Alcala 1969

Be nja min Nyce, Ph.D. Ass ista nt Profe sso r Englis h

Jac k Opdyc ke, Ph.D. Ass istant Profe sso r Chemi str y

Irv in g Parke r Ass ocia te Profe sso r Engl ish

Do na ld Pete rso n, Ph.D. Ass ocia te Profe sso r Chemi str y

Ju di th Pidg eon In st ru ct or Hi sto ry

Rev. Jo hnPo rtm anS.T.D. Ass ocia te Profes sor Theo log y

Rev. James Rank in, Ph.L . In st ru ct or The olo gy

D. Glen Reck , D.V.M.

Dew ard Reed, Ph.D.

Sr. Aime e Rossi, Ph.D.

Da riaRo the

Ass istant Profes so r Biolo gy

Associa te Profe sso r Pol itic al

Pro fes sorEm er itu s Educati on

Ass ista nt Profes so r German



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