USD Magazine, Summer 2003
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We're gathering, tales about thing;; that g,o bump in the nig,ht for an upcoming, story about GHOSTS, PRANKS and URBAN LEGENDS at AJcala Park. Tell us your recollections of the mysterious, the funny and the macabre, and we'll share the suspenseful encounters in the next USD Magazine. Everyone who submits an idea will be entered into a random drawing, for USD g,ear. Please e-mail your ideas to mhaskins@sandieg, or call Mike Haskins at (619) 260-4684.
University of San b1ego ArchiV&S SUMMER 2003 volume 18 • no. 4 USD MAGAZINE 14 features Reflections on the Life of a President
USD Magazine
EDITOR Michael R. Haskins '02 (M.A.) CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Cecilia Chan Timothy McKernan Krysm Shrieve DESIGN & PRODUCTION Barbara Ferguson STUDENT INTERN Liz Biebl '03 PHOTOGRAPHERS Fred Greaves
During her eight years as USD president, Alice Bourke Hayes frequently seemed to be more than one person. But while she slipped effortlessly in and out of so many critical roles, each persona was a reflection of her visionary leadership. Diary of Discovery Scott Heidler '90 passed up a comfort– able career to document life in places where war rages, poverty abounds and hope often seems beyond reach. Each stop on his journey was a rite of passage, revealing more than he expected about the world, its people and himself. Minor Miracles Professional baseball players make the game look easy, but getting co the major leagues is a physical and mental struggle. Five former Toreros are in the midst of chat struggle, hoping to make their dreams come true.
departments Campus Almanac New Views on Religion; Q&A with USD President Mary Lyons. Also: Grads say goodbye; science center opens; faculty suggest a summer syllabus. Alumni Almanac Robert Wise '87 is an environmental Mr. Clean. Also: Homecoming plans; a Mars mission; cop reacher in the tundra. Faculty Almanac Linda Robinson will document life on the from lines of AIDS. Also: law prof analyzes greed; new nursing dean arrives; innovative projects for professors. Sports Almanac Rower Kelsey Watters sets a frenetic pace. Also: Toreros send first swimmer to NCAAs; cough finish for men's tennis. Alumni Gallery/Class Notes Kathryn Hole '84 makes the golden years shine; Bridget Banner '95 is for the birds; kids learn soccer and life skills from Carlos Gonzales '97. Alumni Regional Events In Your Own Words John Carlos Frey '85 found success by making a film chat nobody wanted. Calendar
8 10 12 30 37 42 43
Scott Heidler '90 Rodney Nakamoto Gary Payne '86 Brock Scott Front cover: Rodney Nakamoto
University of San Diego
USD Magazine is published quarterly by the University ofSan Diego for its alumni, parentsand friends. Editorial offices: USD Magazine, Publications Office, University ofSan Diego, 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92 110-2492. Third-class postage paid at San Diego, CA 92 110. USD phone num– ber (6 19) 260-4600; emergency security (6 19) 260-2222; disaster (61 9) 260-4534. Postmaster: Send address changes to USD Magazine, PublicationsOffice, University of San Diego, 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA
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NEW VIE ON RELIG by Krystn Shrieve Campus Center Promotes Latino/a Perspectives 0 rlando Espln's epiphany came at a conference, when a speaker won– dered aloud how the understanding of Catholicism might change if the subject was taught from a Latino point of view. Answering that question became a mission for the professor of theology and religious studies. He worked quickly. In 1996, a year after the conference, Espin opened USD's Center for the Study of Latino/a Catholicism. He first brought rogecher theologians from around the United Scares ro discuss how Latino perspectives could be better represented in education. The gatherings turned into a yearlong symposium, which crystallized in the notion that Catholic theology should better reflect the makeup of the Catholic Church. "Theology is the systematic reflection on the faith as it has ro do with people and the world," explains Espin, adding char nearly half the Roman Catholics in the United Scates are Latino. ''And if the Church is so dramatically changed by the Latino presence, it would be suicide not ro think of rheology from chat perspective." Espin and religious studies professors Marfa Pilar Aquino and Gary Macy form the core team directing the center. They hope their research will help educators change how Catholicism is caught in seminaries and uni– versities. Espfn's goal is ro encourage educa– tors to include che Latino perspective, and ro understand how Latinos interpret religion in their lives and how it shapes their behaviors, commitments, values and self-perceptions.
And, in April, the center received an award of excellence from the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United Scares. Aquino says the center now is looking inro how Latino Catholic faith is affected by che intersection of religion, culture, feminism and political power. This year, center repre– sentatives will attend conferences addressing the cultural, personal and religious conse– quences of migrations, and the effects of globalization on women. Espin and Aquino know some answers ro the question char inspires their work likely won't come for at lease a generation. Bue they say the pursuit is as important as che goal. "This type of work must be seen as long– term, " Aquino says. "Social changes cake a long rime, but if we stop having visions of these changes, they'll never cake place." For more information, log on to www.sandiego. edultheollatino-cath. html.
Students armed with these insights, he says, will be more effective as rheology teachers or when leading congregations. The center hosts conferences and seminars with similar centers in Mexico, Puerro Rico, the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Brazil and Europe. Ir also funds research projects to study new ideas for the next generation of church leaders and theologians. The work represents a new school of thought in Catholic theology, and Aquino says the church sup– ports che center's efforts. "The bishops with whom we work see our work as supportive of the Church's effort to respond more efficiendy to the needs of che community," she says. "They appreciate what we're doing. " The center has received other endorsements. Adminiscrarors at the University of Notre Dame scrapped plans to scare their own center when they saw the progress made at USD.
Upward Bound Gets Boost
A Bittersweet Farewell More than 1,900 srudents - and one president - left USO after chis year's commencement ceremonies, held May 24-25. The new alumni departed with diplomas in hand, while retiring President Alice B. Hayes told graduates at the week– end's rhree ceremonies char she leaves USO wirh "a deep apprecia– tion for rhe spirit of communi ty, of friendship, of faith, of intellectual vigor and academic integrity you have helped us build in rhis beauri– ful place." The School of Law graduated 349 students on May 24 at rhe Jenny Craig Pavilion. Activist and philan– duopist Alec L. Cory, who's practiced law in San Diego for 65 years, gave the commencement speech. Cory is a founder of the San Diego Legal Aid Society, which provides civil legal help for low-income individuals. The following day, the Rev. J. Bryan Hehir spoke at the morn– ing commencement for rhe College ofAm and Sciences. Hehir, former head of Harvard Divinity School, is the president and CEO of Carholic Charities USA, a network of more rhan 1,400 social service agencies nationwide. In rhe afternoon ceremony, for business, diversified liberal am, education and nursing, graduates were addressed by Dennis Collins, former president and CEO of the James Irvine Foundarion, a private, nonprofit grantmaking foundation dedicated to enhancing the social, economic and physical quality of life in California. Light Show Lesson Walk into rhe lobby of the new Donald P. Shiley Center for Science and Technology, and you'll be greeted wirh a dazzling light show. But the atrium's interactive art installation - which features 128 fiber opric cables flashing red, blue, green and yellow - is more than jusr enter– tammenr. "I tried to create a work of arr that would underscore rhe relationship between science and arr in a way rhat involved interacriviry and reflection," says USO arr Professor David Smith,
T he 3,500-square-foot lab opened rhis year at the Alcala West office park. It includes gurneys and wheelchairs, blood pressure cuffs and IV poles, and all d1e equipment and instruments used for a typical medical check-up. Beds are fitted with hospital sheets - neatly folded with hospital corners, of course. Weighted man– nequins help students learn to prop– erly lift and move patients.
who designed rhe installation, tided "The Experiment." T he interactivity comes from four touch-screen computers mounted on rhe lobby walls, each displaying images relared to one of the four sci– ence disciplines housed in the center. Reflecrion comes from rhe srainless sreel display panels and a stainless steel floor place. By interacting wirh the screens, visitors can change pat– terns in the lights, which are lin ked to morion sensors and glow only when someone is in the space. Other artistic touches in rhe four– story building include a floor mosaic char shows what a rissue sample looks like under a microscope, and a concrete patio pattern textured and colored to represent San Diego's geology. T he accents are designed to make the center less intimidating to non-science majors who will take classes there, says biology Professor Sue Lowery, faculty liaison to the architects and contractors.
Just days afrer USD's Upward Bound program, which prepares high school students for higher edu– cation, sent two dozen students onward to colleges, rhe university received nearly $1 million to contin– ue the program for four more years. News of the $938,496 grant from the U.S. Department of Educarion followed rhe graduation of 25 Upward Bound participants from Kearny High School, many of whom joined rhe program as fresh– men when it was implemented in 1999. All bur one of the students will attend college this fal l, a success rate that Upward Bound administra– tors say proves rhe program works. "We are delighred with rhe stu– dents' success, thanks to their hard work and char of their parents, along wid1 the dedicated support of Upward Bound and USO staff," says Cynthia Villis, USO associare provost and executive director of the university's PreCollege lnsrirute. One of?00 such programs nationwide, USD's Upward Bound offers 50 Kearny High students academic rutoring, twice-monthly wriring and grammar academies, conflicr mediarion and career plan– ning workshops, and assistance with college applicarions and fin ancial aid forms. Zulma Olea, a four-year Upward Bound student, says the progran1 fulfilled her dream to attend USO. "Without Upward Bound, I doubt I would be going to USO,'' says the 17-year-old, the first in her family to graduate from high school. "I vowed chat some day I'd go rhere, bur I had no idea how to do it. I started doing community service, heard about Upward Bound and got involved. It changed my life." Nursing Lab is Totally Fab Students entering rhe School of Nursing's new skills lab are so elated that their pulses race and their blood pressures rise - and now rhey have the instruments to meas– ure their excitement.
"The lab allows us to do an even berrer job of teaching basic nursing and assessment skills," says Professor Mary Jo Clark, who adds that stu– dents previously practiced in make– shift classroom settings. "The set– ring is more real istic, which makes skills easier for faculty to reach, and for students to learn." The lab, featuring exam rooms, observation rooms, offices, confer– ence areas and a computer center, cost more than $500,000 and was funded by a combination of grants and university funds . It was built primarily to accommo– date rhe needs of students in d1e school's new Master's Entry Program in Nursing, launched last year for people wirh bachelor's degrees in orher fields who opt to change careers and pursue nursing. In rhe lab, rhey'U learn basic skills from scratch. Clark says other nursing students - who have nursing backgrounds and are raking graduate level courses to further rheir careers - also are eager ro use the space. She already has a list of 12 different courses for which faculty plan to use the lab. "Ir's turned into a much more integral part of our entire program than we'd originally anticipared," C lark says.
The 150,000-square-foor center was dedicated June 28 and will open for classes chis fall, housing the chemistry, biology, physics, and marine and environmental studies departments. It contains more than 70 reaching and research laborato– ries, two aquariums, an astronomy deck, a greenhouse, and a Geographic Information Systems lab. Students also will benefit from high-speed computers, a digital telescope camera and a high-tech instructional gadger called a smart board, which allows class notes to be saved, prin red or posred to a Web site.
Suggestions For Your Summer Syllabus Bringing a book to the beach or on that long vacation plane ride? Well, toss our that cechno-thriller or trashy romance, and cake some recommen– dations from our faculty, who plan to cackle good reads that are thrilling, inspirational and occasionally - dare we say it?- educational. Bethami Dobkin, Communication Studies What Liberal Media? The 7iuth About Bias and the News Eric Alterman Anne Hendershott, Sociology Gulag: A History, Anne Applebaum "Although ir is nor exactly 'light' reading for summer, ic is the first book to comprehensively address the history of the Soviet prison camp system." Gary Macy, Theology and Religious Studies The Ornament ofthe World: How Mwlims, Jews and Yi Sun, History Blowback: The Costs and Consequences ofAmerican Empire Chalmers Johnson "This book should provide some very insightful and enlightening analyses of American foreign policy– making during the last few decades, especially with regard to East Asia." Robert Phillips, Business Administration
Expanded Horizons USO will reach our to international students and help them thrive at Alcala Park through a new English program that launches this fall. The English Language Academy is a full-rime program to teach inter– national undergraduate and gradu– ate students about the uses of English for academic, technical and professional purposes. In addition to reading skills, research writing and oral fluency, students will be accli– mated to American culture through field trips to cultural events. Classes will be caught by USO professors and other instructors. T he expectation is char the stu– dents, whose language difficulties might prevent chem from being admitted to USO, will be able to apply for admission after scoring better on the Test of English as a Foreign Language. Qualifying stu– dents who successfully complete their academy studies may petition to be admitted into USO courses, and could be admitted to the university. "The academy will fill the gap between the students currently able to be admitted and students who have the motivation and academic record, bur not che TOEFL score," says che academy's academic coordi– nator, Deborah Sundmacher '95 (M.A.) , an English as a Second Language consultant for the USO Writing Center. Academy administrators say the international students will bring added dimension and diversity to the campus. "T he academy will bring us a new cross-cultural experience, and a new academic program for students from all over the world," says Jennifer Preimesberger '85 (M.A. '89, Ed.D. '00), the program's director. "By allowing them to have time with us, it's warming them up to the culture and the university atmosphere."
Freedom Evolves, Daniel Dennett "This book cakes up in derail the question of free will, responsibility and ethics from a Darwinist per– spective. Dennett's remarkable style, a keen interest in che subject matter and a favorable cover blurb from my former professor, Richard Rorty, make me eager to read it." James Anderson, Philosophy The Corrections, Jonathan Franzen "If I ever get to it ... because my wife raves about it."
Christians Created a Culture ofTolerance in Medieval Spain Maria Rosa Menocal "I thought it would be nice to read about a rime when Jews, Christians and Muslims worked together, instead of killing each ocher."
"Alterman cakes on popular pundits and media icons like Ann Coulter and Bernard Goldberg, and since they gee so much press, I'm looking forward to a credible and entertain– ing analysis." Tom Minnich, Business Administration The Crimson Petal and the White Michael Faber "For a book to be a good beach book, it must have a good story that completely engrosses you. The story has been likened to some of the work by Charles Dickens, so that means a fascinating plot peopled with intriguing characters." Tammy Dwyer, Chemistry Cadillac Desert: The American West and Its Disappearing ~ter Marc Reisner "It's a history of the use and misuse of natural resources in the western United Scares, especially California. I chink it's a timely issue." Sister Mary Hotz, English Good Poems, Garrison Keillor "Nothing complex, brilliant or luminous, terms English teachers often use to describe worthy works. Juse good poems, poems that stick with you." Elise Prosser, Business Administration Echoes Upon Echoes: New Korean American Writings, Elaine H. Kim and Laura Hyun Yi Kang "As an Asian-American faculty member here at USO, I enjoy read– ing Asian-American literature, even though I don't teach ethnic studies."
Professor Bethami Dobkin, Communication Studies
USD President Mary Lyons
Mary Lyons joined USD as president on July 1. She was president ofthe College ofSaint BenedictJi'om 1996 to 2003, and before that was president ofthe California Maritime Academy for six years. A retired captain in the Naval Reserve, Lyons, 55, also was aprofessor ofrhetoric and homiletics at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, Calif She taught at the University ofCalifornia, Berkeley, and San Jose State University, and was a com– munity college, middle school and elementary school teacher. I lived in San Diego in the 1970s, so I've been following USD's evolution over the years, and I know char USO has a reputation as a uni– versity where people are very committed to creating an environment where students can thrive academically. The riming was right for me, because I felt char at Saint Benedict I had accomplished enough and wasn't leaving with anything unfinished. Being a university presi– dent gives me the opportunity to do the work I love, and being at USO brings me back to my home stare, where there's so much vitality, diversity and challenge. I believe char a leader should always be lis– tening, bur in the early stages I chink I'll go through a period of very intense listening and of immersion into the culture of the university. I expect to work with trustees, alumni and the entire campus community to come to a mutual understanding ofUSD's strategic priorities, and I wane to become as familiar as I can with rhe San Diego region. In char way, I'll best understand how I can What attracted you to the position of USD president? What do you hope to accomplish in your first six months at USD?
rake an appropriate position as a good citizen and a good representative of the university.
What do you think are some of the challenges facing USD? My first impression is char USO is well– positioned co sec an example for how Catholic higher education can be made available to che widest array of students, especially chose who are academically prepared bur need financial assistance. We need to find the resources to help these students, and we also need to ensure we have resources for the pro– grams char are at the center of new facilities, such as the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice and the Donald P. Shiley Center for Science and Technology. Our priorities should always be guided by a commitment to our students, which means promoting better educational opportunities, providing research opportunities across the curriculum, and hiring the best and brightest faculty and administrators. Greater diversity among the student body is a university goal. How would you work to increase campus diversity? I've been in several positions where diversity was a very important priority, and much of it depends on creating access for students who have financial need. Beyond char, we need to ensure the campus climate is wel– coming and hospitable to a multicultural and mulrierhnic student body and staff. Our goals in chis area should be specific and real– istic, and we need to enlist the help of part– ners in che business world and rhe commu– nity to help us find and support a diverse campus population.
What is the role of USD among Catholic universities?
There's a huge variety among Catholic col– leges and universities, and USO is especially important because there are relatively few Catholic universities on the West Coast. Our role is to bring rhe best of the Catholic Church's intellectual tradition to debates and dialogs char affect the very diverse popula– tion of our state. We do char by graduating students who will bring their USO values and experiences to bear on issues of public policy, science, law and ocher timely issues. How has your management style been shaped by your work experiences? I loved reaching, bur I also found char administrative work was very exciting. I like the idea of finding our what an institution needs and where it wants to go, and then going our and crying co make char happen. I also was fortunate in char the Navy pro– vides exquisite leadership training and opportunities. I've found that no matter what the organization, the principles of good management are usually the same. I chink good leaders should be clear about what they expect, then lee people do their jobs while working to sustain the positive momentum. As president, I want to be the person who can keep an eye on the horizon while working with ochers to map the course for getting there.
SUMMER 200 3
From Space Shuttle to Anthrax,Alum Cleanses Environment by Cecilia Chan J ust yards from an oil well blowout, Robert Wise '87 monicors a hand-held analyzer and measures elevations of hydrocarbons in the air, which reeks with the pungent odor of petroleum. Four days earlier, rhe well went our of control, spitting hot oil 10 feet inro the air, staining rhe earth black and forcing evacuation of busi– nesses in an industrial area of El Segundo, southwest of Los Angeles. "The danger is vapors from the oil," says Wise, who works for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. "In a worst-case scenario, there's a danger of fire." Danger is nothing new for the 38-year-old Wise, who in February helped recover debris from the crash of the space shuttle Columbia, and in 2001 responded to the anthrax scare in Washington, D.C. In rhe nation's capital, Wise, outfitted in protective clothing and a gas mask, went into congressional buildings and the Supreme Court to rest for anthrax contamination.
"I was nervous the first rime I went in," recalls Wise, who at the rime worked for the Superfund Technical Assessment and Response Team, contracted by the EPA for hazardous material responses. "There was contamination there, bur what you saw on CNN is what we knew. All we knew was to go and sample these particular places." Last December, Wise joined rhe EPA as one of two on-sire coordina– tors based in Sourhern California. He oversees toxic cleanups and orher emergencies from Kern County, north of Los Angeles, to rhe U.S.– Mexico border. When he's nor doing paperwork in his office, Wise is giving and receiving training, checking on rhe cleanup of contaminated sires or responding to accidents such as rhe Columbia explosion. Two days after the Feb. 1 shuttle tragedy, Wise was deployed to Texas as an operations chief for one of four command posts directing ground searches for shuttle debris. "People wanted to go out and do their job and get as much material recovered as possible," says Wise, who went out with search reams when extra hands were needed. "The NASA people were amazing. What would look like a piece of burnt-out scrap material to us, they could tell exactly what part of the shuttle it came from. " Wise, who isn't permitted to specifically identify what was recov– ered, says rhe size of materials found ranged from less than an inch to 8 feet in diameter. Although rhe fuel used on a shuttle is "pretty
Robert Wise surveys the scene of a recent oil well explosion.
Calling All Alumni Alumni are invited to come home for this year's Homecoming and reunion celebrations, Oct. 10-12. The weekend's events include a golf tournament and welcome reception, a tailgate parry and football game, a luau and casino night, and the Alumni Mass with presentation of the Mocher Rosalie Hill award for outstanding service to USD. Invitations will be sent in August, and reunions are planned for the classes of 1953, 1958, 1963, 1968, 1973, 1978, 1983, 1988, 1993 and 1998. To join the Homecoming planning committee or to help plan your reunion, call the alumni rela– tions office at (6 19) 260-48 19. For up-to-dare information , log on to See page 37 for an events schedule. Man on Mars John Gonzales J r.'s research is out of this world. Gonzales, a 1998 ocean science graduate, recendy won a NASA fellowship to work on a five– year project to determine if life can be sustained on Mars by recycling waste into food and energy. "Ir's a huge mathematical equa– tion where zero equals zero," says Gonzales, 27, a master's student focusing on fish nutrition and phys– iology at Purdue University. "You'd be amazed at how much all the ele– ments of life are in our waste." Gonzales is researching how the cichlid, a fresh-water fish, repro– duc~s and feeds on bacteria and plant waste while creating essential nutrients for crop production. His job is to see if the fish - a hardy species that ears everything from bacteria to vegetables to meat - could be used to provide nutrients for plant growth. If so, the cichlid could be key to sustaining human life on Mars. The project is part of NASA's Advanced Life Support System Program, which researches technolo– gies enabling longer space missions and eventual travel to the Red Planet. Afrer fin ishing his master's degree, Gonzales plans to pursue a doctorate on sustainable food pro-
nasty," he says, the bigger hazards for the search teams were poison ivy, rattlesnakes and wild boars. Wise learned his skil!s on the job. After earning a master's degree in environmental science from Loyola Marymount University, he began his career as a high school biology teacher. When his contract wasn't renewed, he landed a job with a Long Beach environmental consulting, testing, engineering and design firm chat did contract work for the EPA. "It sounded pretty interesting, and the environmental field at the time was new," says Wise, adding chat the job allowed him to use his USD biology degree and to travel. ''And I was really broke and needed a job." Since then, Wise has been at every major catastrophe in California, including the Northridge earthquake and the derailment of two dif– ferent trains carrying deadly chemicals, one at the Cajon Pass, near San Bernardino, Calif., and one in the Sacramento River. Bue chose incidents, and the anthrax scare, rank low on his danger scale. "I've done a lot more
ducrion methods using agriculture and aquaculture. He eventually wants to initiate research projects to help developing countries improve food production methods. Top Teacher in the Tundra For Elizabeth (Davenport) Kirby '77, teaching kindergarten in Homer, Alaska, is no different than in the lower 48 states - except for the 55 inches of snow in winter, and the 19 hours of daily sunlight in summer. For her outstanding work, Kirby last year netted a BP Teachers of Excellence award, given annually by the oil and petrochemicals company to educators from Alaska's Kenai Peninsula. T he recipients are hon– ored for dedication, creariviry and inspirar.ion in the classroom. "What is neat about teaching here is we really get into the native Alaskan culture," says Kirby, 49. In addition to learning their ABCs and 123s, Kirby's students learn geogra– phy by pretending they're part of a dog sled ream and mapping the state's 1,000-mile Idicarod race.
dangerous things," says Wise. "We cleaned one site (in San Bernardino County) that had in the neighborhood of 25,000 gallons of hazardous waste and 41,000 pounds of explosives." Wise has had a few close calls, including the time when the dome lid of a truck's tank exploded, covering him in oil and chlorinated solvents. Because he wasn't in the so-called hot zone, his only protection at the
time was his orange hard hat. Co-workers used scissors to snip off his clothes and boots. He was decontaminated with soap and water and checked over by a medic before he was sent home for fresh clothes. Despite the hazards, Wise can't chink of a better career. "I love it," he says, "It's not sitting in an office (and) not doing the same thing every day. " His wife, Victoria (Biagiotti) Wise '86, calls the job "very unusual," but says her husband wouldn't have it any other way. "He loves his job so much, and is so passionate about ic," she says. "I have to say that sometimes I'm a bit uneasy with respect to his work, but I know he cakes al! the necessary precautions. What settles my mind is that he is very careful and he is with other very talented people. I'm more worried when he's out riding his Harley."
Elizabeth Kirby and students. A native of Peru, Kirby relocated to Alaska 19 years ago at the urging of her husband, Gary, who earned a reaching credential from USD in 1977. The couple and their rwo children serried in quaint Homer, population 4,000. Afrer an initial adjustment, Kirby came to treasure life in che frozen north. "le was a really good place to raise our kids, and we love ic," says Kirby. "You don't really gee the feel until you come up here and see the beauty of America."
Greed Is Not So Good Once they were the darlings of Wall Street. Now Enron, WorldCom and Arthur Andersen, among coo many ochers, are synonyms for a new and crim inal brand of business mismanagement. In his latest book, Infectious Greed, law Professor Frank Parn10y traces the path of the complex trading instruments and financial structures that brought so many corporate giants to their knees. A one-rime financial analyst, Parrnoy says the atmosphere that paved the way for the Emons of the world began co flourish sometime in the 1980s. "There has been a wave of muta– tion co perfectly sound financial cools since that rime," he says. "Derivatives, for example, when used correccly, are a very useful cool. What happened is they evolved - or devolved - into something some very unprincipled people could use co hide some very unprincipled business practices." Parcnoy says ic remains co be seen if the veil lifted on corporate crimi– nals will have a lasting effect.
"I chink (corporate officers) are scared ... for now," he says. "There will be a brief period of remorse. Whether they change their behavior will likely depend on whecl1er or nor chey think they will be punished. If nor, we'll see the same situation in a couple of years. " Moving In T here's a leacn ing curve for anyone new on a job, bur the transition for Sally Hardin, USD's new dean of the Halrn School of Nursing and Healch Science, was easier than most. Hardin , formerly a professor and Ph.D. program director at the University of Missouri, Sr. Louis, Barnes College of Nursing, was al ready well aware of the high cal– iber of USD's facu lty research. "I am a reviewer for the journal Advances in Nursing Science," says Hardin, who succeeds Janet Rodgers at the nursing school helm. "I've read several articles by USO faculty, and been very impressed with born the quantity and quality of che work done mere. T he school has an excel– lent national reputation."
research or co buy our a portion of their reaching load co free up research rime. McCosker, an art professor, will travel co Australia this summer co document the Royal and Country Shows, a centuries-old tradition char may be coming to an end. He says the shows are much like state fairs in the United Scares, and me face meir futures are in jeopardy says a lot about modern culture and values. 'T m not raking pictures ac che fair," he says. 'Tm making photo– graphs about a culture in the throes of a major shift. T he shows used co be a major shaping force in Australian life, but much as hap– pened in rhe U.S., people are mov– ing co big cities and char bucolic, rural world is becoming a ming of the past. My goal is make a record for future generations co understand me price of what we call progress." Alexandrowicz, an education professor, is developing a Web site to help immigrant and English-as-a– Second-Language students acquire English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. The sire design calls for rwo main sections for each of eight linguscic groups: Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, Laotian, Hmong, Sudanese and Pilipino. One section will address each group's unique cultural traditions, which affect cl1e way they learn; the oilier includes specific language assessment memods, lesson plans and oilier cools for teachers and tutors. T he array of material available on the sire has a common cl1eme. "T he importance of avoiding stereotyping will be reinforced in every lesson," Alexandrowicz says. For a complete list ofthis year's
Nursing Dean Sally Hardin
Hardin has held teaching posi– tions at T he University of Illinois ar Chicago, the University of South Carolina and the University of Massachusem, so relocating is familiar territory. Bur the move west has had its challenges. Hardin and her husband, Thomas, also an edu– cator, were happy co join their chi l– dren Jessica and Christopher on the West Coast, but were surprised by rhe ferocity of me San Diego hous– ing marker. "We expected it co be expensive," she laughs. "What we didn't antici– pate is how competitive it is. We'd see a house we liked and before we were done talking it over, the house was sold. Bur we finally found a place, and I'm anxious co get co work." Innovate Projects for Profs Viviana Alexandrowicz is going online. Duncan McCosker is going co state fairs in Australia. And USO is going co benefit. McCosker and Alexandrowicz are among 16 USO faculty named 2003 University Professors by President Alice B. Hayes. Ten of cl1e winners were recognized for contri– butions over their careers co USD's academic excellence; five ocl1ers, proposals. One, business Professor Thomas Dalton, was named the 2003 Seeber Professor, an honor reserved fo r a faculty member in either the School of Business or the department of rheological and religious studies. Awardees receive a stipend mar may be used in almost any way the winners deem fie, including co fund including Alexandrowicz and McCosker, for specific project
University Professors, log on to www.sandiego. edulpublications.
Linda Robinson keeps a reminder of the importance of her work on her office wall - a replica of her broth– er's patch on the AIDS quilt.
by Timothy McKernan I magine entering a profession dedicated ro preserving human life. Now imagine working to improve the quality of death. Welcome to the world of the AIDS hos- pice nurse. "It cakes a special person to even want to do chis," says USD nursing Professor Linda Robinson of nurses who care for patients in the final stages of AIDS. "In many ways, administering medical care is the easiest part. You work every day with people who are looking death in the eye. The psychological, social and cultural issues associated with chat are tremendous and vary from patient to patient. Dealing with chat can be very, very tough." To help prepare these caregivers for AIDS– care nursing - a specialization woefully short of experienced practitioners, yet one with an exploding patient population - Robinson chis summer is conducting a unique research project. She's equipping San Diego hospice nurses with tape recorders so they may easily document daily activities chat don't show up on medical records. With the results, she hopes to create a tern plate to more quickly prepare nurses for the highly specialized and emotionally stressful work AIDS-care demands. "There are factors associated with AIDS chat make it different from ocher chronic diseases such as diabetes or cancer, and, lee's face it, there is a stigma about AIDS and associated psychological problems for the victims," Robinson says. 'Tm hoping the nurses will put on tape the specific things they do to help in that regard, so nurses in the future will have a more clear idea of the things they can expect." Robinson says nurses can't be fully pre– pared for the final stages of AIDS care in a classroom setting. As patients live longer with the disease - and with medical insur– ers increasingly reluctant to absorb the
and complex it simply isn't possible to cake a generalise and say, 'do chis.' I'm hoping chis research will be a cool nurses can use to cut the learning curve." The project is the latest in a series of AIDS-related research projects conducted by Robinson, who serves as research chair of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care. Her professional interest stems from a personal tragedy. Her brother, Matthew, died at age 28 of the disease in 1985, a time Robinson refers to as "the dark ages ofAIDS.'' She hopes chis rwo-year project will continue to shed light on the disease and chose affected by it. "There was so much fear of AIDS when Matt died, so much paranoia," she says. "Most of that came from a lack of good information, and chat's why I am so commit– ted to research in chis area. "People with AIDS are often blamed for having it, and it has repercussions for family members chat are much different than chose of any other disease," she adds. "AIDS can happen to anyone, and the best way to remove the stigma attached to it is through education - of the victims, their fami lies, health care providers and the public."
expense of extended hospital stays for chronic conditions -AIDS-care professionals are compelled to make house calls. "What chat means is chose who provide care for AIDS patients have to be prepared to deal with the emotional issues not only of the patient, but also of family members they encounter during home visits," Robinson says. "It truly is a one-of-a-kind type of nurs– ing, and there is simply not enough research in chat area." In documenting the role of home care– givers, Robinson also hopes to change health care policy and demonstrate chat in-home care - an approach many insurance compa– nies refuse to cover - is beneficial for the patient and cost-effective. "I believe what in-home nurses do has a profound effect on patient care and ought to be funded by health insurance, because health care is more than medicine," she says. "Managed care is a fact of life, and, unfortu– nately, AIDS doesn't appear to be going away any time soon." The nationwide nursing shortage is com– pounding the need to expedite the training for AIDS-care specialists, she adds. "There aren't enough nurses, period," Robinson says, "and the care is so specialized
Untroubl Rower Unfazed by Frenetic Pace by Timothy McKernan K elsey Watters appears co live in a different world from the rest of us - one that has more than 24 hours in a day. Watters, who just finished her junior year, is an honors student in biology and chemistry. She is a resident adviser in the Missions housing complex, where she mentors a cadre of 39 ocher honors stu– dents. Watters also volunteers at a local children's hospital, and spends summers as a counselor at a camp for disabled kids. She is direccor of USD's chapter of Best Buddies, an organization chat pairs college students with learning-disabled youths, and spends several hours a week with her buddy, a teen-ager with Down syndrome. While she chinks about applying co medical school, Watters is cer– tain the year after she finishes college will be spent in the Peace Corps. Oh yeah, one ocher thing. Ac 5 a.m., five days a week, from September co May, you can find Watters on Mission Bay, training with the women's crew team. And - no surprise - Watters also
Watters' center position in the boat is some– times called the "engine room," and is reserved for che strongest rowers. Her coach, Leeanne Crain, says the athlete's work ethic is apparent in a simple face: of the 15 freshman girls Crain recruited to the team three years ago, only Watters remains. "Somewhere she just made up her mind she is going co excel at whatever she does," says Crain, who led chis year's squad co a second place finish at the West Coast Conference championships. ''I've worked with many dedi–
KelseyWatters anchors the crew team in her center position, known as the boat's "engine room."
cated athletes over the years, but I've never seen anyone like her. " Watters, who played soccer at her Lynn, Ore., high school, never gave crew a thought until a friend asked her co attend a recruiting meeting during freshman orientation. It wasn't until after she joined the team that she realized crew was in her blood - her mom rowed at Oregon Scace. "That was pretty cool," Watters says. "It's fun co talk with her about how the sport has changed over the years." Crain says Watters - who was named co the first team of the 2003 Western Intercollegiate Rowing Championships - has made significant progress in her relatively shore career, and chat her senior season could be very special. "She has improved so much, it is possible she could become an elite collegiate rower," the coach says, adding that Watters' perform– ance on the ergometer - an indoor training device - is approach– ing the level chat commands attention from U.S. National Team coaches. "If she works hard, she could continu~ rowing after college. " Watters is flattered by the attention and by favorable comparisons
represents the team on the university's Student Athlete Council. "I like being busy," says Watters, who helped the team win the San Diego City Championships chis year. "Sometimes friends cell me to relax, chat I'm doing coo much, but it seems the more I do, che more energy I have."
The women's crew team prepares for competi– tion with daily 5 a.m. workouts on San Diego's Mission Bay.
Toreros Send First Swimmer to NCAAs Ashley Swarr has boldly swum where no Torero has swum before. In March, the freshman from Honolulu, Hawaii, became che first USO ad-Jere co participate in the NCAA swimming and diving cham– pionships, earning honorable men– tion All-America honors at the national championship meet, held at Alabama's Auburn University. Swarr posted a 4: 18.27 mark in the 400-yard individual medley at the Pacific Collegiate Swimming Conference championships co qualify for the NCAA event. At Auburn, Swarr bested that mark, finishing in 4: 15 .01 , good for 11th– best in the nation . Swarr, the PCSC's Co-Swimmer of the Year, already has qualified for the Olympic trials in the summer of 2004. But she's raking rhe success in stride.
Men's Tennis Falls in NCAA Tournament Blame it on the Frisbee. USD's men's tennis team was on a coll in May, ranked 42 nd in the nation and
fresh off an
impressive second- ", place finish at the West Coast
Conference Championships. The team earned an at-large berch co the NCAA Tournament, where the Toreros squared off against crosstown rival San Diego State University. T hen Pierrick Ysern, the team's No. 1 player, cwisced his knee playing Frisbee on campus. Without the freshman sensation, coach Tom Hagedorn was forced co shuffle his lineup, and USO lost the march with SDSU, 5-0, despite having defeated the Aztecs earlier in che season. "(Ysern's injury) cook a lor of wind out of our sails," says Hagedorn. "Thar's not an excuse, because SDSU has a great ream and played very well, but we certainly weren't at full strength." Hagedorn says his team has every reason co count on a remrn trip to the NCAA Tournament next season. Every member of the 2003 team returns, bolstered by a stellar recruiting class char includes Jeff Das, the nation's 17th-ranked high school player. "We didn't lose co a team outside the nation's Top 40 chis year," Hagedorn says, "and wich more expe– rience and some great new talent coming in, we're very optimistic." USD's women's team, despite a 6-9 conference record, made a run for a tournament berth in the wee championships, and finished second co Pepperdine University.
"Somewhere Kelsey just made up her mind she is going
to excel at whatever she does," says Coach Leeanne
Crain. 'Tve worked with many dedicated athletes over
the years, but I've never seen anyone like her. "
to Ali Cox '01, a USD rower who won a gold medal at the 2002 World Rowing Championships and is competing for a spot on the Olympic team. But Watters fails to see the parallels. "Comparing me with Ali is just crazy," she says. ''Ali is a world– class athlete, and I'm a student athlete who's just crying to get a little bit better with every practice." Watters' view of her post-USD life, in fact, has little to do with shells and sculls. She would like to combine the camp counselor in her with her passion for science. "I'd love to run sort of a Gesundheit Institute like Robin Williams in 'Patch Adams,"' she says, "a medical facility chat treats the mind and spirit as well as the body. I chink there is so much more to the holistic approach to medicine than has been tapped into so far, and it would be great to work in char field ." It makes sense, then, that this dynamo, who does more in a day than others do in a month, finds relaxation in the most unlikely place. Within the rigorous confines of the "engine room," Watters lets her busy world melt away and finds a Zen-like state of repose. "It requires such a focus of mind, body and soul chat I just go kind of blank," she says. "The ocher day I rook a quick glance out of the boat and saw the sun rising over USD, and it was one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen."
Ashley Swart is the first USO swimmer to qualify for the NCAAs. "It was exhilarating to be in the same pool with Olympians (at the NCAAs)," she says. "I was already training pretty hard, so the physical part was not a big deal, bm now I have a better understanding of rhe mental pan of the sport." Before her trip to Auburn, Swarr was feted with a smprise patty from her teammates in her Maher Hall dorm. "They made up NCAA T-shirts with big markers," she says. "It was a very cool way to start the trip."
SUMMER 20 0 3
Reflections on the Life ofa President ,.
by Krystn Shrieve
A lice Bourke Hayes stood alone in the center aisle of The Immaculata church on the day the campus said goodbye. Near the end of her farewell Mass, the first note of a familiar song filled the cavernous church, and she listened to harmonized voices bestow upon her "The Irish Blessing," a time-honored tearjerker. Hundreds of stu– dents, faculty, staff, friends and family stood in the pews behind her, raised their hands and offe~ d her a final benediction. -- Hayes had promised herself she wouldn't cry when this moment came. She bowed her head, closed her eyes and let the blessings wash over her, taking the moment to think back on her eight years as University of San Diego president. She remembered he tri– umphs and the trials, and how she chased them, faced them and saw them change her life and shape the university. Only the second USD president since 1972, Hayes retired on June 30 at age 65. She leaves behind a legacy of robust academics, topnotch students, winning sports programs, state-of-the-art buildings and a university well-positioned to take the next step into national renown. How she accomplished so much is, at its core, a reflection of her personality. During her time at USD, the president frequently
seemed to be more than one person. But while she slipped effortlessly in and out of so many critical roles, the people whose lives she touched know she always was herself The Visionary Leader USD Provost Frank Lazarus is careful to call Hayes a visionary - never a dreamer. Dreamers, he says, have only ephemeral, fleeting thoughts about grand possibilities. Visionaries see where life's roads can lead and have the courage to analyze reality, confront it and negotiate through it to get where they want to go. When she a~rived on campus in 1995, Hayes knew wh~re she wanted to go. Her vision was simple yet grand: to help the
SUMMER 2 00 3
Her vision not only gave Hayes the ability ro see the big picture, but also the small details. On Sunday afternoons, after 11 a.m. Mass at The Immaculata, Hayes often hopped in her car and cruised around the campus. She checked the progress of construction and made sure all was shipshape. When something needed attention, she sent out what became known to maintenance managers as Monday– mornmg memos.
University of San Diego reach its full potential. Early on, she made a list of things to accomplish. Now tattered and worn, the list, which she checked often over the years, reads not like a got-to-do list, but a gor-it-done lisr. One priority was to improve academic quality. She capped enroll– ment of entering freshmen at 1,000, so that as more applications flooded in the number of new students didn't change. Thus USO could be more selective in shaping a diverse freshman class with high grades, leadership experience, community service involvement and extracurricular talents. Hayes' first freshman class had a mean grade point average of 3.39 and a mean SAT score of 1110. This year's freshmen, by comparison, had a mean GPA of 3.74 and a mean SAT ,of 1162. The improve– ment was affirmed last summer by The Princeton Review, which added USO to its student guide of top U.S. colleges. The best illustration of Hayes' success in the academic arena, however, was her ability to attract a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. Although the decision to grant the campus a charter to the nation's preeminent honor society won't be finalized until August, if approved it will give USO the highest academic honor obtainable by a liberal arts institution. Hayes also focused on faculty, increasing the number of professors by almost 20 percent and acquiring the necessary teaching tools. A few months inro her term, Hayes convinced the Board ofTrustees to commit nearly $500,000 for faculty computers, network infra– structure, computer lab improvements and a new computer classroom in Maher Hall. Now almost all employees have computers, all resi– dence halls are online, several buildings have wireless networks and
USD expanded its worldwide scope in 1996 when the president signed an agreement to collaborate with a university in Monterrey, Mexico. "It gave me a chance to review things without people feeling like I was looking over their shoulders," Hayes says. "It just took 15 or 20 minutes, and it was a way to keep up-to-date on how things were going." Her bifocal view not only allowed her to see near and far, but to inspire chose near and far. Administrators, students and alumni say Hayes kindled confidence in others, and chat she was decisive and quick to show gratitude. At a reception following her farewell Mass, Patrick Drinan, dean of the College ofArts and Sciences, noted that when things go wrong, a true leader looks in the mirror and asks, "Where did I go wrong?" But, when things go right, the leader looks through the window and says, "Look at all chose people, and every– thing they did to make chis happen." Hayes, he said, was such a leader. Drinan's praise is echoed at all echelons of the campus community. From the deans and vice presidents to the students and her personal staff, chose who know Hayes well note how quick she always was to acknowledge that she couldn't do her job,without help. "She's an amazing person," says Elaine Atencio, special assistant to Hayes for three years, who watched the president juggle 300 daily e-mails, countless phone calls and business trips, as well as engage– ments at all hours of the day and night. "She's warm and magnetic. She always finds the positive, even in the negative, and she's so kind. When people walk up and talk to her she's humble." The kindness shone through especially to students. Jenna Jones '03 was the most recent president of Alcala Club, a group of students who escort and assist the president at major events.'Jones, a sociology major, says she learned a great deal from Hayes' work ethic. "She's probably the hardest working person on campus," Jones says. "Each year she invited us to her house and talked to us about her adventures in science or about our future careers. I want to go into student affairs, and I hope someday, ifl ever get to run a college campus, that I can rise to her level of leadership." The president's leadership extended beyond USO to the realm of Catholic higher education and the Catholic Church. In 2002, she was appointed as one of 13 lay persons and only three academics to a board created by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to implement and moniror the Catholic church's zero-tolerance sexual abuse policy. It's a role she'll continue after retirement.
I Bishop Robert Brom offered USD's new president his best wishes following her November 1995 inaugural Mass, over which he presided. the university is implementing an all-encompassing computer system to link departments and allow students to pay fees, order transcripts and register for classes online. "Ir's traditional, at most places, that when tuition is increased by, say, 4 percent, every department's budget li kewise is increased by 4 percent," says Hayes, who also helped build the university's endow– ment from about $40 million to more than $100 million. "But we had some real strategic initiatives we wanted to pursue, so we directed that money to goals like technology and increasing faculty."
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