News Scrapbook 1973



at grade cuts h

61 st Year, N11. 38 Thursday, September 27, 1973

head coa<'h Andy \'inci, who mu •t play the Westerners 'ov 10 at the USD Stadium

to hll the void by the grad e

Published by the Diocese of Son O,ego, Colifornio "P"---

Cardinal here from Rome Tradition, color, prayer mark ancient rites


.Jt>sus Christ, his son , to the Blessed Virgin Mar y to obs erve, as a true soldier of Christ, all that i have been charged to do." Each m a n knelt before the cardina l who placed il swor d on the new Knight's r ight shoulder saying: " I APPOINT AND declare you a s oldier a nd Knight of the Holy Sepulchre of Our Lord Jes us Christ. Receive the Cross of Our Lord J esus Christ for your pr otection and for t ha t purpos e Turn to page 8

Mrs . Thomas C. Barger. La Jolla; Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Bender, La Jolla ; Mr. a nd Mrs. Leonard Dalton, San Diego; :\1rs. France:;_ G. Harpst, Coronado; Mr. and Mrs. John V. Naish , La Jolla, and Dr. and Mrs. George Zorn, El Cajon. THE OTHERS INCLUDED Bishop Merlin Guilfoyle of Stockton with nine others from his diocese, and six from Anchorage, Alaska. In the ceremony, preceding a concelebrated Mass, the Knights and Ladies pledged to be "true soldiers of Christ .. . practice Christian perfection .. . and take care that his holy name be spread and lov d everywhere." The honorees wore formal attire. ,~ith men in

Southern Cross Reporter A 900-year old Church tradition a da pted for today's time was brought lo life Tuesday as 26 men and women were invested Knights a nd Ladies of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. The two-hour ceremony in St. Brigid's church, Pacific Beach, marked the first investiture in the papal order's newly organized Western Lieutenancy. CARDINAL , IAXHULIA. ' de Furstenberg, grand master of the 11th century order, invested the Knights and Ladies, who included 17 from the San Diego diocese.

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Th, Tor ro cam out of th gate mokmg and scored tht• hr. t live tunes they touched the ball Ernie Yarborou~h caught a TD pas· from Bob Duhch andwKhed around a pair of score hy both Rich Paulson and Sammv ('room It wa ~Oat mterm1 ~,on and th final quarler was pent te ung personnel Claremont's only score was an mterceplmn returned for the TO The wm was a costly one for SD Rich Anderson, starting delcns1ve end , ustamed a lacerated ktdn y and underwent maJor urg rv 'undav lie will be lo't for the rt'maind r of th year. "It wa the bo) a Vmcisaid tough blow for our squad " He didn't notice anv pam until afterwards m thl' locker room " Gordon Duncan has been pencilled m a. Anderson·. replacement \'inci, ~ bo predicted hi

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Changing USD campus scene



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It's s The College of Arts and Sciences is now under the leadership of Dean Edward E . Foster. Dr. Foster , whose specialities a re Middl e English Litera t ure, Restoration and 18th Cen- tury Literature and Linguistics, has published exlensivelv . Dr. F os te r comes to USO from Grinnell College, Iowa. where he was chairman of the English Department. THE DEPARTl\1E)',;T of Interdisciplinary Studies at USD will bring many disciplines together around a central theme. This year there are four new area programs, leading to the bachelor's degree, as an alternative to the traditional single-disciplinary majors. A new area of study has been coordinated by Dr . Richard Phillips who holds three degrees from Stanford ar.~.' his Ph.D. from UCSD.

ma o of San Diego. up

campus seen from freeways 8 and 5 as a landmark v.ith the blue domes atop the lmmaculata. Looking down from the Hill there are vistas of the Pacific Ocean and !llission Bay. It's central and that 's good because a campus today doesn't slay in one place - 1t moves . Yes, the campus . USO stretches out to legal clinics in five neighborhoods, military bases where the enlisted recei\·e their best in higher education from top professors, El Centro where the education department offers weekend courses leading lo masters degrees, San Diego Bay where Dr. John S. Bradshaw floats his class aboard his oceano- graphic vessel to study ma- rine life. And environment. USD knows that's the subject of the day so there's a brand new course in environmental studies and a new approach.

With that change another one look place. Dr. Author E . Hughes became the first layman president of the university. A Catholic, Dr. Hughes is married and the

Prof directs sia class aboard ship

win over Claremont could not be as delmite about hi next foe Occidental ''They don·t posses. a terrific attack ," he acknov.ledged •·but they did manage to limit Azusa Pacific a little " ·01 enough, though , as AP . cored a 32 14 v 1ctory in the season opener for Occidental Vmci would dearly hkc to continue his opponent' losmg ways when he hosts them Saturda} startmg al 7 30 at USO tadium three games behind Andy's boys." admitted Turner f hope we can close that gap for too long." "We are about

"He did everything £or us Saturday except the laundr) · PELL TRO Bt.1-, One man who wa kss than enthu 1asttc about the Burnham boys ' performance. wa s t:n1ver ily of an Diego'

QUALITY EDUCATION •.. is one of the goals of the University of San Diego, which is adding four new, wide-ranging programs this year for its 2,800 students.

Thomas Burke

.. .. ..

Grad-special P,ro m d. J/lk LEl( )IS, ~- 1 rector o USu named Dr. Raymond S. Brandes professor of history at the University of San Diego and former director of th e educational opportu nrtv program· has been naml>d Director of Graduate and Ma st er's degrees rn Educat10n English.. French, Histor v, Intcr na t1 ona l Hr lat ion·· Psvcpotoin nd Spa ni sh · ~tal programs taught by l SD profl• sors at lut·at, ns other than the Alcala Park

Page 2 - SOUTHERN CROSS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1973 Around the diocese

Stags plan I ngUSDday Claremont College football coach John Zmda is ready to take Saturday's game against th Umverslty of San Diego nght to the Toreros. The t am will meet at 1 :30 pm on Claremont' field. "They're going to have to hov. us," Zmda said aner hearmg that USD coach Andy Vinci was predrctmg victory •we plan to make 1t a long afternoon for them." Sophomore quarterba k Hank Christman will drr <:l Zinda 's pow I offense w Ith B1IIJ a h and \ltke Graber a his running back cholarship fund The State Scholil r hip and Loa n Comm1s ion has announced the openmg of c ml)('t1t1on m the sixth vear of th College Opportunitv· Grant Pr gram Grant. are pn ma n ly fo r d1sad;antagcd students who plan to attend a publrc commun1tv coll ege. pphcat1ons have been sen t to all tau• high schools and th :Ji mu t be submitted to the St te Scholar hip and Loa n Co 1410 Filth St. , SJ no later than IJ

Cemetery, groundbreaking for new section. Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2 p.m., San Diego, St. Brigid church , investiture of Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre. · Father Roger A. Lechner Vice chancellor-secretary


He's already star I

that one.


Bishop Leo T. Maher Friday, Sept. 21, 11 a .m., San Diego , Holy Cross * *

Special Programs, President Au th0 r E Hughes announced. Brandes. who has been at USD smce 1966. IS a native of s_an Diego. He studied at the Umversrt,v of Arizona where he rece iv ed a B.A. 10 Anthropology and his Ph.D. in Amencan History m 1965 specia li zing in the America~ West The Graduate School at the University of San Diego offers

campu are undC'r the direc-lwn of Dr. Brandes. 1 h,s vcar co urs1:s which include Educa tmn classes are being lau~hl at MCRD, Escondido El Centro, and Oce,rns, de. · of Special Programs. Dr. Brandes will a lso be res pons ible for mtersess1on programs heliJ at USO from Januar y 3 to Janu~ry 24, and the three d1v1s1ons of summer school As Direc tor

* *

Universily of San Die!f.O Founders Hall Gallery, Alcala Park, exhibit of drawings by the late San Diego architect -William Templeton Johnson through Sept. 28, weekdays 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Executive Board 10 a.m . Wednesday, Sept. 26, Rancho California Golf Resort Club House, Hwy. 71 , just off Hwy. 395, Temecula . Reser- vations : 466-5677. Court Our Lady of Grace, CDA, luau 6:30 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 22, Holy Trinity parish hall, 600 Ballard St., El Cajon. St. Therese of the Child Jesus church pancake breakfast 8 a .m .-2p.m. Sunday, Sept. 23, parish hall, San Diego. Our Mother or Confidence parish, San Diego, CCD theology teacher training for credential 7:30-9 :30 p.m . Tuesdays and Thursdays, Sept. 11-0ct. 18. Court Madonna of the Sea, CDA, sixth anniversary Mass 11 a .m . Sunday, Sept. 23, St. James church, Solana Beach . Serra Club or San Diego pastors' dinner 5:30 p.m. Wed- nesday, Sept. 26, Mission Plaza clubhouse, across from Mission San Diego de Alcala. Court St. Colm Cille, CDA, card-game party for scholar- ship fund, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept 22, Holy Family parish hall, Tait and Ulric Sts: San Diego. Reservations: 278-2030, 292-7251. Catholic Famlly Service, Mercy Clinic, Bayside Settle- ment House in Hillcrest community parade~S.o Diego, for United Way campaign, 11, Saturday, S~ 22. Diocesan Senate of Priests first fall meeting Thursday, Seot. 20, St. Charles Borromeo parish hall , San Diego.


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Spec1a11sts To Lecture In USD Series


San Diego, Wednesday, September 19, 1973


S~CIAL NOT~S - Carmen Hernandez of Guadalajara, Mexico, ~ho will becor,1e the bride of D. J. Sprague, alumm director of the University of San Diego, is being introduced lo ~em_bers of the university family here this w~k. A weddrng m Guadalajara during the Christmas holidays lS planned. During her visit Miss Hernandez is the house guest of Dr. an_d Mi:s. Gilbe~ Brown. Dr. Brown is vice president for umvers1ty relations. Mrs. Brown entertained in honor of the visitor a~ luncheon at her home on Monday. Sunday everung Dr. Author E . Hughes, president of the umvers1ly, and Mrs: Hughes gave a small dinner party at Cas~ de Alcala, the president's residence. Guests included off1c1als of the university. ~r. and Mrs. Hughes and Dr. and Mrs. Brown visited M . He~z at her home in Guadalajara last summer dunng visits to the University of San Diego summer p there. evening Sister Sally Furay will introduce lffl~p to members of Religious of Sacred Heart the_o r of at the university, at a dinner al he{ residence. Sister Furay is vice president and provost of the umvers1ty

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