1s puvate education 1s M 0 nge1 ed. II 1thout ,uch support ,~e \\Ill not he ahle IC kePp tuition 111thrn ha:f waJ d ·cent I el· and 1h11, 11111 not be able to attract the broad ,pe1·trum o tudent who night othern 1se attend Ule Unt\e1"1ty,' he aid II he aid the mitt.if ~oal ,r •he President's Club ts to athte, e th<1rter 11 rrher hip or 100. The club will nor be o(){'n to bu up s

USD Forms President'sClub The Pre ident s Club of Um· where there is an improvement port com from tudent fees, club arose when tne university 'people who recogmze the need support for the school, Dr. Au- merged with the San Diego Col- for private support or private thor ~- Hughe t; D president. lege For Women in 1972. In the higher eduC'ation," Hughes pre- said man mter yesterday. same year the Roman Catholic dieted. The dub is designed to fur- Diocese stopped supporting the Club members, 11ho can ear- ni h operatmg support for the university tmanc1ally "because mark their support for the I university Hughes ,aid. the:1 had to meet the needs of sehool, scholarships or otli r •·Operating support- fur sal• secondary and elementary areas, will meet together off - aries, cholarship or librar- schools cially once a year for a report 1e - is unltke capital support. " O\\ 90 per cenl p- from the president versity of San Diego is being of some kind," Hughes sai~. to provide private Hughes said the _need !o1 this . sai~ Hughes. or«amzcd The club . hould altrac "


I 'A.1 GA., '/ 1 ieisen Kanch Party Setting Guests .,at the University of San Diego Auxlliary's "fall rou~d up party tomorrow at the S. Falck Nielsen ranch are looking forward to a relaxing time. Among them will be the Rt. Rev. M gr. William Cooney, C-OL and lllrs. Robert C .. Howard and :I-Imes. Josephine Mon- tro}, Joseph J. Mullen and Imelda Pulkrabek. Also attending wifl be Messrs. and Mmes. Louis R. Bartek 1 h1,mas J. Brady. William J. Butl1>r, Leonard Dalton. Fred'. enck Griswald, Irvmg ;,,,iartin, A H Mikkel,en and Walter Wilkms. In the group from La Jolla will be \Ii and ; Bernard F. l.oggan. :\Ir and Mrs. Thomas Finn, }Ir. and Mrs. Thomas 1'1:'ehn and Dr. and .\11-,,. William Yancey '11 V

Julian Ranch ls Party etting 9 fl!f73 Th be f . ~,,oJ _e mem_ rs o the UnH·ers1ty of Cal forrua a• San D:ego Au~ilial") WJl! forget philanthropic and volunteer duties for a ittie l'ohtle on Sunday when the, have a "just for fun" party a• tne . Falck :-.-ie ,en·, raneh at JulJan <\rri~g at aoout II :~O a.m., members and their guests will S~1Ill, p,a) hu fl board, te.t their kill ii! archel'), pla) cards 01 JU~1 re ax and enJOy each other's comp:.nJ Mrs. Joseph B.• iullen and Mrs Francis Burns will a,;.,J.St a.s hostesses.

s d d;~c~nts (Continued From 19 A) sis! lhe charter dinner of the President's Club, bemg hos- ted by Mrs. JamPs S. Copley, member of the board of trustees of the University, and M1·. CoplPy. in the uni- versity's Et Camino Library. In addition to greeting the approximately 2~0 guests, the '·damas" will give them in- formation and their impres• sions of the school. The need for students to as- sist at such functions lwcame apparent when Dr. Hughes became the first married president of lhP university, which inspired more official entertaining Mrs. Hughes I wanted to adapt the idea of using students as she had in Flagstaff, whPrP Dr. Hughes was vke president and pro- vost of Northern Arizona Uni- versity. ~iss Lubersk1, who will be a senior next year, was ap- proat'hed with the idea when she was working to organize Women's Week last spring. The girls who have been se- lected are those who have al- ways been active in the school and could generally be considered boosters, sh.e said. This fall the number will bP Increased. probably to about 20, and the scope or their function~ will increase as v.ell. The students will guide visitnrs to the campus around the city as well as just thi> c-;impus. G t lies S

. _.,..







IEXC'ESS/\'F \VETGTIT BTAMED :!~C?N~;,?,~].;,~:}:icd low incomes have trouble finding jobs be- .cause they are overweight and have health O problems related to obesity, a survey shows. Dr Daphne A. Roe, a Cornell University nutrition profpssor and physician, discussed her study at the recent joint annual meeting here of the American In.~titute of :'lutrition and the American Society of Clinical Nutri- tion. 1----------------------- • women on we! hold jobs. "Of the 460 New York th· per cent were "Although l ployers again women did n health."


-S1of1 Photo bv Ted Wlnf!,15 •r,,,.,,, mpmhPrs of T1or11n< J,, Horror, u•omPn studPnl.s of t/11> ( 'rtir>Prsifv o( Snn DiPpn ,,.ho qrrPt fl/JP.sis ol 11rri1•prsilv {1111ctiorrs, nrP, from /.,(,. \,cl1iP f',rrrk, 1 "n ( ,nr/nn, nnrl Cnl/Prn ,\1nuririn. ThPy will rorfirirof P nt ,linriPr (nr IIIPlrlhPrs n( cnrrir111mil\' 1/1is PPPni11p.


E !\tchols Mr and Mrs. Harve) 8. Snuth have mv1ted re- tired Col. and Mrs.. J. P. Lake and Mr and Mrs. Paul Scates. Raymond Fildes. Mrs. Titus i,eCla1r and Mrs. Frerlerick Stamberger will attend.

Patrick FPrr,11, wttl entertain at a luncheon for La Jolla, Rancho Santa Fe and other area residents from Arizona in ord~r !ha they can have an OJJportunity 10 ml'Pt Mr. Herhert •·10r 10 his Phoen;x v·

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