News Scrapbook 1973

~1'£1~ /t, /'t/7. U D plans for homecoming with a complete new fac

USO Given Fund Share. The um:A"'3(f.f' !ff/Ii Diego is one of mne indepen- dent colleges and universi- ties to share in the Union Oil Co. of California Foundation grants, the USO president announced. Dr. Autnor E . Hughes said the $2,350 grant would go for scholarships. Arthur Steward, founda- tion president, said USD was S<'IPcted for the grant be- cause of its "close student· faculty relationship and its position to offer students maximum opportunities for self-development and ad- vancement." Other United States schools receiving Union Oil grants were; Case-Western Rr.S!'rvr. University, Clare- mont Men's College, Harvey Mudd College, Northrop In• stitutc of Technology. Nor- thwestf'rn University, Occi- dental College, Pomona Col- l gc and the University of Redlands. Boutique De opf \\1ilJ <2,f ;12~,.~;o}q: I d1• Noel" will o al llw Cni- w r it) o[ San Dit>go from 6 to 9 p. 0 t 5 and w II be OJ)l'II to the publw Imm 11 a .m to 1 p.m ' turdav · ;ind Sundays through 'ov 21. Th•· lu11111.1e of ltw Sacred llt•a1 of thl' unive1 sJt y 1s spun- or of th" boutique, whic:11 \~ ill oll P1 dec:01 a1Ums, art , cralt s and gilt , . Mrs. Timothy uiw1•ry and , , 11 s. Lela nd Aids are cochair- men of the opening-day prcsen- tat10n Members who have a1 ranged the boutiqae a rc Mmes. James I Eckman, J<' r<>d Widmer , ::',f1- chael Brown . Larry .Murphy, F rancis Wood , James Belt . .James Tel'trr, Theresa Hana- lm, Ilohc-rt Teaff and Miss An- gl'l Kraem(•r.

Heservattons at $10 a person are being taken by Mrs. Leo J Durkin at 488-8008 and by Mrs Joseph E. Bennett at 276-3228 Invitations are m hot pink with magenta lettering and a drawing of a curtain. Chairman of the Invitations Committee is Maureen Craw- ford Kmg. Assisting in the addre smg were Mary Ann Daly Kennedy of Pacifica, Paula Sullivan Underwood of Pacific Beach and Laurie Ferguson .Murphy of Claire- mont They are graduates of , the College for Women, which 1s now incorporated into the University of San Diego.

lnv1tat10ns have been m,uled for the benefit fash10n how, ' Stiver Curtain . scheduled for Ckt Ii in the new Grande Hall of Hotel d I Coronado . Gue L mav renPw friend• hip at II a rn and partake of a gourmet lun<"heon at noon . Fall !a h1ons w 111 be modeled at I p.m

University of San Diego is presenting a new face to alumni of four classes gath- ering this week for Home- coming at the chool. Admimstrators, faculty and students participated today m a program dP• signed to outline change m the university's tructure. Two new deans and a direc- tor of graduate and special programs v. ere named this year. The new appointments have been only part of a restructunng which began two years ago wh n the unviversity severed fina n- cial ties with th(' cat holic

Tailgate parties will prPcede Saturday night's game betwePn the Torf'tos and Azusa Pacific and cl s- ing activities begin Sunday with a family folk ma in the College Chapel at 9:30 a.m . Corresponding to the ho- mecoming act1v1tiPs w I be the first Clergy Evening ho- noring Golden and 11 ,er Ju bilari n of the San Diego Catholl<: Diocese and ordmat10n ci of '58, '58, '63 and 68

Church and merged the formerly autonomous (',oJ. lege for Men and College for Women into one central- ly administered university . Presldrnt Author E . Hughes, who took OVPf the presidency of the school in the fall of 1971 , gave members of the classes of '53, '58, '6.3 and '68 a look at the nev. admm1strauJe or- ganizauon, as well as new academl' offerings. This Friday he 'II host a reception at 8 p.m. at the Hilton Inn to b followPd by the Home<'oming Ba ll m the Bounty Room


Add, rnng inv,tat,ons for "Silver Curtain ," o theatrical 25th anniversary n l,t for Univers,7 of Son Di go scholarships, (from le~) are Laurie F rg uson Murphy o Clair mont, Pou/a Sullivan Underwood of Pocilic Beach and Mary Ann Daly K nn dy of Pacifica. The fashion show and lunch on ill b i fog d al 11 a.m. Oct. 17 in Grande Holl of Hotel de/ Coronado. R servot,ons may b made at 488-8008.

Udall to discms energy shortage Stewart u dall , Secretary of the Intenor under Presidents Kennedy and John on, will ~peak on " The Energy Crisis,' in More Hall, University of San Diego, Wednesday at 8 00 P M, lidall formed OVERVIEW, a pioneer 10ternat1oru1 con ultmg C1nn de\ ed creat111g .f'bet er em,r n for man

_______ So..._n_0_1e_,g._;o;.:.•..:.T-=.u•1day, October 2, 1973

L cfure s ries on genetics to begin at USD addresses by Dr. Larry ander, USO Law Sc I, on "The Legal Definition of Lt , Oct. 16; the Rev. William Ship-

Watergate Writer Cancer USO Talk Tue.ddy, October 2, 1973



opens series ofconcerts The Univer~:ty of San Diego fall concert series will open Oct 14 with an afternoon performance by the Alcala , Tno. Curtain time is 4 m Camino Theatre on the Alcala Park campus. Trio member s Marjorie Hart cellist, Ilana Mysior, piani and Dr. Henry Kolar vwhn t have each performed extensively in San Diego as solo performers . il'he program wi ll mclude " nata o. 4' for violin and piano, by ozart : ''Second Tno, Op. 98'' m the form of a suite, by Vincent d'Indy; and "F-Mmor Trio, Op. 65" by Dvorak. The program is free and open to the public.


l973J USD Transfer

dall Says Waste To Blame For U.S. Energy Shorta~e

lo/.>9/U Oil Company gives $2,000 scholarship The Union Oil Company of Cahforma Foundation recenUy awarded a grant of more than $2_,000 to the Umversity of San Diego. The money will go toward scholarships for four students. According to Arthur Stewart P.resident of the foundation: The University of San Diego was selected because of its close student -fa culty relat10nship and because it is in the position to offer deserving students maximum oppor- tunities for self,Jevelopment and advancement. " The scholarships will go to st udents who have demonstrated superior cha~acter. good citiz.enship, ability and ambition.

Thursday, Oc:tober 4,

PaulsonSets Scoring Pace If tailback Rich Paulson maintains his scoring average for Univer ity of San Diego Sat- urday mght, the Toreros can al- ready count on two touchdowns against Pomona College in the game at USD Stadium. Paulson, a 180-pound transfer from L.A. Harbor, has scored twice m each of USD's first three rontests, gaining 237 net yards in 31 att<>111pts for a fine 7 6 average. " We knew he was a fine run• nrr," says coach Andy Vinci, "but his early work is still a pleasant ,urprise . He is even better than we were Jed to be- lieve·• Paulson's figu res surpass the next two individual ball car• riers for the Toreos, His ef- forts keep the opposition loose and compliment the USD pass- ing game in which QB Bob Dul- lch has connected on 58 per cent of his tosses. Strangely enough, Dulich is the No. 3 rusher off the To- reros' opiton game with III net yarcls in 42 carries. After suf- fering heavy losses in the first two games, he ran for 129 ) ards against Occidental last wetk. USO three-game statistics :

I Duo Will Perl rm At USO Concert , t:mversity of San Diego • will feature Hollace Koman and trumpet r Dirk Koman in a performanr with the hoo!'s orchestra at 4 tomorrov. aftr•rnoon m the Camino Theater Tile hu and and wire duo will play a hostakovirh con- certo with the orchestra under th d t n of Henry Kolar. Alsop wmmed are BE ethoven's. 1xth Symphony (" Pastorale' \ and T~chal- kovsky's '1812 · Ovptu e /IIWN /0/>-1

Saturday, October 6, 1973

Wednesday,October 17, 1973

· f!iJitD#_ iif-.1 Watercolor Artist Honored Art was the conversation catalyst at the cocktail party given by Msgr. John R. Portman, chairman of the Ecumenical Center for World Religions at the Universi- ty of San Diego, in honor of Frederic Whitaker, NA. It was a wall-to-wall people and wall-to-wall art party with many of Mr. Whitaker's skillful watercolors on view in the host 's law library apartment. Henry Gardiner, director of the Fine Arts Gallery, was among the knowledgeable guests. Mr. Whitaker and his wife , Eileen Monaghan Whitaker, also an adept design- er m the field of water color paintir.g .will be honored at a champagne reception at Old Town Circle Gallery, Nov. 1, when their joint exhi~i n will open. Msgr. Portman is a genial eclectic host who skillfully draws guests together from many lines of endeavor. Special guests were Dr. Author Hughes, president of USO, and Mrs. Hughes. Many meml)ers of the medical profession, the consular corps and other groups attended.




73 48

237 111

6 7.6

Paulson ... . ... . .... .. .31 Cr.J()m ... . ... .... .. . ,. ,30 Dullch .... . ... . ... . . .. -42 ...•.• . •....... , 11 A. Sanch~? . ... , ... ... 7 Davis .... . , . , . . . . .. , •, • 6 Slntoy

117 2 3.9 22

ising On Sold-Ou,House "The Silver Curtain" desi er fashion show-luncheon sponsored by t . USD Aux- iliary will rise on a sold-out house today in the Grande Hall, Hotel de! Coronado. Mrs. Author Hughes, wife of President Hughes of USD, will be hostess to Mmes. Robert B. Baldwin, Robert Baxley, Alex DeBakcsy, Lawrence O'Donnell, Morris Sankary, George A. Scott and Bruce Wag- oner. Mrs. James E. Spain of Rancho Bernar- do has invited seven guests. The San Diego County Bar Auxiliary, Mercy Hospital Auxiliary, Alumnae of Sacred Heart, Ro- sary Guild of Rosary church, Seniors and Juniors of Social Service Auxiliary, San Diego County Medical Auxiliary and San Diego Dental Auxiliary have reserved (Continued D!, Col. 3)

1 0


.C.0 12

4 • 2 o 6.0 30 0 50

23 9


PC. HI Yd~. TO Long 35 3 354 2 24



3.f O 34

1 0

£Ail7NU 1?i_--=1/1.3 Alcaln 1rio opens series ofconcerts The University of San Diego fall concert series will ope I Oct. 14 with an afternoo~ pe!'formance by the Alcala ' Tno._ Curtain time is 4 in PCammo Theatre on the Alcala ark campus. Trio memb . ers MarJorie Hart. cellist Ilana M . · • • ys1or P!an1~t, and Dr. Henry Kolar' v1ohmst have each performed extens1vely in San O . I 1ego as so O performers. .,l}1\ program Will include . na a No. 4" for violin and piano by Mozart : "Second Tno. Op. 98" in the form of a suite, by Vincent d'Ind . d " F M· Y, an · inor Trio, Op. 65" b Dvorak. The program is f y . and open to th public. ree


, ..... , ........ No. Yds TO Lon,


1 5: 18 0

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• 8

No, Yds. Av1. Long




, • • •


Yor br







• . , .. ... . . , . . . . . . •... •.. • . .... , , . •. • .

First downs


Rushe-s-yardoge ..•..• , .1338-567

Passing \lcrdo t Return yardage,

215 34

394 166

16--49-6 21-35.0 12-6 18·156


Passing Punts

..... . .. . 13-35.7





.• , • ,• ,

Fumbles-lost Penolties•yordoge

., ., . . 21-183


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