Alcala 1969


Tom Ronco took a first in extemporaneous speaking and Dan Webster captured a first in expository. Tom Westfall placed second in impromptu. Our speech team competes infrom eight to sixteen events a year, which make for a long season. They face tough opponents such as USC, UCLA, Berkley, and others. Integration, in the way of participation of the girls, has been light as of late but Coach Lott hopes to see more females competing on the team. He feels if the school is to be united, it must start with the spe­ ech team. USD's forensic team is one of the areas best and next year points to bigger and better things. The ad­ dition of a Speech major at the school will bring more students that are good in speaking in competition.

"Presidential Powers in Foreign Affairs-Should they be Limited," was the national collegiate topic for USD's debate team, as our forensic team began an­ other year under Coach Richard Lott. Brian Thompson, captain of our young but talented team, was chief debater last year but does not have a partner this year. Sophomores Rick Walton and Jim Staunton are the second debate team and have taken home many awards for our team. The novice debaters have only competed once and did not fair too well, as they are inexperienced at this time. Individual events, which include persuasive, extem­ poraneous, impromptu, and expository, seems to be the team's strongest area. While in a tournament at Pepperdine, Steve Maddox, Paul Sammon, and Joe Dovanon took a first, second, and fourth respectively.


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