WSM 2015 Slides

Institutional Medicine Portfolio Strategy: Key Initiatives

Market Development


Health Library – Basic Sciences Look to penetrate 4 year programs out of Medical Education and other advanced practice markets

New Markets Existing Markets

Market Penetration

Product Development

OVID Sales and Marketing Engagement Work with Global OVID sales and marketing team to penetrate library market across the world Un-Bundle and Pricing Strategy Start migration for Print customers from an expectation of 2 for 1 (Print +E) in the practice domain and test lower price points for print tiles to drive market share

Health Library Medical Practice Specialty collections targeted at Residents in a format inline with learning and workflow purchased by the institution. Health Library Advanced Practice Collections targeted at Allied Health programs s in a format inline with teaching and learning workflow purchased by the institution. Medical Education Topic Based Search (RUDI) Online solution for first and second year medical students to reduce overwhelm and tackle the needs of an integrated curriculum.

Clerkship Online solution targeted at critical rotations with learning tools purchased by Institution

Existing Products

New Products


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