News Scrapbook 1973

B'ckerstaf f leaves USD i/rr 1:5


rumored nearly two months earlier but fell through on that occasion before re-surfacin again last week. The two high school track- men are busil) lrling to reacquaint themselves with born friend after being awaJ for mor than a month touring Finland and weden on the Youth track team. Both are ready to go back again ne~t summer.

teve Mowery (left) of Madison and Willie Banks (middle) from Ocean ,de returned to San Diego ju I in time to congratulate U D basketball coach Bernie Bicker taff on bis wa) out of town. Bicker taff re igned his position with the Toreros to become former Conquistador coach K.C. Jones' new a sistant with the Capital Bullet of the BA. The move wa


811·ker lafl' •realest n•i:rl'l was m le v1ng b ·hind th kids th<1l h3V{' grown with both he and the hasketb.ill program at I SD I talked with all the guy~ plu th thre renu1t. ,' he p

Bernie Bickerstaff resigned today as head haskethall cnarh at University San Diego lo take a job as assistant In K C Jones with the Capital Bullets of the National Basketball Assn. Bickerstaff, 29, coached the Toreros for four car com ~1ling a 55-49 record. The Toreros were 19·9 last )Car. the fmest eason 1n the school's history and will ha the top eight scorers and five t.arters back for this sea,on's campaign •·1 have mixed emotions.'' Bickerstaff ~aid ~bout the move •'USO afforded me a wonderful opportunity. I had a scholar• ship as a player, a job as an as.1stant and then thP head coaching job. I'll always be grateful 10 USO." Bickerstaff played with the Toreros sn 1965-66 anil cd assistant under Phil Woolpert for two years after Lumm" down a contract with the Harlem Globetrotters.

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