September 2015 SPADA Meeting

Comments Submitted (continued)

Line  Numbers 


Proposed Response

Designing primers that include all strains of VEEV subtypes IAB, IC, ID and IE but exclude Everglades virus will be very challenging if not impossible. Consider removing Everglades virus from exclusion list.

For discussion.


71 State if all 10 near neighbors are mandatory or not. Propose to add additional language stating that all nine viruses must be evaluated but that method developer/evaluator may choose one representative strain of Mucambo virus. E i t l t i A l St t h t Thi ti ill b di d b ll 84 nv ronmen a ma r ces - eroso s: a e w a types to be tested? Its too vague as it stands. s sec on w e scusse y a

working groups together as a separate section at the beginning of the Stakeholder Panel meeting. These suggestions can be addressed at that time.

To avoid potential confusion with recent proposals for revisions of mosquito genera I recommend adding subgenus: Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti and Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus.



• Move to accept the Standard Method  Performance Requirements for Venezuelan  Equine Encephalitis as presented.

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