News Scrapbook 1973

-rRJ 6 • TO Outdoor art ~xhibit, Fine Arts Assot'iation, 9 if.m to 5 p.m . East ~ission Bay Drive, south of the Hilton Ipn. 18th annual GrealPr San Di<'go Science rair, noon to 5 p.m .. rederal Building, Balboa Park . San Diego Youth llostt>lers "1-:asy Hamble,'· 7 30 a.m. r'icsta Island, Mission Bay Park San Diego Chamber Orche~tra Concert conducted bv Glenn Block. 4:30 pm, • llt>C'ital Hall, 409 Matthews, UCSD Films Music Ga I r UCS[). f::" 3rd annua Scholarsh1 ert, 4 p.m., Camino Thea er, USO .

niemorial cerem ny tty RII L EWELi. atinel taU Writer ending of the war, we have undergone a re wakening lo the real world of Am rica , a rekindling or that precious :pint called freedon South Vietnam now ha u chanl'e lo survive as a free sod ty " Krulak said he was fortunate in having I I cd lo 16 former pn oner of war .

'I a ked th •m all what they thought f beyond pure survival, during the long day of l'nnfincmcnt when thought was their constant companion " They all aid in many different ways th I they were given ho~. strength and con(1dcnce by a clear recogn ition of th 1r many blessing and ohligallons. " Adcl'p<'ncd faith in Cod and Countr} help d them survive. They opprec1alc the many blessings of a country that provide freedom to lhmk , work , dream and hold an honorable profes 10n " Survival comes hr I and will n ver be ccornph hed by acts of wea kness... Krulak said Following the d d1cation a ma . or thank g1vmg for peace wa given m l~e lmmaculata at lh nlvers1tv During the ma ss prisoner of war bracelet were placed on the a ltar a symbolic gesture following, the church bells rang m memory of the d ad servicemen

1SJH3 ~31003 ·1

Dedicated in memory

A plaque honoring all who died in Vietnam was dedicated during lost week's Yietnorr Me'llorial Day Cefemony. The ceremony took place m +1-e Rose Patio ol the University of Son Diego. Bishop Leo T. Mo r (inset

left), representing the Roman Cathol Diego, gave the blessing and invocation at ti- Honored guest was Commander Richard D. Mu n of Lo Jol la {inset right), a former prisoner of war for six yeo s. of San event. D,oc

H ROUNDUP f af:J · hard lecture P prJ I

ea 1pella cho, singers wil 6 :JO p 1

•·Teilhard Char- j m-Cosmic Idolatry?" will be the subject c.f a lectllre by Dr. J o eph M Graham of Hr uston next Sa•urdaY at 8 p.m. in De Sal I,Ia , t' 1- vers1t) of San Di de


~UNDAY APRIL 8. 1973

at La Chu- h Mesa.

attacks Nixon policy Julian Bond, a 33-year-old r•1vil rights leader and legisl a tor from Atlanta, power by running a against 1t."

by Graham. philo fessor at The U


the civil right~ leader said , " The approa~·~ must be from tr.e backbone, tlie small town " Bond is chairman of th!' Southern Candidate Elect10ns Office, which gives advice to candidate~ running for lower offices. " We will support the candidate with the right platform whether black or white,'' Bond said When. asked about his political aspirations Bond said , " All I want to do 1s be a good public serv nt to ma~ community politic a realtv for my constituency, tht• maJorily of whom were ignored efore."

Georgia, delivered a lecture entitled " Collision Course in a Divided America " at the University of San Diego Thursday Throughout his lecture, Bond was critical of t e Nixon Ad- mmistration·s cutbacks in the area of social reform " Thr nation 's poor are getting the feeling that the government will not assist and no lon~er cares," Bond said . "The tragedy 1s many are unable lo help themselves. We are past th time when a strong back and a weak mind are sufficient." He indicated that this is leadmg to a pool of discontent wilhm the urban poor, and can lead to a feeling of helplessness and frustration . " It's bound to lead to some sort of an explosion , and the present administration is doing nothing about it." Bond said , adding that Bl«ck are especially affected 'We are losing ground that has been gained ov r the last decade. " You cannot defeat Southern

Hal Lin



Earth" ' atan I~ Al\·e And Well on Planet Earth," speaks- at noo:n Tuesday at the Plaza.ln!ernalional Hotel, 1515 Hotel Cira! utlr. His talk is bci i;p<:!J1illrei~y the '\\ omen·s Awtiliary of the San Diego Gounty Medical Society. Lmdsey will discuss satanism, witchcraft and re-


ports writer and port a ·ter representing nearly every r io and/or Televl ion ta lion and newspaper in an Diego iii gather Tue day a t La Costa, home or the MONY T ,pJ,:.__~,.,lect one of the e young ladies a Queen . d, from left, they a re : Becky Blodgett of San Diego er lty, arlene Harris of UC D, Katht Hutton of ,.,,_,,._,r · Howell of L.'D' School Jackie 'Schenz and

Cindey 1'yberg of USIU, Barbee Meier of San Diego State University and Susan Adjemian of UCSD. The winner will reign over 21st annual MONY Tournamen of Champions to be played at beautiful La Costa April 19-2%, and, with her four gal court, appear on ABC' s nationa telecasting of the $200,000 event.


Ci es 'critical' financial problem


Evaluation team says USO can handle twice as many students ·

The committee considers this s1tuallon "can con- In butc to the unity of the university staff and its sense of ·community • " Among inadequacies the rl'port names the library iluation, where there arc three libraries in three separate bu i I dings at pre- cnt. This 1s now being changed. However. the report . tatcs that " it 1s necessary to reC'valuate the univer- sity's prloritie,. m favor of an rncrease in library sup- port." The law chool lib- rary " ha, adequate provi- 51on 111 terms of staff and library materials' budgets " THE :-.iOISE - due to ,lCOU StiC"dl Jcii ... icncie.s - 111 the area of women's dor- mltoncs was reported to be a cl!'fect "which oflen make hfe in an otherwise serenl' environment uncomfortnble " The most senou s prob- lem f;irmg the administra - tion, an·ording to thl' com - rniltl'e "Is the obvious!~· 1111n•rla111 nature of the uni - 1t•rs1 ty's Ii na net• . It is cur

rently critical. The institu- tion is largely (75 per cent) dependent on tuition and is in debt.'" The report says it is for- tunate that some of the debt - about $3 million - is to the Diocese of San Diego and the Religi ous of the Sacred Heart, with "fa\'orable, interest-free repayment terms." ''THE UNIVERSITY needs additional revenue and financial reserves and endowment funds ." It is here that the commit- tee comments on the capa- bility of doubling the pre- s(•nt student populat1011 "with only minor modifica- tions to present facilities." This would help to pro\'ide income to solve the linan- crnl problem. the report says. Commenting on what it calls a "highly centrahzed administrati\'e structure" it states that a good deal of authority 1s "1•ested in the hands oflht• prmosl and the prl's11l(•11t, who 1·ork l'los(•ly l\'ith the bo rd of t rust~t.'~- ··

Southern Cross Reporter THE U l\'ERSITY of San Dil•go could accommodate twice u many tudenls with its prt• ent facilitie,, and ,t fac ulty " 1s more than adeq uatl• for the (pre enlJ ta. kin ha nd ," according to an official report released this week. n evaluation committee repre enting the accrcdita - t,on commh Ion of the We ·tcr11 ,oci11tion of Schools nd Colleges rt•porls that the re ults of the merger hetwel'n the formt•1· C'ollt•iw for Wome n. USD Collcg for I n a nd law chnol. have pro~·cd a vt~1bl unit, and the ne.:t tagc i to estabh h the new JCh:ntity. "'l'h fonnulatwn of goals 111 :, <'11tholic-plurnli tic imt1t11tion u h a USlJ 1. rcndere,l complex hy ttw n•l1 •wus l'rulnr nature of' the ('()lllfTIUnity," tail's the


USO c le rates end of U.S. role in Vietnam, dedicates veterans' ·plaque

lege campuses during re- cent years. IN THE PATIO garden, which a few years ago saw student demonstrations against military might and involvement in Vietnam, the main speaker was Lt. Gen. Victor H. Krulak, retired, one of that war's leading Marine officers. There was a Marine Corps Band and a trumpeter, to play "Taps." There was the bishop of the diocese, recall- ing "that sublime moment on television," viewed by millions, as POWs came home "and concluded their brief talks with the word 'God bless America."' It was Gen. Krulak who said: "Many are inclined to declare that there are no

Southern Cross Reporter A PLAQUE dedicated to the veterans of Vietnam was unveiled in ti;le center of the patio at Founders Hall, University of San Diego last week. Organized by the Associ- ated Veterans Club of the university, the dedication was the focal point for a morning devoted to the aftermath of American in- volvement in Vietnam, on the day that official peace came to United States troops there. The ceremony, attended by hundreds of students, representatives of Presi- dent Nixon and the armed services and the Church, typified the change on col-

winners the Vietnam war, just losers. That the time, the treasure and lives expended ·.yere all in vain. Only history will answer that long debate." BL'T HE SAID it had all brought a reawakening to "the real world of America - a rekindling of the spirit called freedom. "A few hundred wrought this miracle - the 439 prisoners of war who have so far come home." Student representatives in the ceremony showed the new look on campus, too. e veterans' club, 167 s\rs'j1g, was the official host, )eel b its president Tom tubbs, limping from his war wounds. THERE WAS A POW, newly home, to bring that poignancy to the occasion which has toucp so many American heart. Commander Richard D. Mullen, in trim new Navy uniform, looking thoughful and a little grim aid, " I definitely . wanted to be here." He has spent the past six years as a prisoner in Vietnam. The Mass that followed and the chiming of the Immaculata bells, brought a feeling of rejoicing to the campus. "PEACE HAS returned after a long winter," said Father Ben Carrier, cam- pus chaplain. "And we thank God." in

THEY ARE NOT FORGOTTEN - This memorial plaque to U. S. veterans in Vietllam was dedicated by Bishop Maher in patio of Founders Hall, Univer- sity of San Diego. Looking at memorial

are from left, Navy Cmdr. Richard D. Mullen, Bishop Maher, Fath• Roger A. Lechner, diocesan vice-chancellor, and Tom Stubbs, president of USO veter,1ns' club, sponsor of the plaque. - SC photo

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