The Manager's Toolkit



ADDRESS BEHAVIOUR Behavioural issues can be the most difficult to deal with. An employee’s poor behaviour may be as a result of capability or viewed as misconduct , depending on the circumstances. In either case, its up to you, as a manager to deal with this type of under performance in the same way as any other. Stay focussed on facts and actual examples of the employee's behaviour. The employee may not be aware that their attitude or behaviour is an issue and it’s important to be sensitive and patient in persuading the employee to accept the need to change.

CONSIDER ALTERNATIVES If, despite adequate training given, an employee’s performance remains unsatisfactory, it may be an option to consider an alternative role within the company. You should always consult with HR to discuss possible options. Any proposed changes should be discussed with the employee to understand if they were prepared to this as an option

It is important to bear in mind that individual employees' needs vary. While one employee may cope well and adapt quickly to new job duties or new methods of work, another may require more extensive training and coaching before he or she can perform to a satisfactory standard

DON’T WORRY! Conducting a meeting with your employee to discuss under performance may feel difficult and you may have doubts and worries over such a meeting. Open and honest communication is essential if such a meeting is to succeed for both parties. Look out for the upcoming training module covering how to manage absence, capability and disciplinary.

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