News Scrapbook 1973


Page 2 - SOUTHERN CROSS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1973 Ar Rh·ersi lunch• hall, J , am P. und the diocese h•:rnPn', ocnv. pre-. eniinar:, lt1nd benefit ,u r, •. fhur. day. :,c•pt. _,, St. Thomas parish n .ind , lagnol a A1 e . Hn r,ide ~lass 11 :30 ·naltons: 687-21 J8, 689-8307. chool grounds, 55th St. and College Grove\\ ay. San Diego. Turkey dinner 1-7 pm. Sunday, Sept 30. l'nhN~lt\' of San Dil•go Ile Sales Hall. Alcala Park, four talks on ": ·ew Genetics' sponsorPd by !'hi Sigma Tau, philosuph) society, 7 30 p.m Oct. 3, 16, Nov 6, 1:1. Dr. and :\tr,. J. C:. Willke, authors of Handbook on Abor- tion. speak ;\londay, Ocl. 1, 2 p.m. San Diego State Univer -ity Aztec Center sponsored by ·ewman Center, 7:30 p.m Blessed Sacrament parish hall, 56th St. and r~l Cajon Blvd., San Diego, sponsored by San Die!lo Pro-Life League. Famih in Ireland or Father Joseph ,1ackt·.,, founding pastor llur Lad)" of Lourdes, J\lontclair, who died Aug. 27, appreciatc the many kind expressions or sympathy Mater lll'i Council, K of C, Communion-breakfast for Knights and Ladies, 8: 15 Mass Sunday, Sept 30, St Kieran church and hall, 1510 Greenfield Dr., El Cajon. Court :'ltystical Rose, CDA, benefit rummage sale JO a.m -4 p.m Wednesday and Thursday. Oct. 3-4, SL Vincent de Paul Tlmfl Center, 2379 Pennsylvania Ave., Riverside. t. Charles Academy Booster Club pizza party 8 p.111. Saturday, Sept. 29, parish hall, 2802 Cadiz St., San Diego. Benefit for school"s sports program. :,1. \ rncenl t·erre Ave Maria l\lis ion Circle benefit lun- cheon noon Friday, Sept. 28, North Town Ball, Sun City. Re;;en·ations: 679-2950. :\!other·,. Week at San Diego Blood Bank, 10 a.m--4 p.m. Oct ,-5, 440 Upas S· Details: 2966393. t. Kieran 's purish hall, El Cajon, CCD methods course for credential 7:30-10 p.m Tuesdays began Sept. 25. St. Michael's parish, Poway, CCD doctrine course for credential 9:30 a.m.-noon Mondays and Wednesdays, Oct. I· 31. University High School seniors Jane Crabb, Leslie Girard, Peter Hughes, Eric Passaglia and Susan Wood semi-finalists in 1974 National !\lerit Scholarships awarded next spring. Msgr. George l\1. Rice, Palm Springs, named spiritual director, and Msgr. Anthony Giesing, rector, St. Joseph's Cathedral, chaplain, San Diego Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima. Leonard Greenwald, diocesan lay delegate. St. Mary's parish, Escondido, fiesta Sept. 28-30, includes fish fry, Italian and Mexican dinners. Puplic welcomed. 13th and Broadway Details: 745-1611. _CCD Coordinators 9:30 a.m. - noon Thursday, Sept. 27, Diocesan Office conference room, San Diego. Paulist textbook workshop 7:30 -9:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 28 and 1:30 · 4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 29, Our Lady of the Sacred l:eart parish hall, 42nd St. and Orange Ave., San Diego. Church or the Good Shepherd parish festival Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 29-30, 8200 Gold Coast Dr., and Camino Ruiz Blvd., San Diego, Public welcomed. · Dr. Raymond S. Brandes. history professor, University of San Diego, named director of USD's graduate and special programs. Religions education £or the deal workshop, University of San Dieg,1, 9:30 a.m . - 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 29, Details: Therese Naugle, 278-9997. Padre Hidalgo Center, 2'1:77 National Ave., San Diego, Spanish-language talks on responsible parenthood continue 7:30 p.m. Mondays through Oct. R. Details: 235~12. Centro Padre Hidalgo, 2277 National, San Diego, La prog- rama informativa sobre la responsabilidad familia con- linuara eada Lunes a las siete y media de la noche hasta el ocho de Octubre. Para mas informacion llama 235-6612. Charismatic Family Retreat, Oct. 5-7, Father Jerome B··11lacqua, OSA, and the Rev. Kenneth Pagard, Baptist from C, Jla Vista, at Tierra Del Sol camping grounds, 50 miles east ol San Diego, Hwy 8. Details: 273-7838. Chu ·ch or SI. :\Jury Magdalene, Clairemont, first J:,'ridays, 'i O • m. Holy Hour, starling Oct. 5, Blue Army of Our Ladv o, F..tima. Mass 8 a.m. Oct. 6, and 8 a.m. Oct. 13, co,,: memorating "Miracle of the Sun" at Fatima in 1917. llol Family Retreat Association biennial workshop Oct. 5- 7 Sar Luis Rey Mission Retreat House, near Oceanside. Details: Father Ralph Weishaar, OFM, 757-3651. SL Vincent de Paul Branch, Italian Catholic Federation, spaghetti dinner 5-8:30 p.m Saturday, Ocl. 6. parish hall, Hawk and Ibis Sts , San Diego. Reservations: 298-2653. Sacred Hearl Altar Society, Riverside, gave Father Michael Flahive, pastor, $500 check for new tabernacle. Synod II Training for recorders 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Oct. 3, Community of the Holy Spirit auditorium, 2610 San Diego Ave., entrance on Twiggs St. Synod materials - colored narrative slides, prayer cards, etc.• from Diocesan Synod Office, Box 80428, San Diego, 92138; phone 298-7711, ext. 44. In San Bernardino, Jack Clinton, 985-4914. Training sessions and other information - Sister Gail Lambers and Sister :\lary Prose in San Diego, 297-3549. Jack Clinton in San Bernardino and Ril·erside, 985-4914 Synod opens officially Ocl 'l:I m SI. Catherine's church, Riverside, for San Bernardino and Riverside counties, Oct. 28 in SL Joseph's Cathedral for San Diego and Imperial counties. • lloh ~,rit church can: 1·al Sept. 28-30,


elenges in Estian Gelopment

A couple of weeks ago I officiated at my nephew's wedding in Pitt burgh, and in expressing his gratitude, he comrncnted that he realized any priest could have done 11, but was glad I had. Jt's true that an::,; p1wst could have said the Mass and of ficiated at their marriage But no one could take the place ol a personal and family relationship. Jt oc·cutT('d to me that thC' same is true ol lhe role of parents in the religious education of their children. Parish religious education programs - both cco and school courses can l)c planned, and may involve the expertise of many dedicated professionab using the best techmques and finest resources availabll' But they cannot take the place of the religious education that a dnld ran receive only from lhC' parents who love him and share their life ol faith with him, as 1 shared a life ex- perience with my rwphew. Religious education programs supplC'mcnt lhc parents' work; they don't supplant it. Though I appredate parents' need for help in educating their children, 1 cannot undersland how some could prefer that someone else do it instead. There arc certainly c•nough priests in the Pittsburgh diocese - 349 more than in San l)i(,go in fact - but there was onl,y one Uncle Bill. No matter how many teachers there are in CCD programs and parish schools ... parents! ..• there arc only the lwo al you.

head coach Andy Vinci who must play the \\'esterners 'ov 10 at the USO Stadium

to hll th by th

VOid grade

SD Vinci's troop their operung game lo s to l' R1vers1de to reg1 ter th 1r hr:t wm o[ the current campaign a 35-7 drubbing ~er Claremont Colleg The Torero cam out o[ the gate mokmg and scored the hrst fl\ e limes they touched llie ball. Ernie Yarborough caught a TD pas from Bob Duitch sandwich('(! around a pair of rnrc by both Rich Paulson aml Sammy Croom II wa 35. at mterm1 ,,on· and th Ima! qu.arler pt•nt testing personnel. Claremont s only srore was an mterreptton returned for lhcTD The wm was a costly one for USO Rich Anderson, ·tarlmg defi:nsive nd, u tamed a 'accrated k1dn y and und rw ent maior :urgery Sunday lie w 111 be lost for the emai nd r or the year "II was a tough blow for the bov and our squad," Vinci said • He didn't notice any pam until alterwards m the locker room Gordon Duncan has been pencilled m as Anderson replacement Vinci. who predicted hi rebounded mre\y from

ALESSON FOR JULIE - Mrs. Julie Eisenhower, daugh- ter of President Nixon, takes lessons in Greek dance from two young members of Sts. Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox thurch in Washington, D. C. George Mantzouranis and Marie Stamos of Rockville, Md. guide her through the intricacies of the folk dance. - RNS photo The Trend is to AGAJEENIAN 0, ,e,ital ,.-J? ,,flJ For a Better Home Come now and e>

Futher William Gold

· I. ,1 Vl' r n e mull1phc1ty or et , · th h ad coach s,11d, "somewhat like D.illas I Gov.boys . They go in motion shill cvcrpvherc, the whole wor s ' Turnrr did admit that his of!en c neetlc.'

Hand Mad(• Wall Rosal'Y Wood Jnd bra;, la, ed tonether to c. r4Mle! a b,•c.1uliful ro"iary for your wall. rac h ro,My i, hand made and tome, in eithN a wal- nut or blond fini,h. [ath wall rosary " eleven and one half onthe, wide and a full thirty inche, long. The,e wall ro,arie, are truly a work of art. Pric('d at just $9.00, including tax and ,hipping, 1hey are great gill idea. Get one for yourself, loo TO ORDER: WRITE

Mr. Lyle Emmons, 317 Palm Street, Barstow, Calif. 92311 (714) 252-3892 Saint Joseph's Parish

2944 El Cajon Blvd. SAN DIEGO

Will pay highest prices for used Oriental rugs.


•• Padlk-crui Prof directs Asia class aboard ship

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS* Panshes and church organiu,tions in San Diego County are invited to publicize, free of charge, fund raising events, bazaars, dinners and other sponsored happenings in these advertising columns. Announcements accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. L1m1t of two an nouncements per week. For reservations, please phone 298-7713. Deadline for re~ervat1ons noon Friday preceding publication.

St. Pa1rick', HARVEST FESTIVAL 3'.;!G :l()th !->trt·,·t. :\ortli Park Sat., ()(-1 6. noon.') p.111. :--nn., Oct 7, 1 p.111. · 8 p.111.

wm over Claremont rould not be as definite about his next foe Occidental. • They don·t possess a terrific attack . " he arknowledged but the1·did manage lo hmit Azusa Pacific a little •· :--lot enough, though, as AP rored a 32-14 victorv m the season opener for Occidental. Vmc1 would dearlv like to continue his opponent"s losing ways when he ho,ts them Saturday starting at 7 30 at USD Stadium three games behmd Andv's boys,' admitted Turner · l hope we can close that ap be or ··we are aboul

Chun h of the Good Shepherd 8200 Gold Coa,1 Driv(, S,rn Diego (Mira Me,a) September Fest Sal. & Sun., Sept. 29 & 30 Rides, Games, Handicrafts, Prizes


1; \\lE!--, BOOTll'i, PHIZE:- 1101 (,t"rman Plah• - .• I :50

carry a


Candy apples, Cotton candy, International foods - :w booths-

\II 't ou Can Eat ~1>a;.d1t>lli l>iruwr .. ~un. onl~ S<> \1.J,. JH'r fomil~

scm course m lib<>ral arll allcnd classes six day a v.cck wh1l at l'a and parttc1p le 111 coursc-rl'li!lcd, m-port fl Id expenen<-es I r'

E\ lc:RYO,t \\ .,LUJ\IE

\ll\11-.'-lff\ I·HEE

•The above space for public interest announcements is provided through the courtesy of the listed institutions.

too long "

BENBOUGH MORTUARY 71 I Date Street Son Diego, Calif. 921 01 234 5144 BERGF-ROBERTS MORTUARY 607 National Avenue National City, Calif. 92050 474 6565 BONHAM BROTHERS MORTUARY 1770 Fourth A· ue San Diego, C, Jrnio 921 01 Phone: 232-51 1 J

CORONADO MORTUARY I 71 "C" Avenue Coronado, Coli! 92118 Phone: 435 41 I 4 CYPRFSS VIEW MORTUARY 40th Street at lmperiol Avenue Son Diego, Calif 92113 Phone: 264-3169 El CAJON MORTUARY 624 El Caion Blvd El Ca1on, California 920?0 Phone: 442 6678 fl CAMINO MEMORIAL PARK 9450 Correll Canyon Rd San Diego, Cal,f 92121 Phone, 453 2121

FRICKSON-ANDERSON MORTUARY 8390 Allison La Mesa, Calif 92041 Phone: 466-3297 JOHNSON-SAUM & kNOBEL MORl UARY 1408 Fourth Avenue S<,n Diego, Calif 92101 Phone: 232·6168

tar mg for

He's already

that one

USO prepares for Occidental


LA JOLLA MORTUARY 7654 Herschel Avenue Lo Jolla, Coli!. 92037 Phone. 459-2929

'{!,vi t Spec1a 1st To Lectu USO Seri,


LFWIS COLONIAL MORTUARY 3051 El Caion Blvd San Diego, Calif. 92104 Phone 283 721 I

Romeno, Calilornio 92065 Phone: 7891678

ENCINITAS MORTUARY 340 Melrose Avenue Encinitas, Coli! 92024 , Phone: 1 753 11 43 FOR FUNERAL INFORMATION, PHONE OR WRITE THE FIRM OF YOUR CHOICE LISTED ABOVE. Catholic personnel to serve you

Thursdays, Sept. 11-0ct. 18. Court Madonna of the Sea, CDA, sixth anniversary Mass 11 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 23, St. James church, Solana Beach. Serra Club of San Diego pastors' dinner 5:30 p.m. Wed- n~d~y, Sept. ,26, Mission Plaza clubhouse, across from M1ss1on San Diego de Alcala ~ourt St. Colm Cille, CDA, card-game party for schola~- sh1p fun~ 7:30 P-~- Saturday, Sepl 22, Holy Family parish hall, Tait and Ulric Sts: San Diego. Reservations: 278-2030 292-7251. ' Catholic Family Service, Mercy Clinic, Ba)'side Settle- • me!'t House in Hill~rest community parade._Slo Diego, for Umted Way campaign, 11 &.Ill, Saturday, S~ 22. Diocesan Senate of Priests fir~t fall meeling Thursday, Seot. 20, St. Charles Borromeo parish hall, San Diego.


SOCIAL NOTES - Carmen Hernandez of Guadala·ara Mexi~. ~ho will become the bride of D, J. Sprl e' ~Jumm director of the Universit~ of San Diego, is , mtroduced to ~em~rs of the university family here thi~ w~k. A .weddmg m Guadalajara during the Christm holidays JS planned. as During her visit Miss Hernandez is the house guest of Dr. an_d Mrs. Gilbe!1 Brown. Dr. Brown is vice president for um".ers1ty relations. Mrs. Brown entertained in honor of the VJS1tor a! luncheon at her home on Monday, Sunday evemng Dr. Author E. Hughes, president of the umvers1ty, and Mrs. Hughes gave a small dinner party at Cfaf~ de Alcala, the president's residence. Guests included o 1c1als of the university. pr. and Mrs. Hughes and Dr. and Mrs. Brown visited M . Hernandez at her h~me i~ Guadalajara last summer g visits to the Uruvers1ty of San Diego summer pr~there. evening Sister Sally Furay will introduce Uffllltillez to members of Religious of Sacred Heart the. on'ier'ofmms at the university, at a dinner at he; t rhesidence. Sister Furay Is vice president and provost of e, umvers1ty.

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