Obesity Algorithm (2017 - 2018) Sneak Peek

Assessment and Evaluation | Patient History Patient History

Medical History and Review of Systems Age, gender, race, ethnicity Fat mass disease

(i.e., osteoarthritis, sleep apnea) Adiposopathy (i.e., type 2 diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure) Eating disorders Mental stress Sleep pattern Other medical and surgical conditions Medication and food allergies Medications that may affect body weight Cigarette smoking Alcohol intake Recreational drug use (e.g., marijuana, cocaine)

Support Systems Person who selects and purchases food Availability and involvement of family and friends Educational access to healthy nutrition and physical activity (e.g., current knowledgebase, availability of Internet, knowledge centers, etc.) Socioeconomic and Cultural History Economic status Social status Cultural background Occupation Family structure Parenting behavior Marital status Living situation Abuse (physical, mental, sexual) Geographic location (e.g., urban food desert)

Family History Family members affected by obesity Applicable familial medical diseases


Reference/s: [77]

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