Alcala 1969

I personally lacked any artistic way to reproduce the mind images on paper. So I turned to my sibling, Jim Ronco with whose help the idea's progressed until he formed the design in this book. When no sports editor could be found, I turned to my ex-roommate who had excellent credentials and a desire to work. Oscar Rodriguez has been the one who has been responsible for the sports section. An award-winning journalist he turned his talents toyear­ book and the results are outstanding. Someone always has to do the small things and un­ less they're done, no major endeavor is completed. Mike Renner was always available and most willing to do anything to help the book. Pat Conova worked from the first weeks of the year and in the last deadline days still had the same good attitude and willingness to do the job and have it done right. Rocky Bayiess returned to USD after a little va­ cation, was put immediately to work and added the professional touch to the darkroom that all great yearbooks have. Pat Monte was put in a position she knew little about and soon mastered the technique and was the PR man for the book. Two photographers not pictured but who played very important roles in the making of the book were Mike Chambers and Harvy M. Good, Jr. Mike, when available, did much work and covered the needed activities when the 'regulars' couldn't. Harvy got up out of a "Hong Kong" flu bed to work 12 hours in order to help complete the book. His yearbook background rendered him extremely capable of covering Home­ coming and his advise to staffers also was extremely successful. So to these people who gave so much and received nothing in return except the feeling of a job well- done I voice my thanks on behalf of the students and as their editor. I would also like to add that the year was an extremely difficult one because other than these people there was little or no co-operation and so these people were forced to work inspite of, and not for the students and the editor. Personally I can only say that I've always acted in what I felt the best interest of the students and I feel that I can point to this book with pride and say with satisfaction it is the best book USD has ever had, and may ever have.

ARTIST Jim Ronco

LAYOUT Mike Renner


PHOTOGRAPHERS Pat Conova & Rocky Bayiess



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