News Scrapbook 1973

SDUTH(RN CROSS, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1973 USO celebrates end of U.S. role in Vietnam, dedicates veterans' plaque_ Reporter It• •1• campu l'S durinJ.: re winner· t·cnt yt•ar . war, just losers. I T IIE I' TIO garden,

7/ltt,. Sen Diego, Si

ossi Fund concert due at USD The Si ter Rossi Music Scholar 'hip Fund concert will be held lll day al 4 p.m. in Gamino flf niversity of San go. The program w1U open with ' Tl1etis" by Rameau. Soloists Include singer Robert Austin, violmist Jlt•nry Kolar, cellist Marjorie Hart and pianist John Garvey. Kolar's "Rhap ody for Cello and Piano" will feature ML. Harl and Gan,ey, Felix Ca. tiJlo, Tom Johnson, Ken Jerahian and Kolar will per- form Vivaldi's Conce110 for I<'our Violins and Strings. Bloch's "Suite Modale" for flute and strmg orchestra will open the ~econd half of the program. MISS R<'gina Bir- kner is flutist he SD Sym- phony Or · l play Smetana's ' oldau" from • My Count Funds !ro thec\xltuct~ri will go to worthy mus c students at USD.

are from left, Navy Cmdr. Richard D. Mullen, Bishop Maher, Father Ro2er A. Lechner, diocesan vice-chancellor, and Tom Stubbs, president of USO veterans' club, sponsor of the plaque. - SC photo

THEY ARE NOT FORGOTTEN - This memorial plaque to U. S. veterans in Vietnam was dedicated by Bishop Maher in patio of Founders Hall, Univ~r- sity of San Diego. Looking at memorial

I SEEM TO REMEMBER . . . - Father arottl W. Rigney, SVD, right, from Ep rt , Iowa, rem inisces with his brother, Father Francis J. Rigney, University of San Diego histori an. The ' I-togethe r took plac e on the USO 11pus. Fat her Harold, president of e Word college in Epworth, spent

four years in a Chinese Communist prison until expelled to Hong Kong in 1955. He was president of Peking Catholic college when arrested in 1951 and charged with being a "U.S. agent. " He wrote of his trial and imprisonment in F'our Years in a Red Hell. - SC photo

Julian Bond, 3:!, a c;porgia stale legislator, c;illrrl for organ• izat 1011 of thf' mol'e,mcnt r!uring the \fixon adminis ration , Bond madP thr. rl'marks bP· fore an audienee of ahout 800 during a s <'<'C"h at thP Umv<'r- sity of Sar lirJ!:o Thursday. Jf P. said his mlNC'Sl was more in action and less in.ideology. He said. ·egl'O<' ·hould try to gain polilt t poslu in a number ~rea an nutrt not concentrate 1 h ·r efforts Just on one seat. More Negroes should run for Congress, he said.

Cite~ -'critical' financial P.roblem • SovJe~ C,.·c,.w

valuaho~ team says USD can. 113 andle twice as many students·

Aztecs Beat USD, 4-2

The committee considers this situation "can con- tribute to the unity of the university staff and its sense of 'community.' " Among I adequacies the report nam1: the library situat1 n \ lrore there are three ar n three separate tlild m at pre- sent. Thi nqw being changed. However, the report states that "it is necessary to reevaluate the un1, r- sity's priorities in favor of an increase in library sup- port." The law school lib- rary " has adequate prm sion in terms of staff Ii brary materials' bi.: THE NOISE - acoustical deileicnci l in the area of women 's dor- mitories wa reported to be a defect "which often makes life in an otherwise serene environment uncomfortable." The most serious prob- lem facing the administra- tion, according to the com- mittee ·•,s the obviously uncerta in natu re ofl he Uni · vcrsity's finances. It is cu r-

rently criticaL The mstitu- tion is largely (75 per cent) dependent on tuition and is in debt." The report says it is for- t r ate that some of the debt about $3 million - is to the Diocese of San Diego and the Religious of the Sacred Heart, with "favorable, interest-free repayment terms " "THE L'NIVI,; ~ITV needs additional reve e and financial reserves endowment funds." It is here that the commit- tee comments on the capa- bility of doubling the pre- sci t student population with only minor modifica- tions to present facilities." This would he lp to provide income to solve the finan- cial problem, the report says. Commenting on what it calls a "highly centralized administrative structure·· it states that a good deal of authority is "vested in the ha nds of the prO\ o,t and of the president. \\ ho work c lo dy with the bo, rd of trustn.•s. ·

Southern Cross Reporter THE U~IVERSITY of San D ego could accommodate twice as nany students with its present facilities, and its faculty "is more than adequate for the (present) ta k in hand," according to • an official report released this we(']c. An evaluation committee repre enting the accredita- tion commission of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges reports that the resu Its of the merger between the former College for Women, U. D College for Men and law hool, have proved a \ ,able unit, and the next . tage 1s to establish the new identity. "The formulation of goals at n Catholic-pluralistic ms~itution such as USO is rendered complex by the rcl!g1ous-secular nature of the community," states the report , '"TIIE T ENSIONS that thi situation must i nevit- ably produce can become a continual anchor tied to each innovative proposal."

RrliPver Duh TTup rt$ shut off thP hard - l11t1m1; ffawan M:mnes with onP hit th10111;h the last three innings yr>stprday to pPrspn·p a lfi-12 l'irtor for USO on the TorPro d!amond . Jt wa..< Rupp1i,' third win without a toss and lowered his ERA to 1.89. . at 1 dia-

''I can wa lk nto my p rofes so r's office to talk .•.'· ' tud nts who go fro•m our p re-med excel when t hey go irtto med school." sident Hughes' remarks about 'value -based ' education i lues mold lives and shape ind ividuals." it's the best college in the area to receive entiol in education." e to think about cost. USD's tuition is very low for private ol s in California ." College of Arts andSciences School of Business Administration School of Education School of Law yourself together and become a part of our com- ity. Write or phone our .il:rtrv.j icns Office, Room , DeSales Hall, University of Son Diego, A lcala or , San Diego, Calif 92110 (714).291 6480

UNIVERSITY OF ByTERRl D rv,mxw and ho.tdog, will be th order of the day en the t;SD PLi Kappa Theta fraternity holds a beach party for youngsters Saturday at Santa Clara Poi~t The fraternity gives a party for children eac~ semester. Tius semester's bearn party is bt•ng held for children from the Linda Vista nec1eation Center 111 cooperation with Social Advocates for Youth of San Diego. The administration w II fo'mially honor standout students at



a year-end assembly Tues- ria\'. Class and depatimental academic honors wi II be av.arded to high ranking stu- 1 dents. Other awards to be given include the Kappa Gamma Pi medal: which goes to a soph- omore woman for leader hip and scholarship excellence. The recipient will be chosen by both the administration and sophomore women. The Charles E. Frunkhn av. ard will be giYen to the outstanding senior man and the Alcala award to the out- standing senior woman. Stu- dents will also be cited for their service to student gov- ernment and to the commu• rity

TODY L.t Jolla C1v1c Umver~1ty Orche tra Concert ol Roman ti<· '.\Ju 1c, 3 pm Sherwood Hall, 700 Pro peel St onc·crt. leaturmg p1am t Earl Wild and llaut1 'I Aileen Richard . will h · rrpPated at 8 pm. m Sh rwood llall. Fme Art AsSOC'IJte outd ,r art cxh1b1t. a m 5 p m , outh ol lldton Inn, .\11s mn Bay Cm ·o de Mavo F'1cslil no n lo 8 pm , ;irt, danc:mjl mu 1r f 8 15

Mt. Soledad Hi 12 Club Jliumber 481, noon, Sir George's Restaurant, Pacific Beach, Lecture: Dr . Michael Hayes on "Computer Applications and Misconceptions," 7:30 p.m, USD's De Sales Aud itorium. Lecture is last in a series entitled "Technology a nd Man" sponsored by California Theta Chapter of Phi Sigma Tau Lecture Charles Iii. Howell of CSU O will speak on gold and gem mines of San Diego Cou nty at 7 p.m. in the Natural Hi tory Museum , Lecture is third in a eries of ght on geology and paleontolo o the co unty sponsored the mu eum Also spea 111g II be Capt. J ohn Sinkank of C D on gem mines at Pala , Ramona and Mesa Gra nde Adva nced square dance workshop by Cherokee Squares from 8 p.m to 10 p.m at ll or nbl e nd H 11 , 1721 llornblend, Pacific Beach

ing the awards assembl}, studc·1ts will b o week, v.hich ends . lay 29. Graduation ce ·mon ' Id June 1, starting with a baccalaureate Mas c brat d at the Immaculata Church on campus, The p g'ow ceremony will take place al 7 p,m. at the Community Concourse "" l

'I SEEM TO REMEMBER ... - Father Harold W. Rigney, SVD, right, from Epworth, Iowa, reminisces with his brother, Father Francis J. Rigney, University of San Diego historian. The get-together took place on the USO campus. Father Harold, president of Divine Word college in Epworth, spent

four years in a Chinese Communist prison until expelled to Hong Kong in 1955. He was president of Peking Catholic college when arrested in 1951 and charged with being a "U.S. agent." He wrote of his trial and imprisonment in Four Years in a Red Hell. - SC photo

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