The Manager's Toolkit


The following are the standard level of warnings available and associated durations for which they normally remain ‘live’ for general misconduct:

▪ First Written Warning (3 months) ▪ Second Written Warning (6 months) ▪ Final Written Warning (12 months)

A first misconduct does not necessarily equate to a First Written Warning. ‘Live’ means that if a related or other misconduct occurs within this period then this would normally result in further action i.e. a higher level or warning All decisions must be communicated in writing – giving reasons for the decision – within 5 working days . A standard form can be used for a written warning.

The level of warning issued is at the discretion of those making the decision and is usually commensurate with the magnitude of the misconduct whilst taking any mitigating circumstances and previous warnings into account. For serious gross misconduct actions, or an accumulation of written warnings , the managers have the option to dismiss the employee . Employment with the company is terminated usually with immediate effect. In exceptional mitigating circumstances , the managers can elect to implement action short of dismissal in cases of gross misconduct which can include: ▪ suspension without pay ▪ demotion / transfer ▪ extended Final Written Warning

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