News Scrapbook 1973



Souther Published by the Diocese of Son Diego, California

ate grade cuts

61 st Year, No. 38 Thursday, September 27, 1973

head coach ndy Vinci who mu t play the \', e. terners . ov 10 at the USD Stadium

to fill the void by the grad

\'met' troopl rebound d nicely from their opcnmg game lo t C Riverside to regi ter t 1r first wm of th current campaign. a 35 7 c.lrubbmg r Claremont Coll e

Rl, 110 n · ... Pacific lTllt e Prof directs Asia class aboard ship

}ear " It was a tough bl " for the boy a our squ d \'met said ·He didn t notice anv pam until all rw ards m the locker room Gordon Duncan has been p nc1Hed m as Ander on replacement Vinci, who predicted !us wm O\er Claremont could not be a definite about ht next foe Occidental 'The\ don t pos. ess a terrific a t tac ' he ackno\\ !edged, 'but they did manage to hm1t Awsa Pac1f1c a little ' ~ot enough, though, as .\P cored a 32-14 \ 1ctory m the sea ·on opener for Occidental Vmc1 would dearly hkc to continue his opponent'· lo mg \\ays when he hosts them Saturda) tarting at i 30 at USD Stadmm

ANCIENTCERE ONIAL - Using ceremo nial and promises steeped in cen- turies of history, Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre were invested at St. Brigid's church, Tuesday. Here Cardinal Maximilian de Furstenberg, grand mastel'. of the order, invest r. Joh Purce I, pa or in

Coronado, while Bishop Maher, left, Father Roger Lechner, vice chancel- lor and Msgr. I. Brent Eagen, diocesan chancellor, assist. Seventeen persons from this diocese were invested. (More pictures page 8.)- SC 00

Cardinal here from Rome Tradition, color, prayer mark ancient rites Southern Cross Reporter

'.\1:rs. Thomas C. Ba rger, La Jolla : Mr. and Mrs. Frank J . Bender, La J olla; Mr. and Mrs . Leonard Dalton, San Diego; Mr s. Frances G. Harpst. Coronado ; Mr . and Mrs. John V Naish , La Jolla, and Dr. and Mrs. George Zorn, El Cajon. THE OTHERS INCLUDED Bishop Merlin Guilfoyle of Stockton with nine others from his diocese, and six from Anchorage, Alaska . In the ceremony, pr eceding a concelebrated Mass, the Knights and Ladies pledged to be "true soldiers of Christ ... practice Chri stian perfection ... and take care that his holy name be spread and loved everywhere." The honorees wore formal attire. with men in white ties and ta1 . and women in black evening gowns a nd veil. The Knigh ts were invested with the symbolic spurs, sword. cross and cape, and the Ladies with cross and cape. Cardinal de Furstenberg, standing before the altar, told the Knights: that if all men should consider themselves honored to practice virtue. so much the more must a soldier of Christ, who should glory in being a Knight of Jesus, use every means never to sully his good name Finally he ought to show by his actions and virtues that he is deserving of the honor which is being conferred upon him and of the dignity with which he is invested.' ' Together the Knights replied, "I declare and promise by word and in truth to God Almighty. to "I RE:\JL 'D YOU,

J es us Chri st, hi s son, to the Blessed Virgin Mary, to observe, as a true soldier of Christ, all that I have been charged to do." Each man knelt before the cardinal who pla ced a sword on the new Knight's right shoulder sa ying : " I APPOINT AND declare you a soldier and Knight of the Holy Sepulchre of Our Lord Jesus Chr ist. Receive the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ for your protection and for that purpose Turn to page 8


On than enthu ia tic a Burnham performance t;niver 1ty of an

A 900-year old Church tradition adapted for today's time was brought to life Tuesday as 26 men and women were invested Knights and Ladies or the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. The two-hour ceremony in St. Brigid's church, Pacific Beach, marked the first investiture in the papal order's newly organized Western Lieutenancy. CARDI. 'AL ;'1,JAXl:\IILJA. ' de Furstenberg, grand master of the 11th century order, invested the Knights and Ladies, who included 17 from the San Diego diocese. He was assisted by Bishop Leo T Maher, first grand prior or the order's western region, who, in his homily, called on the Knights and Ladies to be '"enunent members of the , lyst1cal Body of Christ and carry the spirit of the Gospel in their family and community living." They should "prepare the world for the seed of the Word of God," he stressed. 11' VESTED FRO.M the San Diego area were Msgr. Donald F . Doxie, pastor of St Brigid's ; Msgr. John F . Purcell, pastor. Sacred Heart, Coronado, and Msgr. William D. Spain. pastor, St. James, Solana Beach. president , University of San Diego, and his wife, John J Knudsen, cartoonist for the Copley newspapers and Catholic newsweeklies, and his wife ; Also Dr. Author E. Hughes,

Wd . Diego's

Stags plan

I ngUSDday

He's alread) . tart

that one

USO prepares for Occidental



/I, • Spec1a 1 To Leet USD Se

cholnrship Jund The tale Scholar hip and Loan Comm1s ·1on has aMounccd the opening of c pe11t1on in the iXth vear ol th College Opportunit, Grant Pr ran Gr nt are primarily for d1 dvantaged stud nts who plan to attend a public commun1t\ college.

Our Mother of Conflde!Re parisn, u1e~u, vvu wt:Uwi,i teacher training for credential 7 :30-9:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, Sept. 11-Oct. 18. Court Madonna of the Sea, CDA, sixth anniversary Mass 11 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 23, St. James church, Solana Beach. Serra Club of San Diego pastors' dinner 5:30 p.m. Wed- nesday, Sept. 26, Mission Plaza clubhouse, across from Mission San Diego de Alcala. Court St. Colm Cllle, CDA, card-game party for scholar- ship fund, 7~ p.m Saturday, Sept 22, Holy Family parish hall, Tait and Ulr c :San Diego. Reservations: 276-2030, 292-7251. Catholic Family Sentce, Mercy Clinic, Ba,ilde Settle- ment House in Hillcrest community para , Die10, for United Way campaign, IJ ._, turday, a. Diocesan Senate or Pl1ests first fall meeting Thursday, Seot. 20, St. Charles Borromeo parish hall, San Diego.


SOCIAL NOT~S - Carmen Hernandez of Guadalajara, Mexico, ~ho Will becor,1e the bride of D. J . Sprague, alumni drrector of the University of San Diego, is being introduced to members of the university family here this week. A wedding m Guadalajara during the Christmas holidays is planned . During her visit Miss Hernandez is the house guest of Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert Brown. Dr. Brown is vice president for university relations. Mrs. Brown entertained in honor of the visitor at luncheon at her home on Monday. Sunday evening Dr. Author E. Hughes, president of the university, and Mrs. Hughes gave a small dinner party at Casa de Alcala, the president's residence. Guests included officials of the university. Dr. and s. Hughes and Dr. and Mrs. Brown visited · Hem-lez_,at her home in Guadalajara last summer the University of San Diego summer Sister Sally Furay will introduce members of Religious of Sacred Heart, at ·versity, at a dinner at her Furay Is vice -president and provost of



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