The Manager's Toolkit

Effective interventions for managing short-term absence include: ▪ return-to-work interviews ▪ use of triggers to review attendance ▪ providing leave for family circumstances ▪ involving occupational health professionals ▪ flexible working ▪ employee assistance programme ▪ potential disciplinary procedures for unacceptable absence levels ▪ restricting sick pay

Effective approaches to managing long-term Absence are: ▪ seeking to understand the true medical position through your conversations with the employee and via the Occupational Health team ▪ you and Occ Health should consult and maintain regular contact with employee throughout the period of absence ▪ consider adjustments / alternative employment / training for the employee, in consultation with Occ Health ▪ a flexible working approach may be beneficial

Employees should be referred to Occ Health when: ▪ there are recurrent periods of absence ▪ there is an absence of + 2 wks ▪ the employee has sustained an injury at work ▪ the employee has developed possible work related symptoms ▪ there is any illness or injury

which may impact on work performance or attendance

Referrals should be discussed with the employee and completed forms sent to Occ Health, they will then make contact with the employee and agree appropriate next steps.

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