5210601S Payroll PPM

When an officer progresses to a position within the same pay range, that officer will move forward one step in that range. When an officer progresses to a position with a new pay range, that officer will receive a pay increase as indicated in the Police and Fire Pay and Promotional Guidelines. Fire Department . The Fire step structure provides opportunities for progression for firefighters to move to positions that recognize the increasing contributions that a career firefighter makes and the additional training (and accompanying responsibilities) that employee receives. Currently, firefighters can attain the positions of First Class Firefighter, Senior Firefighter, and Fire Lieutenant. When a firefighter progresses to a position within the same pay range, that employee will move forward one step in that range. When a firefighter progresses to a position with a new pay range, that employee will receive a pay increase as indicated in the Police and Fire Pay and Promotional Guidelines. 5.4.1 Service members may have prompt reinstatement and other pay rights after a return from active military service. The City follows North Carolina and federal requirements that apply to returning service members. Departments should contact Human Resources immediately whenever a service member asks to return to work. 5.5 Pay Rate After Lateral Transfer 5.5.1 Employees who are transferred laterally will keep their current pay rate in the new job classification. 5.6 Pay Rate After Transfer to a Lower Classified Job 5.6.1 An employee who transfers to a lower classified position will receive a reduction in pay to a base pay rate within the position’s hiring range that is commensurate with the position’s duties and responsibilities. An employee shall not receive a pay increase as a result of a transfer to a lower classified position. 5.7 Starting Pay Rate for Employee Who Temporarily Assumes a Higher Classified Job 5.7.1 When the need arises for an employee to temporarily assume the full job responsibilities of a position assigned to a higher pay level for a period exceeding thirty (30) days, the employee shall receive a temporary pay increase while performing those full job responsibilities. The Department Director or Assistant City Manager, in consultation with the Human Resources Director, may set the temporary pay rate at any level within the hiring range for the position that provides the employee a pay increase. 5.4 Return from Military Service

5.8 Starting Rate After Reallocation of Position

5.8.1 Rarely will a currently filled position be reallocated outside of the scheduled review conducted by the Human Resources Department.



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